X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

now all of a sudden DP is a fan favorite? talking about you're not gonna go watch the movie because of one backup character? F outta here
What's this "all of a sudden" $@#+ you geeks keep bringing up? There's other deadpool flicks before this? when else were they suppose to showup? tards. And fyi, he's been in favorite comic book character posts on here for years.
Well, after reading that article, even though its his opinion, it would kinda make sense. I have no problem if they changed his origin a little bit. A deadpoolspin off would be perfect with Reynolds. Like someone mentioned earlier, they did call back Reynolds and Jackman to do some re shooting back in jan. so whoknows, maybe they mightve changed a few things people were complaining about.
J Steezzz wrote:

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by J Steezzz


Still holding off judgement till I see the movie. which is what some of you should do before you eat your words

I promise I won't eat my words, guaranteed! Deadpool is one of my favorite characters and they butchered him.
Really? so u saw the movie already?

Barack--- There is nothing to let go, you guys talk too much crap about things u haven't even seen yet.
Reminds me of when you see jordan sample pics for the 1st time and u hate it, only to buy on release date

And to be honest, you remind me one of those guys who listen to some underground band and get mad when they go mainstream thinking you were the one and only ffan of the band and that everyone likes them and makes you look like the one following the trend.
You should know that NT's favorite comic book characters are Batman, Spider-Man, Omega Red, Wolverine, Deadpool, Gambit and most recently Rorschach.

how you gonna forget NT's GOAT of comics?
Now THOSE fans came out the woodwork for real

And while there's definitely alot of people like that , he's actually one of the only ones defending the movie
It's w/e Jay dont feed into there crap

Let them THINK they are DP fans


Your right, were do nto count as a deapool fan because we do not have teh Avy or a sig.
What the hell qualifies you as a measuring stick for being a deadpool fan?
Are you serious with this? Maybe your not a Deadpool fan because you accept the fact that they are changing his origins?

Hey, I have respect for J Steez for defending the movie but to come all defensive and talk as a Deapool fan as if he created the character and that we are alljust pretenders thinking he is the only one who has ever read comics is just plain stupid. At least someone else gave hope and a reason not to doubt the filmand give it a chance other than "hah, you think you're a Deadpool fan?" defense.
ok, If we're done with what happened on the last page, let's continue onto more news

These are just rumors, and IT IS from IMDb, but this guys been right about a few things so far so I'll put it in spoilers just in case and it's up toyou to make your own assumptions

Spoiler [+]

That's not Deadpool. That's Weapon XI. That's not what I saw. I dunno if this is a marketing ploy or a good photoshop job, but that's not Deadpool. And before you argue about the color scheme and baldness, look at the trailer, all the stryker captives in cages. Yep, red suits and bald heads. They created Weapon XI just so WOlverine could fight and kill someone at the end. Since Sabertooth has to live. So don't worry. You haven't seen Deadpool yet. I promise you.

You sure? The back of all these new action figures say Deadpool is Weapon XI, and there was someone who posted on here in Decemeber who claimed to have seen pre vis work on a Deadpoolscene. He was right about Deadpool shooting laseres,implanted blades,three mile island...etc.

Maybe his face is not fully rendered yet?
Ok so I got a chance to talk to my buddy. What I saw was the FINAL version of Deadpool. I.E. He gets messed up real bad fighting wolverine in the end. Yes the Weapon XI stuff is real, but at the end of the fight his body starts rejecting the procedure. In the process, no baraka blades, no cyclops eyes, no tribal markings and no fused mouth. That's why they are using CG for reynolds face and Scott Adkins is obviously wearing makeup. But by movies end you will see a Deadpool you know and love. I promise.
Thanks for the info Spaced and Confused. One more question. Any word on if he lives/this movie leads to a Deadpool spinoff?

He lives. The spinoff is on Fox's roster but it will all depend on the BO for this. Essentially from what I've been told the reason they juiced him up with all the powers is because they wanted a fan favorite character for him to fight in the end, but believed that Deadpool with swords and guns wouldn't cut it. So they amped him up, and just like in the comics, his body partially rejects the process resulting in his mind and body getting fragged. Apparently when he first shows up as weapon X1 he is more or less lobotomized (and the mouth being fused shut is a gag) The render I saw was actual footage of Reynolds on the ground looking up, like he just lost a fight, But I wasn't told specifically how he reverts. He does however retain the mask-$!# markings around his eyes, but they weren't pure red, more like scar tissue. So just sit back and watch the rest of the net nerds tear themselves apart in disbelief, I'm spinnin free range truth. We'll get our Deadpool.

The only negative I have heard is my friend said he hasn't seen a single shot were Deadpool has guns, only swords and the aforementioned Baraka blades.

Also, sidebar. apparently Taylor Kitch does a flawless Cajun accent. Real cajun, not the 90's cartoon interpretation of what a Cajun might sound like. He's got a real Harry Connick Jr. drawl, but with a bit more of a french flare.

I hope he knows how to keep a promise
But after reading that, itactually makes perfect sense
Would have still been dope if Taylor did emulate the 90's Gambit voice though. But I guess they wanted to make it more authentic, how ironic.

Listen DeadPool looking like Baraka, DeadPool looking like Reynolds, or DeadPool looking like whatever, this movie is still gonna be great, I'm more madthat they didn't cast a hotter Silver Fox...I would have really liked Nicole Schezinger to play that role, but ay you can't get everything you want.

You guys need to calm down with this all this deadpool crap already.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Would have still been dope if Taylor did emulate the 90's Gambit voice though. But I guess they wanted to make it more authentic, how ironic.

Listen DeadPool looking like Baraka, DeadPool looking like Reynolds, or DeadPool looking like whatever, this movie is still gonna be great, I'm more mad that they didn't cast a hotter Silver Fox...I would have really liked Nicole Schezinger to play that role, but ay you can't get everything you want.

You guys need to calm down with this all this deadpool crap already.

I feel the same way about Emma Frost. Pretty weird that they didn't get chicks with ALOT more sex appeal
Maybe they should've held off on LD, she was so gorgeous in X2

Woo hoo nice update. I really cannot wait for this movie anymore. I've watched the trailer a lot of times already.
That update sounds pretty good. As long as this could lead to a Deadpool spin off I'll be happy. And not because I'm a Deadpool fan, stan or whatever
but because I love Ryan Reynolds.
Okay, there seems to be an early review and another synopsis floating around around. They both seem to agree with each other and one goes into a little moredetails. Fact or Fiction?

Spoiler [+]

I got an email from someone claiming to have seen 'Wolverine' already, and I had my doubts but after reading this, I was convinced. Enjoy!

OK, so I'm not a movie reviewer, so forgive me if this is not as concise as a professional review might be. Having said that, I also don't know how much of the plot and "ohhhh, holy $%!!!!!" moments you want to know, possibly spoiling it. But feel free to edit and take out anything you don't want to have spoiled.

The movie itself looks amazing. Lots of cool sets and special effects, it's edited very well, the pacing is perfect and the running time is right on. It actually leaves you wanting more, and really, isn't that the "nirvana" that most action movies hope to arrive at for the audience?

The back story of Logan (aka Wolverine) is set up pretty good. It's not too much and it explains Logan's motivation from childhood. As a young boy, something terrible happens, his "mutant" power is revealed, and he and his brother must flee.

Fast forward to 1970-something Viet Nam. Logan and his brother Victor (aka Sabretooth) are soldiers and Victor has become an irrational bully who has no problem killing anyone that gets in his way. This leads to both of them being locked up in the brig for a very long time. Enter a higher up military officer (Stryker) who offers to get them out of there if they agree to join his special ops team. This elite team is made up of other mutants, all with various different, really cool "powers." Mission after mission goes by, with Victor really taking a liking to the violence and developing an appetite for killing. Logan, on the other hand, draws the line at being ordered to kill innocent people and decides to walk away. Off he goes to live a quiet life in the Canadian wilderness with his girlfriend/wife/whoever

Cut to various former members of the special ops team being killed. No reason is apparent. The former leader of the group (Stryker) finds Logan in his now lumberjack career and tells him about this. Logan says thanks for the warning but I can take care of myself. As he returns to his work, he senses something is not right and then notices bloody claw marks on a tree. He runs to find his girlfriend/wife/whoever lying dead with gashes across her throat. Victor has killed her. Now its personal and Logan flies into a rage. He finds Victor and a battle ensues. But they basically have the same "powers" so it's impossible for one to beat the other. Victor flees and Logan agrees to let Stryker help him become more powerful, and therefore able to go kill Victor. Cut to the "lab" scene from the trailer, new steel blades ready to do some serious damage. I don't want to give it away, but one of my favorite parts of the movie is when we find out where the name "Wolverine" comes from… oooh I just got goosebumps thinking about it… haha. HUGE SPOILER: "the crazy mad scientist, Stryker, is kidnapping them all (mutants) and keeping them prisoners because he is takin their DNA to make a Super Mutant…one guy with ALL the powers…IT'S RYAN REYNOLD'S CHARACTER, Wade Wilson / Deadpool….its so creepy when you see him at the end!!"

This is where I will just say that the movie gets more awesome than it already is. The fight sequences are great, the story takes twists and turns, and the "holy $%!!!" moments make you want to cheer. I will see this movie again on opening weekend with a full audience of fans. It is THAT kind of movie. Loved it, loved it, loved it.

And one more thing…there are things after the credits..so stick around, for those of you who jump up right at the fade out.
Just like Serpentor was genetically made up by using the greatest military men in the history of the world... Weapon XI is made by using the greatest mutants in the world. Except its more than just DNA splicing.
There is gene manipulation and physical implantation of material in order to achieve their goal.

A little about how Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool in this movie.

Wade Wilson is a soldier/assasin early on in the movie who has a natural sword mastery as his "power" and is also a master martial artist.
He annoys Sabretooth due to his wisecracking, to the point that Sabretooth nearly kills him.
Wade Wilson is then put into the program and becomes Weapon XI.

Weapon XI is the ultimate mutant, he has the powers of a number of other mutants and made to obey his creators command. He is sent to kill Wolverine.
His mouth is closed shut as to not repeat the instance with Sabretooth.

The climax battle in the trailer happens outside of the facility soon after Wilson is turned into XI.
The black markings is where they inserted the Adamantium and other implants into his body, you can see that they are smudging off when you pause the trailer.

During the fight his body starts rejecting his implants... his mind also begins to become completely unstable. He still has the upper hand on Wolverine who is taking massive amounts of damage, more than he has ever experienced before.
Wolverine then slips into "berserker rage" and finally defeats the weakened Weaoin XI, leaving him a bloody clawed up mess.

His body is recovered by Dr. Xavier after his powers giving implants have been removed from his body and Weapon XI deemed a failure. He takes him into his care in order to help fix the psychosis that is a result of the mind manipulation done by Stryker.
He is left with a scarred face, body... and mind.

After the credits we have one final scene.

He sneaks out of the Xaviers care and starts a monologue as he wonders the street.
Something about how the world is all populated by a bunch of characters in a comic book movie who have no idea who they really are. That he is the only one who knows the truth, that this reality they call "life" is actually just a comic story. He has obviously suffered a psychotic break from reality.
As he reaches a costume shop and looks upon the costume in the display window he turns to the camera and breaks the fourth wall with some witty/deadpan comment about the costume he sees.
The costume is of course the classic "Deadpool" suit.

And that sets up the future Deadpool movie.

at the photo manip
That Deadpool looks awesome!

At least we see a sign of his costume in the movie.
More specific-ness to the spoiler(?) I posted

Spoiler [+]
I got another email from my source and he wants to add more stuff to this so that everyone knows he really has seen the movie..this DOES INCLUDE SPOILERS!

"for anyone doubting my review:frown:highlight the text below to read:smile:

Deadpool/Wade is part of the elite team that they, Logan and Victor, joined and he's kind of the comic relief. When they're traveling on missions together, he never shuts up and everyone is always telling him to SHUT UP…a real know-it-all. He gets into it with Wolverine and Sabretooth and they almost come to blows and he takes out his weapon ,a big silver sword, saber. Logan, who's not yet called Woverine, diffuses the situation and calms everyone down-Victor and Wade. (This is so we establish what Wade's weapon is for later on in the movie). Beak, (Dominic Monaghan) who uses electricity, is the first one TO DIE. Victor kills him

At the end of the movie, when Wolverine finds out that Stryker and the scientists have been taking out the DNA from the mutants, who they all now have in cages, he goes to free them all. The other member of the team, "Wraith" (played by Will.I.Am) keeps telling him the mutants are being held captive in the lab which is on the island - but Wraith doesn't know where this Island is…The only mutant to know is the one person who's ever escaped - which is Gambit. Gambit then agrees to take Wolverine there and as they're flying in Gambit's plane….the wide shot reveals!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wolverine is also now indestructable because of all the modifications that Stryker made on him back when Stryker convinced Wolverine to go after Sabretooth - all because S.T. killed Logan's girlfriend.

When Wolverine shows up and starts kickin !##…the SuperMutant is not ready yet, but Stryker has no choice, he has to release him….and that's when you figure out its Ryan Reynold's character…Wade/Deadpool/SuperMutant. ITS ALL CRAZY…He has no hair, bald, his eyes are red and sunken in so he can shoot the fire outta his eyes….HE HAS EVERY MUTANT POWER…..AND….HIS MOUTH IS SEWN SHUT!!! Wolverine says, "Well Wade, looks like somebody finally shut you up" This is the reference back to the beginning when all the other mutants would tell Wade to shut up.

SO when Wolverine goes after him, SuperMutant/Deadpool/Wade's trusty sword automatically comes outta his fist much like Wolverine's blade. Now its a fight…..Deadpool has ALL the powers in this epic battle…he can disappear like The Wraith, he can shoot fire outta his eyes - pretty much indestructable. Wolverine is basically getting his !## kicked.

SO then, they've gone from inside the lab …and moved the fight to on top of the reactor.Deadpool is destroying everything…reactors, the everything is going down cuz he's shooting everything with his eyes. Then, Deadpool punches him so hard Wolverine goes over the side of the reactor and in a SPLIT second, a hand reaches down to save him….AND ITS SABRETOOTH….TO SAVE THE DAY……AND YELLS, "NOBODY KILLS YOU BUT ME, BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Sabretooth has been there the whole time, but wasn't fighting - he was just rounding up all the mutants for Stryker). After he pulls him up to the roof, Sabretooth says to Wolverine "Back-to-back" and they position themselves back to back so they can have eyes on both sides. Since they're both attacking Deadpool, Wolverine, with one swipe, cuts Deadpool's head clean off. Sabretooth then turns and says, "You know this doesn't mean we're still not enemies" and takes off…

Then, Wolverine, has to go after Stryker and free the other mutants. But unbeknownst to Wolverine, Stryker has a magic bullet and as he's loading the gun with it, the other scientists in the lab say, "you can't kill Wolverine with that". Stryker then says "Yeah I know, but if I shoot him in the head, it will erase his memory." (Remember, Wolverine never knew where he came from).

So as Wolverine is helping to free the mutants, Stryker goes up to him and shoots him in the head….Wolverine drops to the floor as if dead. Stryker then takes off. Cut back to WOlverine fluttering his eyes open…HE"S NOT DEAD…… The military, the ****storm is coming after what they saw what was happening at Three-Mile-Island. Gambit runs over to tell Wolverine "WE GOTTA GO!!!" and Wolverine looks up and says, "Who are you?!?!?! Wher the hell am I?!?!??!" Gambit says "I'm a friend..you gotta trust me….We have to get outta here"


A Dark forest…the escaped mutants are running for their lives…..and they all stop and you see the back of abald head…and you hear Professor Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) voice only, saying "You're all safe…come with me"


If it's true, it sounds like it gets better and better
If it'snot true, I'll feel like a dummy for feeding into the rumors
The movie DOES get better and better. I will use these spoilers as the truth. I cannot wait. Woo hoo! But wait...If Deadpool's head is severed...How doeshe come back to life?
Never was a fan of Deadpool so I could care less if he ends up being a pile of vomit Im watching because of Wolverine
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

The movie DOES get better and better. I will use these spoilers as the truth. I cannot wait. Woo hoo! But wait...If Deadpool's head is severed...How does he come back to life?

Dude can re-generate from a finger
Much worse has happened to him inthe comic books, but this is a live action movie, so who knows?
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