WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge

this is worst than I expected
Who really didn't see this swerve coming.

At least the Hart Dynasty is finally involved.

Natalya looking good as @%*%.

Vince hit his head hard from the clothesline from Tyson Kidd; I'm suprised Vince let him do it.
The Hart family came down with Vince. Vince said he paid them all off and they would be lumberjacks and Bruce Hart would be the guest ref. There was no explanation as to why they would turn on Vince.

Bret got on the mic and said the Harts screwed Vince because it was a double cross. So the Harts were back with Bret.

If they were going to do this, they should have had Bret do the payoff on Monday, and then have them come back to Bret tonight.

Anyway, the match started and Vince went right to the outside. The Hart family is taking turns on Vince, mainly DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, and Natayla. Bret isn't doing a thing.
Alright Bret put Vince in the Sharpshooter and end this already.

 @ the Hart family berating Vince.

"You should be ashamed of yourself"
As much of a kill joy it is to watch this, it's good that Vince is allowing Bret/Hart family to do this at Wrestlemania. It probably does mean a lot to them
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