WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

MITB Match - My sleeper in the match: Jack Swagger. Swagger hasn't really done anything the last few months but reports are saying Swagger is supposed to receive a big time push after Wrestlemania.
Told y'all...

Swagger > McIntyre...
@ my dude Christian not winning but I wasn't expecting him to anyway.
Nice call on this one.  I didn't see it coming, and I definitely thought he was getting knocked off the ladder while he stood up there for a minute trying to get the briefcase.

Freaking Yuku
Mysterio forget to come out?  What the hell was the delay?  He's got an Avatar-esque costume on.
Nice moonsault into a DDT from Rey. he went for the 619, but Punk caught him and put him up to the GTS. Mysterio countered. Punk went for it again, but Mysterio got to the outside. Mysterio went for a frog splash and acknowledged Eddie Guerrero.

Mysterio went for to the 619 again, but Serena got in the way (Punk's head ere in her massive chest). Gallows got on the apron. Punk went for the GTS, but Mysterio countered with a hurracanrana on Punk knocking him into Gallows. Mysterio hit the 619 followed by the splash to get the win.

0-2 on my bets haha. Let's got Batista.
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