XBOX 360 Call of Duty: Black Ops - VOL. MrONegative DOUBLE XP WEEKEND!! NEW MAPS OUT NOW!!!

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

One of the illest/cleanest montages ive seen (The editing was a big part of it)
damnnnnnn. So dope. I'm a graphic designer and I will be using some elements of this vid on my next piece. Sniping montages on youtube always make people look more beastly

BTW the M16 and G11 are now my favorite weapons. See I like this game cause I swear I got a new favorite gun every week.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

One of the illest/cleanest montages ive seen (The editing was a big part of it)
damnnnnnn. So dope. I'm a graphic designer and I will be using some elements of this vid on my next piece. Sniping montages on youtube always make people look more beastly

BTW the M16 and G11 are now my favorite weapons. See I like this game cause I swear I got a new favorite gun every week.

-The Juice
Every gun/perk load out is pretty much personal preference (Thats how u know the game is pretty balanced
)... But if u want to know the the most powerful weapon... its the Ak74u ....and G11 (but u dont see it that often cause people usually prestige right when they end up unlocking it). 
Every gun/perk load out is pretty much personal preference (Thats how u know the game is pretty balanced
)... But if u want to know the the most powerful weapon... its the Ak74u ....and G11 (but u dont see it that often cause people usually prestige right when they end up unlocking it). 
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Every gun/perk load out is pretty much personal preference (Thats how u know the game is pretty balanced
)... But if u want to know the the most powerful weapon... its the Ak74u ....and G11 (but u dont see it that often cause people usually prestige right when they end up unlocking it). 
I agree with the AK74u being the most powerful, I also put the AK47 in that category as well. But IMO M16 > G11 in terms of power. The rate of fire is faster on the G11 so it kills quicker from shorter distances. I think the actual stats on the gun say that its the M16 has more damage than the G11 from long distance. I wish they would tighten the sway on the low powered scope for the G11 though.

Steady aim pro is godly, that faster aim after sprinting is so noticable.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Every gun/perk load out is pretty much personal preference (Thats how u know the game is pretty balanced
)... But if u want to know the the most powerful weapon... its the Ak74u ....and G11 (but u dont see it that often cause people usually prestige right when they end up unlocking it). 
I agree with the AK74u being the most powerful, I also put the AK47 in that category as well. But IMO M16 > G11 in terms of power. The rate of fire is faster on the G11 so it kills quicker from shorter distances. I think the actual stats on the gun say that its the M16 has more damage than the G11 from long distance. I wish they would tighten the sway on the low powered scope for the G11 though.

Steady aim pro is godly, that faster aim after sprinting is so noticable.

-The Juice
That montage was sick. I've been sniping a lot since the patch and I've gotten some nice QS and no scopes. I might have to go to best buy and get a capture card tomorrow.
That montage was sick. I've been sniping a lot since the patch and I've gotten some nice QS and no scopes. I might have to go to best buy and get a capture card tomorrow.
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21
I agree with the AK74u being the most powerful, I also put the AK47 in that category as well. But IMO M16 > G11 in terms of power. The rate of fire is faster on the G11 so it kills quicker from shorter distances. I think the actual stats on the gun say that its the M16 has more damage than the G11 from long distance. I wish they would tighten the sway on the low powered scope for the G11 though.

Steady aim pro is godly, that faster aim after sprinting is so noticable.

-The Juice
I like that m16 a bit better too.. Idk why, just prefrence but i rarely use the G11 but i think ur right what makes it a better gun; the rate of fire the 3 vurst comes in and the hip fire on it in close quarters makes it def the superior gun... 
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21
I agree with the AK74u being the most powerful, I also put the AK47 in that category as well. But IMO M16 > G11 in terms of power. The rate of fire is faster on the G11 so it kills quicker from shorter distances. I think the actual stats on the gun say that its the M16 has more damage than the G11 from long distance. I wish they would tighten the sway on the low powered scope for the G11 though.

Steady aim pro is godly, that faster aim after sprinting is so noticable.

-The Juice
I like that m16 a bit better too.. Idk why, just prefrence but i rarely use the G11 but i think ur right what makes it a better gun; the rate of fire the 3 vurst comes in and the hip fire on it in close quarters makes it def the superior gun... 
Yo I got a question (asking it in both threads to get a faster answer), I have never "captured" a gameplay video and posted it mainly because I see myself as a solid team player and not a godly rape monster (k/d is a minuscule 1.28) And it seems like if you are going to post gameplay, you gotta be one of those dudes who finish the game 80-2, have a K/d of 3.5, and have wild snipe montages. but I saw this video a while back

and I thought to myself, "damn that was a dope comeback." I figured I would probably never do that because I rarely play with a team (lone wolf) and when I do play with a team its just me and my buddies goofing around. Well today was so out of the norm, I think I have about 5 domination games that are "comeback" type games, that I feel are better than the one posted above.

for example: I have a Domination game (Firing Range map) where we were getting DUSTED. I had a K/D of 5-12 (
) and the score of the game was 27 to 150 ........27 to 150 and we came back and won by 2 points. I ended up finishing the game 35-21 K/D I think like 8 captures and 6 defends. By myself, random team. All the other team needed was 50 more points for the W and we came back from a 123 point deficit and won. My adrenaline was on some other #%%$ during that game, palms beasting with sweat

My question is how do I take that game, put it on my computer, and ad commentary? Does anyone know the tools I need to easily do this?

-The Juice
Yo I got a question (asking it in both threads to get a faster answer), I have never "captured" a gameplay video and posted it mainly because I see myself as a solid team player and not a godly rape monster (k/d is a minuscule 1.28) And it seems like if you are going to post gameplay, you gotta be one of those dudes who finish the game 80-2, have a K/d of 3.5, and have wild snipe montages. but I saw this video a while back

and I thought to myself, "damn that was a dope comeback." I figured I would probably never do that because I rarely play with a team (lone wolf) and when I do play with a team its just me and my buddies goofing around. Well today was so out of the norm, I think I have about 5 domination games that are "comeback" type games, that I feel are better than the one posted above.

for example: I have a Domination game (Firing Range map) where we were getting DUSTED. I had a K/D of 5-12 (
) and the score of the game was 27 to 150 ........27 to 150 and we came back and won by 2 points. I ended up finishing the game 35-21 K/D I think like 8 captures and 6 defends. By myself, random team. All the other team needed was 50 more points for the W and we came back from a 123 point deficit and won. My adrenaline was on some other #%%$ during that game, palms beasting with sweat

My question is how do I take that game, put it on my computer, and ad commentary? Does anyone know the tools I need to easily do this?

-The Juice
Wowzers that was an extremely close game there.. When playing domination i'd rather have someone who goes negative but has lots of caps and defends.. I don't mind the people who go there just to kill as long as they're actually killing. I hate the fools that go in there and their only goal is to kill and they suck at it
Wowzers that was an extremely close game there.. When playing domination i'd rather have someone who goes negative but has lots of caps and defends.. I don't mind the people who go there just to kill as long as they're actually killing. I hate the fools that go in there and their only goal is to kill and they suck at it
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