:lol: 'tista

So when Sting enters the RR this year, will he be wearing a shirt, and will his tight not be tucked in?

I actually did ruminate on this as well.

Can't believe its actually happening. We hear these rumors every year. I'm indifferent but Sting/Taker would be DOPE. But only if Sting debuts as the 1997 Starrcade Sting. Not this soft one we've come to known over the past few years
Ah man please WWE don't mess this up. Please don't. I'm just envisioning Starcade 97 all over again :smh:
Can't believe its actually happening. We hear these rumors every year. I'm indifferent but Sting/Taker would be DOPE. But only if Sting debuts as the 1997 Starrcade Sting. Not this soft one we've come to known over the past few years

So when are we building a time machine to get 97 Sting?
Sting is 50 would him and Taker really be that great of a match? It'd just be cool as **** to see them going against each other for the nostalgic factor of it being what people have wanted to see for so long.
So when are we building a time machine to get 97 Sting?
Wishful thinking man.

I was talking gimmick wise when the black crow first came out it was much darker. Barely spoke. Was a very intense character. 

Thats what needs to happen if they want to do it right with taker
Sting is 50 would him and Taker really be that great of a match? It'd just be cool as **** to see them going against each other for the nostalgic factor of it being what people have wanted to see for so long.
Taker will make most people look good to be honest. Wont be great technical wise but the psychology in that much would awesome. Taker consistently puts on MOTY candidates at mania
I haven't watched wrestling in forver, but I've tried watching this TNA business tonight. Why do none of these guys have 1/100th of the talent and charisma of the wrestling I'd see when I watched in the 80s and 90s?
-Why does sting have that weird old man hair that looks like some kind of old, red looking bad dye job?
- How did this Magnus guy get the title? Dude has all the charisma of a 4th henchman in a Die Hard movie.

Well if you're trying to get back into wrestling...Impact isn't really the best choice to make. :lol:
So Taker finally may sign with WWE. Should've signed in Summer '02 when he was somewhat in his prime. Still will be nice to see him anyhow.
Nah looks more like a puffy faced version of celine deion during her my heart will go on days.
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