Originally Posted by Jules300
Very Good Read
Eric Bischoff Fires Back at Vince
Eric Bischoff has fired back at Vince McMahon for threatening to sue Ed Leslie for using the "Brutus the Barber Beefcake" name on Hulk Hogan's CCW show. Here are his comments.
"So, "Big Bad Billionaire" Vince and his high power lawyer wants BHE TV LLC to cease and desist from using "Brutus The Barber Beefcake" within our show "Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling" on CMT.
I won't go in to the legal aspects of the case, but suffice to say that we received the letter from Vince's lawyer in early November and responded accordingly (and continue to use Brutus The Barber Beefcake).
Prior to receiving the letter, I got a call from Brian Knobs who informed me that Vince's surrogate Johnny Ace called Brian, who hasn't worked for WWE in a decade, and threatened him not to go near any WWE talent or events as no one who is associated with CCW will ever work for WWE again. Then I found out that Jimmy Hart, one of the hardest working and loyal people I have ever met, was told he was no longer going to be used for WWE promotions because of his association with CCW, even though he asked for and received permission to do our show! As we subsequently learned, Vince went ballistic after viewing an episode of CCW and ordered Johnny to make the calls.
The truth is, I don't blame Vince for going ballistic.
If I were Vince, I wouldn't want 5+ million wrestling fans watching a fresh concept and entertaining product either. Especially with the product he is currently producing. And based on the response we have been getting to this weeks Hard Core episode with special guest Bill Goldberg, Vince may be blowing gaskets as I type (if you missed it check your schedules for replays of this weeks CCW on CMT)
According to Brian, Johnny told him that Vince was furious that CCW "exposed" the business. If that statement weren't so transparent it would almost be funny. Even the most die-hard WWE loyalist knows that Vince has exposed the business more than anyone in history whenever it suits his financial self-interest (see avoiding regulation and taxation by athletic commissions) or lame creative decisions (Hornswoggle).
For Vince McMahon to attempt to bully and intimidate Brian Knobs, Jimmy Hart, or Brutus is pathetic. These men have every right to pay their bills and feed their families. Vince McMahon didn't invent the wrestling business, he has just exploited it more than anyone in history and I respect him for that. But that doesn't mean the wrestling industry is his own personal domain. His recent actions are simply his way of trying to maintain his monopoly like grip on the business and is reacting to what he thinks is a threat.
For all of you fans who have been supporting CCW, I want to thank you. The emails and suggestions for what you would like to see in season 2 are much appreciated."
source: pwinsider.com
Author: Max Hammer