WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge


Should have gotten a bit more time but it was good for the duration.

I thought Punk was gonna win.

Nice spots though.
I can't be the only one who is more than tired of Rey Mysterio. It's the same %@!+ every match. Big underdog, gettin the %$++ beat out of him, head scissors or dropkick into ropes, 619, splash... nothing that would incapacitate a man for 3 seconds, but Rey wins. I think Rey needs a heel turn.
I think Bret has been around Cena too long. This whole "I've only got one fit" thing is out of hand.
Lumberjack? :thumbs down:

edit: buying the family? He did a million dollar man move.......good move. I take it back. And Michael Cole is the worst announcer ever.
SMH Bret, SMFH. Jean shorts? Really? Your first Wrestlemania match in over a decade and you wear jean shorts?
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