E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
Traded in Advanced Warfare toward Destiny TK Edition. And GameStop giving $20 for Destiny if you take it to trade when the TK comes out. Makes it $40 for all 3 expansions which is good for me, someone who hasn't purchased an expansion yet.

Thanks for this info might trade in for it

:stoneface:  :stoneface:  :stoneface:
Maybe it wasn't my connection then :lol:
Gears was acting up since last night
We ran for about 3 hours but there were a few matches where as soon as I started the rest of the team was already engaged. It was fun though. It made me realize that passing on Blops3 will be so much easier with Gears here. I honestly don't need any other shooters or X1 games :lol:
Starting tomorrow at BB Rare Replay will be on sale for $19.99 (15.99 for GCU members). Deal should go til next Saturday.
Playing Batman now... game has me hooked.

As Anti said story is a 10, but yeah gameplay is like 7-8.

Just rock and sock and a whole lot of X button mashing.

I just opened founders island and saved catwoman from Riddler.

I'm up to the mission where I just encountered Harley Quinn.

I like the game a lot though and it does has me hooked, but i can't wait to finish it to go back and play Halo :D

Have to preorder BLOPS3 that's going to be my shooter for the foreseeable future with Halo also.
I'll probably check out the beta just because, but this will probably be a pass for me. It looks super boring
yeah my same thoughts. this game just doesn't move me hopefully once i get my hands on the beat it will change my mind. but DICE really nailed the look and sound of the game 
Sorry for the MGS V question again, but the main thread is wall-to-wall endgame spoilers

Im only at mission 7, and so far enjoying the game.
But the emphasis on Fulton/Extraction really seems to discourage using any of your lethal weapons.

I realize that you're free to choose to go lethal anytime you want, but there doesn't seem to be any reason to develop all the SMG and AR, grenades etc. when you spend the whole game tranq people.

So my question is:
Is there a point later in the game where you're required/encouraged to use lethal guns, and not spend so much time Fultoning?
View media item 1709714
We know who isn't playing gears today
I can't lie I was watching Super Mario Maker on Twitch and that game looks :smokin maybe it's just the nostalgia but I could see myself playing that non stop. Some of the levels I seen were just crazy but I like a good challenge. They just need to implement a checkpoint feature and some more enemies that you can use.
Sorry for the MGS V question again, but the main thread is wall-to-wall endgame spoilers

Im only at mission 7, and so far enjoying the game.
But the emphasis on Fulton/Extraction really seems to discourage using any of your lethal weapons.

I realize that you're free to choose to go lethal anytime you want, but there doesn't seem to be any reason to develop all the SMG and AR, grenades etc. when you spend the whole game tranq people.

So my question is:
Is there a point later in the game where you're required/encouraged to use lethal guns, and not spend so much time Fultoning?

Mission 29 and 31 basically
View media item 1709714
We know who isn't playing gears today
I can't lie I was watching Super Mario Maker on Twitch and that game looks :smokin maybe it's just the nostalgia but I could see myself playing that non stop. Some of the levels I seen were just crazy but I like a good challenge. They just need to implement a checkpoint feature and some more enemies that you can use.

Gotta check it out just beat the first half of mgs.
How many missions in MGS? I just finished the first 2 missions. Game is good but I have no idea what's going on. I was in a party when I played so I'm gonna replay them without all the extra noise in the background :lol:
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