E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
No Guitar Hero players right? I have some wired guitars if anyone wants them. I have to check if I have rock band ones also.
When is the backwards compatibility thing supposed to happen? Im trying to play some COD4
Backward's compatibility is available for those in the preview program now, I'm in it and there's not one single game worth playing imo.  It'll be available for everybody in November and hopefully by then they'll add a lot more games.  Unfortunately it doesn't seem like we'll be getting any CODs, every time Microsoft has been asked about any of the COD games they basically said ask Activision.

Activision is more likely trying to go the remastered route because if they give us backwards compatibility they can't make any more money off of us.
Thanks for telling me Nuketown is coming back fellas
There have been rumors for a couple days but I got the email last night when the beta was over confirming it'll be a preorder bonus.  Nuketown with wall running is going to be interesting.
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Played a few games of BLOPS3 last and it's alright, but I think is getting such good praise because Ghosts and AW were so terrible.

BLOPS3 isn't bad, but it isn't better than BLOPS2 or 1 in my opinion.

For the most part I think it's okay and I mess with it.

I don't think a lot of the stuff needed to be added.

It just seems like Treyarch borrowed elements of a lot of big name games and tried adding it into BLOPS3.

Some of the elements are good while some others don't fit.

I too long for them to go back to a ground war based WWII style game.

And no I don't play Battlefield or plan to pick it up.

I might still get BLOPS3 on release day though, but at the moment Halo 3 MLG and MCC is holding me down.
Anyone here who plays Gears Of War notice that something seems off with the Boomshot?

The majority of the time people just walk through my shots like it's nothing. Sometimes I'll get a triple in one shot, other times they walk right through it and then shotgun me.

I don't even time the Boomshot spawn anymore because players surviving boomshots to their feet happens more often than them going down or dying.

It also happens to me a lot when an enemy has the boomshot. I just rush them head on now because I know I'll survive their shot most of the time.

Recorded this today as an example. The video cut off right before I shotgunned the guy but it shows me surviving a Boomshot round that should've at least downed me at the very minimum.!600&authkey=!AFJ8TOGpS1uFY0M&ithint=video,mp4

I definitely don't recall the Boomshot being so awful in the original Gears.

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Anyone here who plays Gears Of War notice that something seems off with the Boomshot?
The majority of the time people just walk through my shots like it's nothing. Sometimes I'll get a triple in one shot, other times they walk right through it and then shotgun me.
I don't even time the Boomshot spawn anymore because players surviving boomshots to their feet happens more often than them going down or dying.
It also happens to me a lot when an enemy has the boomshot. I just rush them head on now because I know I'll survive their shot most of the time.
Recorded this today as an example. The video cut off right before I shotgunned the guy but it shows me surviving a Boomshot round that should've at least downed me at the very minimum.!600&authkey=!AFJ8TOGpS1uFY0M&ithint=video%2cmp4

I definitely don't recall the Boomshot being so awful in the original Gears.
View media item 1695658

i believe it's been noted that it got nerfed. not enough splash and you don't see people being downed by it anymore.
Anyone here who plays Gears Of War notice that something seems off with the Boomshot?
The majority of the time people just walk through my shots like it's nothing. Sometimes I'll get a triple in one shot, other times they walk right through it and then shotgun me.
I don't even time the Boomshot spawn anymore because players surviving boomshots to their feet happens more often than them going down or dying.
It also happens to me a lot when an enemy has the boomshot. I just rush them head on now because I know I'll survive their shot most of the time.
Recorded this today as an example. The video cut off right before I shotgunned the guy but it shows me surviving a Boomshot round that should've at least downed me at the very minimum.!600&authkey=!AFJ8TOGpS1uFY0M&ithint=video%2cmp4

I definitely don't recall the Boomshot being so awful in the original Gears.
View media item 1695658

ive noticed the blast radius so to speak is a lot smaller on that and nades
I remember the booms got in the original gears being useless unless you were dead on accurate or you had a fresh active reload. It's kind of similar here except it downs you a lot more often :smh: annoying as hell

And sorry about last night fellas. I had some friends over yesterday and I was outside with this chick. Saw the invites later the night along with my new K/D and W/L :smh:
Anybody get to play that fable legends beta this past saturday? I got the invite but i was gone smh
it ain't what you think it is or maybe it is. it's a MOBA, not feeling it

No Guitar Hero players right? I have some wired guitars if anyone wants them. I have to check if I have rock band ones also.

Id buy wireless ones.
Just offering before these hit the trash can lol maybe someone could of gotta usage out of them.
thinking about it, might not have a 360 anymore but I could get the game on my PC and use the guitars
When is the backwards compatibility thing supposed to happen? Im trying to play some COD4
Backward's compatibility is available for those in the preview program now, I'm in it and there's not one single game worth playing imo.  It'll be available for everybody in November and hopefully by then they'll add a lot more games.  Unfortunately it doesn't seem like we'll be getting any CODs, every time Microsoft has been asked about any of the COD games they basically said ask Activision.

Activision is more likely trying to go the remastered route because if they give us backwards compatibility they can't make any more money off of us.
I'd be ecstatic with a remastered COD4. Hopefully it actually happens.
I'd be ecstatic with a remastered COD4. Hopefully it actually happens.
I'd be happy with it if they gave us multiple games.

MW1, MW2, and MW3 on the same disk.  They could also do WAW, BLOPS1, and BLOPS2.

It'd be unrealistic to think they'd bundle all 6 into 1 game.  Activision isn't that generous.
Something is up with gears.. Saw someone walk over a frag get shot twice and still manage to kill the other guy.

Not complaining but it really needs that first update..
Anybody get to play that fable legends beta this past saturday? I got the invite but i was gone smh
it ain't what you think it is or maybe it is. it's a MOBA, not feeling it
No Guitar Hero players right? I have some wired guitars if anyone wants them. I have to check if I have rock band ones also.

Id buy wireless ones.
Just offering before these hit the trash can lol maybe someone could of gotta usage out of them.
thinking about it, might not have a 360 anymore but I could get the game on my PC and use the guitars
U in NY, meet me in either Queens or BX to scoop them.
Something is definitely up with Gears. Its just off. I still have fun, but at the sametime I actually kinda regret buying it. I mean i went off pure nostalgia sake and its just not as fun as it used to be. Its just too slow for me.

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