E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
We just want traditional ground CoD. It's even worse because they just so happened to introduce exo suits right after Titanfall. Now with this CoD we have wall running and power ups similar to Destiny. It's like these guys aren't even trying anymore. They're just bitimg off of everyone else. That being said, I haven't been able to play BLOPS 3 beta but so far from what I've seen, I'm not impressed enough to pay more than $30 for it.

Play it and judge for yourself. This is traditional ground COD, the wall running is a minimal part of gameplay.
The specialist stuff completely feels destiny inspired but it doesn't take anything away from the gameplay.

I personally wished they went back to WW2 for this COD because future COD is getting old.
Traditional Cod was too easy and simple it was training wheels FPS for me.

I just swim underwater and killed somebody while we're both swimming. Name a cod you can do that on.

I was walking down a path and got killed by a camper so with the new mechanics I wall run over sure enough he still hard scoping so I kill him. No cod you can do that.

I run into somebody in their spawn so they drop prone behind a rock so he got the advantage on me what I do double jump over the rock and kill him

New mechanics not hard for me I'm use to playing Destiny and Titanfall

I think it's refreshing to me
The only bad part of the game to me is the Specialist power ups. Golden Guns shouldn't be in COD. The Titan Smash isn't OP crazy, i've killed guys who tried it on me. Not as bad as the Destiny one.
Killing someone in the water? Similar to BF3/BF4? That's cool, I guess but personally I'm not looking for CoD to reinvent the wheel, just give me traditional Modern Warfare! I agree, CoD is easier compared to other FPS games but that isn't what CoD is about for me. I like running and gunning and getting them OP kill steaks. I play Battlefield when I want to play something a little more realistic and challenging. CoD just isn't for me anymore and that's fine. I'll still give BLOPS 3 a chance when I get back online but there's just too many other games dropping to really be hyped for CoD like I was back in the day.
Gears UE on insane is definitely harder than the OG at least IMO. These locusts one shotting ya boy :lol:

I thought MS released a patch so your achievements would still pop when you're offline? I just get a congratulations message stating my achievements will show when I connect to XBL :smh:
Oh so we can advocate for Cod returning to its roots but yet....

but cod's roots is this


No sprint
I think the people who think Black Ops 3 is garbage are probably just trash players the people I ever see crying about a Call of Duty game is the worst of the worst and don't want to put in the time to get decent.
Nah, speak for yourself.  Even on this beta im finishing with the top 1 or 2 score in basically every match i play and i haven't even played any COD since probably December when i stopped playing AW.

i still hate it. The futuristic stuff just killed COD.  i want to play either a COD set in current times or one set in WW2.  If i wanted to play this type of game i'd buy Halo or Titanfall or something, but i don't.

At this point i would be perfectly content with them just remastering COD2, COD3, COD4, or World At War for the Xbox One and just playing that. 
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MrDeeds :pimp:

On the real... i wanna see clips of unloading magazines into people and getting one shotted... not saying it doesnt happen but it is NOT the norm.

I know nelson is a slayer so im not talking about him

But i genuinely feel like the majority of people who gripe about cod just flat out suck and are the pillow biters on my opposing team.

S/o to the NT slayers who teamed up the other night. Only lost 1 game the entire night :rofl:
I think the people who think Black Ops 3 is garbage are probably just trash players the people I ever see crying about a Call of Duty game is the worst of the worst and don't want to put in the time to get decent.
Nah, speak for yourself.  Even on this beta im finishing with the top 1 or 2 score in basically every match i play and i haven't even played any COD since probably December when i stopped playing AW.

i still hate it. The futuristic stuff just killed COD.  i want to play either a COD set in current times or one set in WW2.  If i wanted to play this type of game i'd buy Halo or Titanfall or something, but i don't.

At this point i would be perfectly content with them just remastering COD2, COD3, COD4, or World At War for the Xbox One and just playing that. 
I think the people who think Black Ops 3 is garbage are probably just trash players the people I ever see crying about a Call of Duty game is the worst of the worst and don't want to put in the time to get decent.
Nah, speak for yourself.  Even on this beta im finishing with the top 1 or 2 score in basically every match i play and i haven't even played any COD since probably December when i stopped playing AW.

i still hate it. The futuristic stuff just killed COD.  i want to play either a COD set in current times or one set in WW2.  If i wanted to play this type of game i'd buy Halo or Titanfall or something, but i don't.

At this point i would be perfectly content with them just remastering COD2, COD3, COD4, or World At War for the Xbox One and just playing that. 
Yeah. I think the notion that you have to suck to not like it is kinda dumb. I just picked it up and started playing and it's not hard to get kills and be positive at all. It's just more of the same.

I'm longing for that ww2 bolt action rifle COD game. There's enough future games out already. But since I'm guessing sledgehammer is doing an advanced warfare sequel and IW may do a ghosts sequel( even though it sucked), I don't foresee any ww2 games at all
I wonder if people realize that the more grounded you play, the better you perform...

Its actually in my favor that these kids fly around...

Uncovered wallrunners :evil:

Uncovered boosting through the middle of the map :evil:

I wonder if people realize that the more grounded you play, the better you perform...

Its actually in my favor that these kids fly around...

Uncovered wallrunners

Uncovered boosting through the middle of the map

yup. i got an 18 killstreak last night because of those idiots boosting all around the map.

wish they had Hardcore on the beta 

But even on core i can tell i won't be buying this game
Anybody telling this game is bad and they got a KD over 1.5 need to screenshot that KD because I don't believe you. No different than dudes who say they got shoes they don't got. Dudes be on the net talking about I was had 20 kills in a row KD barely over 1 like cmon son who you fooling
I dont see how k/d ratio has anything to do with enjoyment of a game.

generally speaking, dying and losing gun fights isnt any fun... and getting kills and winning gun fights is...

going on a crazy kill streak is like a high. thats why cod is so addicting to the people who are good and so off putting to the people that are bad.

it isnt that hard to fathom.
^ for the most part I agree but you do have those people who just like to have fun. A guy in my old clan and was straight cheeks at the duty. K/D had to be less than .5 but he enjoyed the hell out of playing CoD. He was more into the objectives than the K/D. We normally played Domination so we could rack up kills and he would attempt to capture flags :lol:

Aside from the Titanfall/Destiny stuff in CoD, I also miss my old running crew. Nowadays everybody on GTA V, 2K and now Rocket League :\
This CoD is what advanced warfare should have been. I think it's a step back in the right direction if that makes sense. It has that black ops 2 feel which already is a plus for me. Cats still able to snipe while being shot at though some things never change lol.
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