Champion is the highest ranking teir and there are only 200 spots. So you're the 87th ranked player in the playlist out of anyone who's played.
What do you think of the game so far. I'm curious
I think the game is definitely not as fun as other halos for me. I have time to kill before work, and don't even want to play. I remember when h4 came out, I had a little fun, I am feeling the exact same way about this game. I don't think it will be big like other halos, and come one month from now, or more, I can see the hype dieing down immensely. I'm sure the same people who loved h2a will be on still, but that population was very low..
I'm not really a fan of the maps, or how the pistol is the new main gun, although I find the dmr to be better for long range maps of course. Feeling exactly how I thought I would feel about the game before I bought it. It's also the same as the beta
Overall, halo will never be the same. It's a different game now, for different people, imo