X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

how you gonna take a character who's motto is "Merc with a mouth" and just stitch it closed?
Is it 100% sure that is Ryan Reynolds up there? Cuz on IMDB there's a lot of speculation going on that Weapon XI is just a culmination of all their superpowers and not really Deadpool.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Is it 100% sure that is Ryan Reynolds up there? Cuz on IMDB there's a lot of speculation going on that Weapon XI is just a culmination of all their super powers and not really Deadpool.
Deadpool is a culmination of all their powers...Deadpool is Weapon XI.
@ what they did to my dude Deadpool...

I'm @+!*%* done with this movie.


I bid you adue...
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Is it 100% sure that is Ryan Reynolds up there? Cuz on IMDB there's a lot of speculation going on that Weapon XI is just a culmination of all their super powers and not really Deadpool.
Deadpool is a culmination of all their powers...Deadpool is Weapon XI.

Yeah, "Fox" "cleverly" played with Deadpool's name. He is not really alive due to the Weapon Experiment being a secret and he is a poolof different powers.
^^ Now the rumor is that he "melts down" at the end because his body rejects all of the powers they put into him...Then he gets scarred the wayhe's supposed to be, Leaving him open for a spin-off.

I guess that's their way of saving face. This movie is still watch-movies.net status for me tho.
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Thats not deadpool guys, thats just Weapon XI another mutant....

Deadpool is Weapon XI. Have you seen the Deadpool action figure?
I can't find the pics but it is in this thread somewhere.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Thats not deadpool guys, thats just Weapon XI another mutant....

Deadpool is Weapon XI. Have you seen the Deadpool action figure?
I can't find the pics but it is in this thread somewhere.

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

^^ Now the rumor is that he "melts down" at the end because his body rejects all of the powers they put into him...Then he gets scarred the way he's supposed to be, Leaving him open for a spin-off.

I guess that's their way of saving face. This movie is still watch-movies.net status for me tho.

One of the rumors I heard is...
Spoiler [+]
In the end, Deadpool/Weapon XI is supposedly going to kill Wolverine but Sabretooth swoops in, slices DP in half and then the final showdown becomes Wolverine vs. Sabretooth.
Thanks Jay, there is also another figure that is more detailed and was still in the packaging.
im still up set dont look like my fav cartoon as a kid will get the love it should

side note was anybody else mad at how they would start a new X men cartoon and wait tell the good stuff about to start to cancelled the show
Originally Posted by CasperJr

im still up set dont look like my fav cartoon as a kid will get the love it should

side note was anybody else mad at how they would start a new X men cartoon and wait tell the good stuff about to start to cancelled the show
wait u talking about the new Wolverine show? its canceled? DAMN!
So you guys think that's Weapon XI, do you? Say, Superhero Squad packaging, what do you think?
[table][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]If you can't read that text (besides the big label reading "Deadpool"), it says ""With the ultimate mutant, Deadpool, on the loose, Logan and Victor Creed are forced to team up- or be destroyed." Tipster Kris emailed me to let me know that text is actually a sticker. Want to know what's under it? Text which reads:
"The Weapon 11 program has created the ultimate mutant-DEADPOOL! As the mutant menace rampages across Three Mile Island, Logan and Victor Creed are forced to team up--or be destroyed."

In summary: Weapon XI is scarred Deadpool played by Scott Adkins. With claws. Enjoy.
Yep, It's him.

so thats how he is gonna be at the end of the movie? so maybe they might still do a spin off and have hime wear the mask maybe!?
For some reason I still hope they somehow take his powers away and have him put on the mask at the end.
They took the perfect guy for a live action deadpool and *$%%*! it up. geez, there's no going back after this.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Thats not deadpool guys, thats just Weapon XI another mutant....

Deadpool is Weapon XI. Have you seen the Deadpool action figure?
I can't find the pics but it is in this thread somewhere.

Damn my mistake, anyways.. the killed the whole film... FOX dropped the ball again
I don't like posting "rumors", but this scenario is exactly what I expect Fox to do so here's a grain of salt to take the news with

The Deadpool Debacle Ended (Probably)
Posted at 10:15 AM Mar 06, 2009

Spoiler [+]
I have good news and bad news, people. The good news is that Topless Robot seems to have its first, real, honest-to-goodness Hollywood inside tipster! He worked on the Wolverine movie, and emailed me to clear up the Deadpool situation and... well, that's the bad news, especially for all you folks still deep in denial. Now, these are very much spoilers, because there's some very specific info being revealed here -- consider this your SPOILER WARNING. Now here's what my guy (I have a guy! I'm so excited!) says:

• Ryan Reynolds shows up for 10 minutes in the beginning of the film. He's part of Stryker's team, and his mutant ability is mostly being a badass with swords, cutting bullets and the like. He is called Wade Wilson during this period.
• Stryker's big plan (or one of 'em) is to make Weapon XI, a mutant with a ^^^^-ton of mutant powers.
• Stryker uses Wilson's body as the mutant power receptacle, and because of the scarring (I'm not sure whether that's from a previous fight, or as a result of all the mutant powers getting packed into him), Weapon XI is played by Scott Adkins. Weapon XI appears for about ten minutes near the film's end, and has the claws seen above (a la Wolverine), Cyclops' optic blast, Wraith's teleportation ability, and Wolverine's healing factor, too. Also, his mouth is indeed sewn shut.
• Just like Weapon X is given the name "Wolverine," Weapon XI is given the name "Deadpool."

So really, the only inaccuracies with the toys is that Hasbro is calling the Wade Wilson figure Deadpool too, although I can see why they'd rather put "Deadpool" on the packaging rather than "Wade." So, guys... you can freak out and boycott Fox if you want, but please, stop pretending these are two separate characters. Now, it's possible my source is inaccurate, but he's given me ample evidence to believe him (you'll have to trust me on this). So in summary: Wade Wilson is Weapon XI is Deadpool, even if he's played by two different actors. The movie's Deadpool has two big, silly claws, at least by the end. I'm sorry. But that's the way it appears to be.

On a slightly happier note, I've got a much more pleasant spoiler for you after the jump. It's not at all Deadpool related, so I figured some of you would want to avoid it.

Apparently, there's a cameo by a certain Professor at the end of the movie. When Stryker's compound is falling apart and Wolverine is leading young Emma Frost and Cyclops out of the building, Cyclops suddenly knows the way out. When they get to the door, standing there -- oh yes, standing -- is Charles Xavier, controlling wee Cyclops' mind like he'll be doing several billion more times in the future. He's apparently not played by Patrick Stewart, by the way. Weird.

Also: Despite what the trailer would have you believe, most of the other mutants are only cameos as well. Gambit only has about 10 minutes of screentime, for instance. Just like the Marvel Universe, it's Wolverine's show.

Finally, my tipster says the film isn't quite as good as X-Men Uno or Dos, but it's a hell of a lot better that X-3. That's pretty much what I was expecting. But I'm guessing a lot of you Deadpool fans might be more aghast at the Deadpool Debacle than you were by X-3's rampant stupidity.
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