WWE SUMMERSLAM PPV 8/23 - Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk TLC Match, Orton vs Cena, DX Returns (p21)

That match was

Ziggler should have won though.

Props on the link BTW jdcurt.
wow awesome match..even though Ziggler ain't win you know he will get it sooner or later
damn just missed the first match seems like the right thing to do to keep the strap on him though he draws the mexican crowd for smackdown
Good back and forth matchup to start things off. Now if only the rest of the PPV can be as good.
Ziggler was going for some type of top rope fireman's carry, but Mysterio spun out into a hurracanrana off the top for the pin. Great opening match. Would have been better with a Zigger win, but it was a great opener that will hard to be topped.

How the hell do you have Swagger and MVP getting interviewed next to each other? Aren't they supposed to hate each other? This is stupid.
"Jack Swagga baby!"

if you dont like Jack Swagger, there's something wrong with you
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Ziggler was going for some type of top rope fireman's carry, but Mysterio spun out into a hurracanrana off the top for the pin. Great opening match. Would have been better with a Zigger win, but it was a great opener that will hard to be topped.

How the hell do you have Swagger and MVP getting interviewed next to each other? Aren't they supposed to hate each other? This is stupid.
MVP actually cut a great promo. I just don't understand having them next to each other talking before the match.

Swagger vs MVP up now.
Great opening match. Wish Ziggler won but his time will come.

I say Jack Swagger with the win here.
"Swagger was a two time all american and two sport athlete at Oklahoma where he played football and wrestled. And tonight, he put's that all on theline against MVP."

i say this every ppv but u can CLEARLY see how bad raw's commentating is compared to the other brands
surprised the brotha ref is not reffin a divas match and is reffing this match
oh wait there is no diva match
this dude ALWAYS reffin either a divamatch or a hornswoggle/chavo match
WOW MVP with the victory...hmmm i think i'm the only one not THAT impressed with swagger. i mean he's decent compared to the other mid carders buthonestly his matches bore me.
im just not a fan of MVP...good promos and stuff..very slow and nonchalant in the ring.
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