X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

There's a new trailer out and they put Gambit's eyes in!

But it doesn't cover up the f-up that is Deadpool...smh
Originally Posted by saint lt

jaypesoz .. gambits accent is TERRIBLE.

well, I'm not gonna force my opinion on you, but maybe I'm just glad someone is actually given an accent for once
it is supposed to be a cajun accent, that is not how a cajun sounds . his accent is terrible. dude could've at least did a little more research.
I guess. But then again, I've never come across any cajuns, let alone hear them speak so IMO, his voice fits his look for the movie.

Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words
Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words

I promise I won't eat my words, guaranteed! Deadpool is one of my favorite characters and they butchered him.
It would be like if they made Gambit's power be that he has snakes for hair and has ice breath, it would just be dumb and kills the whole character, and awell known character at that.
Now if Weapon XI was actually in the comic books and Deapool was actually Weapon XI in the comics and wasn't just created for the movie, then I'dunderstand and support the movie.
Well they have been doing a lot of reshoots in recent months, hopefully they did the right thing. I don't think the filmmakers realized that Deadpool mayhave been the most anticipated character in this film. We already saw wolvie in the X films.
Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words
Let it go.
Hollywood inside tipster! He worked on the Wolverine movie, and emailed me to clear up the Deadpool situation and... well, that's the bad news, especially for all you folks still deep in denial. Now, these are very much spoilers, because there's some very specific info being revealed here -- consider this your SPOILER WARNING. Now here's what my guy (I have a guy! I'm so excited!) says:

• Ryan Reynolds shows up for 10 minutes in the beginning of the film. He's part of Stryker's team, and his mutant ability is mostly being a badass with swords, cutting bullets and the like. He is called Wade Wilson during this period.
• Stryker's big plan (or one of 'em) is to make Weapon XI, a mutant with a %%%*-ton of mutant powers.
• Stryker uses Wilson's body as the mutant power receptacle, and because of the scarring (I'm not sure whether that's from a previous fight, or as a result of all the mutant powers getting packed into him), Weapon XI is played by Scott Adkins. Weapon XI appears for about ten minutes near the film's end, and has the claws seen above (a la Wolverine), Cyclops' optic blast, Wraith's teleportation ability, and Wolverine's healing factor, too. Also, his mouth is indeed sewn shut.
• Just like Weapon X is given the name "Wolverine," Weapon XI is given the name "Deadpool."

So really, the only inaccuracies with the toys is that Hasbro is calling the Wade Wilson figure Deadpool too, although I can see why they'd rather put "Deadpool" on the packaging rather than "Wade." So, guys... you can freak out and boycott Fox if you want, but please, stop pretending these are two separate characters. Now, it's possible my source is inaccurate, but he's given me ample evidence to believe him (you'll have to trust me on this). So in summary: Wade Wilson is Weapon XI is Deadpool, even if he's played by two different actors. The movie's Deadpool has two big, silly claws, at least by the end. I'm sorry. But that's the way it appears to be.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

im so confused now Who does Ryan Renolds play then?

Best explanation I could find

Known Facts
  • Ryan Reynolds has been cast as "Wade Wilson / Deadpool."
  • Scott Adkins is in the film, as a character called "Weapon XI."
  • Wolverine's code designation is "Weapon X."
And that's where things start to get a little hazy. We've clearly seen Ryan Reynolds in action with his pretty-boy face on, swirling swords around. Cool. Then, in a preview, we see a mysterious mutant with a shaved head, red pants, markings on his chest and face, and blades coming out of his hands. We initially believe this may be "Weapon XI," portrayed by Scott Adkins. Then, images of toys appear online, identifying the strange, bald character as "Deadpool." Anger begins. This toy is confirmed on 3 different images - a standard action figure, and on two different packages of mini-toys, one labeled "The Hunt for Mr. Sinister" which shows Deadpool in the bottom frame and the other "Wolverine on the Run" which shows Deadpool in the main frame. It is highly unlikely that all three packages would have been mislabeled.


When the final Wolverine trailer was recently released online, we got more looks at what is undeniably Deadpool, assuming the packaging is correct - which it probably is. Strangely, in this "final" trailer, the face of the character is seen clearly and it is definitely not Ryan Reynolds, but rather it bears more resemblance to Scott Adkins. What strikes me as strange - the actor has make up on the face. This is a trailer that is presumably complete. We had heard there would be CGI involved in creating Deadpool's face. This actor has his mouth melded shut. So that would point to this being a final look at the face of Deadpool - which is most definitely not Ryan Reynolds.


Should we further prove that this is Deadpool? The website ToplessRobot received an image that had this text on the packing: With the ultimate mutant, Deadpool, on the loose, Logan and Victor Creed are forced to team up- or be destroyed. A reader contacted that site and informed them that the text was printed on a sticker - and underneath that sticker was this text: The Weapon 11 program has created the ultimate mutant-DEADPOOL! As the mutant menace rampages across Three Mile Island, Logan and Victor Creed are forced to team up-or be destroyed. Knowing your Roman Numerals, Weapon 11 would be Weapon XI. Does this make sense? Yes - considering the footage in the trailer. The half-naked Baraka like character is on top of a water cooling station and we see a water cooling tower collapse earlier in the trailer. As a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (Represent!) I can state that those towers and the surrounding landscape look very much like Three Mile Island. Add in this statement from Hugh Jackman today from USA Today: The action scenes Ryan has with swords are unbelievable. By the end of the movie, they are definitely foes. So clearly, Ryan Reynolds, cast as Deadpool, is an enemy at the end of the film. Perhaps the kind of enemy you fight on a tower at Three Mile Island?


This ends what we know for sure - and some of it may still be up for debate, mostly if your tinfoil hat is on tightly. From this point forward, I'm going to jump into some speculative territory, talk about what may be happening, and relate some rumors I've culled from around the net.

  • It would be foolish to dismiss all of this evidence and believe this strange, pantsless mutant is anyone other than Deadpool. That many mistakes and coincidences is virtually impossible.
  • The character history of Deadpool was that his experience at the Weapon X program was considered a failure. His healing factor never developed quickly, he was killed and thrown away. Some fan speculation has turned to the idea that this is a new origin of Deadpool - he has been created into a super mutant, perhaps after failing to become more of a Wolverine clone?
  • An IMDb user has said he has witnessed footage of the film from this final fight. He confirms that this is Deadpool, but HUGE SPOILER TIME - that Wolverine messes Deadpool up bad. Cutting off his arms and the like. His body then rejects the implants and the process, fracturing his mind and getting rid of the tattoos, the other powers and the blades in his arms. This same source indicates that Deadpool would be horribly scarred - what better way to burn someone incredibly than with a live nuclear reactor?
  • Deadpool's mouth is sewn shut. How can the "Merc with a mouth" have that happen? Because he talks too much. I started thinking about this and the IMDb user calling it "a gag-" which could be either a gag to shut someone up or a gag like a joke. What little we've heard from Reynolds in the trailers are wise-crack jokes. The Marvel honchos love his energy. Speculation would then become that Wade Wilson talks too much, so the program seals his mouth to shut him up.

  • Ryan Reynolds loves Deadpool. There is talk of a spinoff if Wolverine does well. Could this entire spectacle be a revised origin, resulting in a Super charged Deadpool that finds himself burned in a nuclear reactor, horribly scarred, rejecting these strange powers, having his healing factor kick in, and needing to blabber more than ever to make up for all the time he spent with his mouth sewn shut? Maybe. Just maybe there is something here.
CONCLUSIONS / Possible Spoilers If I'm Right

It is my personal belief, from all this data, that Ryan Reynolds is Wade Wilson/Deadpool. This character is then, perhaps forcibly, subjected to intense testing to make him a multi-powered mutant. He is given the optic blasts of Cyclops and possibly jams his own swords into his fists, or has them implanted, to be more like Wolverine. Deadpool will possibly be played by Scott Adkins at this point, or perhaps some CGI was missing. But he will be bald and as we've seen, with his mouth fused to shut him up and red pants on. He then is engaged in battle with Wolverine (and Sabretooth) at Three Mile Island. At the conclusion of the battle, his arms are possibly cut off and he is badly burned at the nuclear facility. His mutant healing power kicks in or is amplified by the radiation. He gets cancer and horribly disfigured skin, like in the comics. His body rejects all the previous modifications and his mouth is freed. Deadpool is born as the insane merc with a mouth we know and love, portrayed with a CGI enhanced/destroyed face by Ryan Reynolds. A Deadpool/Wilson that has had his mind messed with and then fractured could easily be turned into a likable hero, rather than some super-villain with tons of powers should his spin-off ever really happen.

So was my temper tantrum justified? Probably not. But I didn't kill anyone (my aim sucks when I'm mad). Did Fox screw this up? Possibly not. Hugh Jackman is on as a producer and Ryan Reynolds is a super fan. It is possible that what we get in this movie is Deadpool as a villain with a brand new origin. Does this upset me? No. If this is the truth and it leads to a comic inspired version of Deadpool, I will do a happy dance, jigging across bar tops.

No matter what, I'll be seeing this movie. No matter what, I will post my reaction to what I see - whether that involves destroying a small city or spraying my fellow Rejects with champagne remains to be seen. I won't say I'm sorry I flipped out, after all I do write Boiling Point every week and it forced me to go looking for answers. Maybe next time I'll take some time to breathe first, but I doubt it. For now, my hopes of an awesome Deadpool and a great Wolverine film are back on track and I'm getting ready to be a big fan of Reynolds' Deadpool and a supporter of a spinoff. Provided this is close to being right.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words

I promise I won't eat my words, guaranteed! Deadpool is one of my favorite characters and they butchered him.
Really? so u saw the movie already?

Barack--- There is nothing to let go, you guys talk too much crap about things u haven't even seen yet.
Reminds me of when you see jordan sample pics for the 1st time and u hate it, only to buy on release date
Nah, I think you're misunderstanding me.

I should've been more clear.

I'm not paying money to see the movie based on what they did to Deadpool...Not because I think the movie as a whole will be garbage.

I'm sure the Wolverine aspects of the movie will be dope...What I've seen from the trailer looks nice.

But I'm not going to keep giving Fox money while they spit in the face of the fans.

They ruined the X-Men franchise, And both Fantastic Four movies...Now they ruin a fan-favorite character with one of the biggest cult-followings in awhile.

I'll be checking the movie out for free on an online streaming site.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Nah, I think you're misunderstanding me.

I should've been more clear.

I'm not paying money to see the movie based on what they did to Deadpool...Not because I think the movie as a whole will be garbage.

I'm sure the Wolverine aspects of the movie will be dope...What I've seen from the trailer looks nice.

But I'm not going to keep giving Fox money while they spit in the face of the fans.

They ruined the X-Men franchise, And both Fantastic Four movies...Now they ruin a fan-favorite character with one of the biggest cult-followings in awhile.

I'll be checking the movie out for free on an online streaming site.
Kinda agree with you, they've taken many unnecessary liberties with the franchises, whereas marvel films doesn't and they are stillsuccessful. I'm not a fan of any of the X-men films.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Nah, I think you're misunderstanding me.

I should've been more clear.

I'm not paying money to see the movie based on what they did to Deadpool...Not because I think the movie as a whole will be garbage.

I'm sure the Wolverine aspects of the movie will be dope...What I've seen from the trailer looks nice.

But I'm not going to keep giving Fox money while they spit in the face of the fans.

They ruined the X-Men franchise, And both Fantastic Four movies...Now they ruin a fan-favorite character with one of the biggest cult-followings in awhile.

I'll be checking the movie out for free on an online streaming site.
There's no point in arguing with u dude, you have ur opinion , I have mine, that's it

I just think everyone will be pleasantly surprised when they see the movie, just reading that Ryan is a super DP fan makes me feel better than I alreadydid
Honestly, Ryan Reynolds was a perfect pick for Deadpool or The Flash..if they butcher Dead Pool, I would love to see him play Flash in a movie...Ryan Reynoldsis set with respect to comic book characters. I am an avid DeadPool fan, but I have little faith this movie will be true to comics...

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words

I promise I won't eat my words, guaranteed! Deadpool is one of my favorite characters and they butchered him.
Really? so u saw the movie already?

Barack--- There is nothing to let go, you guys talk too much crap about things u haven't even seen yet.
Reminds me of when you see jordan sample pics for the 1st time and u hate it, only to buy on release date

How do you know I haven't?
Either way, you left out of my qoute where I explained why on purpose, because it stands true to how I feel and proves my point.
So you would enjoy this movie if they put the claws in Wolverine forehead and he starts charging at everyone like Rhyno?
That was just exactly my point, even if this movie is on Godfather II level, it is not true to the comic book and character and that pretty much did it for me.
Come on now, you act like Deadpool is some underground character. He has been funny and well liked since the beginning.

And to be honest, you remind me one of those guys who listen to some underground band and get mad when they go mainstream thinking you were the one and onlyffan of the band and that everyone likes them and makes you look like the one following the trend.
You should know that NT's favorite comic book characters are Batman, Spider-Man, Omega Red, Wolverine, Deadpool, Gambit and most recently Rorschach.
I didn't even know there was a new trailer! CRAP!

Good read though, I cannot wait to see this. Baraka or not.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words

I promise I won't eat my words, guaranteed! Deadpool is one of my favorite characters and they butchered him.
Really? so u saw the movie already?

Barack--- There is nothing to let go, you guys talk too much crap about things u haven't even seen yet.
Reminds me of when you see jordan sample pics for the 1st time and u hate it, only to buy on release date

How do you know I haven't?
Either way, you left out of my qoute where I explained why on purpose, because it stands true to how I feel and proves my point.
So you would enjoy this movie if they put the claws in Wolverine forehead and he starts charging at everyone like Rhyno?
That was just exactly my point, even if this movie is on Godfather II level, it is not true to the comic book and character and that pretty much did it for me.
Come on now, you act like Deadpool is some underground character. He has been funny and well liked since the beginning.

And to be honest, you remind me one of those guys who listen to some underground band and get mad when they go mainstream thinking you were the one and only ffan of the band and that everyone likes them and makes you look like the one following the trend.
You should know that NT's favorite comic book characters are Batman, Spider-Man, Omega Red, Wolverine, Deadpool, Gambit and most recently Rorschach.
Yes ur right
I'm a huge Ryan Reynolds fan and after reading that article it sounds like there may be some hope with his future as Deadpool. As long as Deadpool goesback to normal at the end it'll be cool. Stupid to have even put him in that position but cool that he's normal again. I hope for the sake of RyanReynolds' career they give Deadpool his own movie as the regular normal Deadpool.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words

I promise I won't eat my words, guaranteed! Deadpool is one of my favorite characters and they butchered him.
Really? so u saw the movie already?

Barack--- There is nothing to let go, you guys talk too much crap about things u haven't even seen yet.
Reminds me of when you see jordan sample pics for the 1st time and u hate it, only to buy on release date

And to be honest, you remind me one of those guys who listen to some underground band and get mad when they go mainstream thinking you were the one and only ffan of the band and that everyone likes them and makes you look like the one following the trend.
You should know that NT's favorite comic book characters are Batman, Spider-Man, Omega Red, Wolverine, Deadpool, Gambit and most recently Rorschach.

how you gonna forget NT's GOAT of comics?
Now THOSE fans came outthe woodwork for real

And while there's definitely alot of people like that , he's actually one of the only ones defending the movie
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words

I promise I won't eat my words, guaranteed! Deadpool is one of my favorite characters and they butchered him.
Really? so u saw the movie already?

Barack--- There is nothing to let go, you guys talk too much crap about things u haven't even seen yet.
Reminds me of when you see jordan sample pics for the 1st time and u hate it, only to buy on release date

And to be honest, you remind me one of those guys who listen to some underground band and get mad when they go mainstream thinking you were the one and only ffan of the band and that everyone likes them and makes you look like the one following the trend.
You should know that NT's favorite comic book characters are Batman, Spider-Man, Omega Red, Wolverine, Deadpool, Gambit and most recently Rorschach.

how you gonna forget NT's GOAT of comics?
Now THOSE fans came out the woodwork for real

And while there's definitely alot of people like that , he's actually one of the only ones defending the movie
It's w/e Jay dont feed into there crap

Let them THINK they are DP fans
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