E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
whats your GOTY?
Easily Forza Horizon 3, for multiple reasons.

FH2 was basically perfect, but Playground games still pushed the boundaries.

1. It improved the car roster, locale diversity, and race types

2. Brought it to pc, so you can enjoy it at native 4k/60fps(

3. Cross-play, seamless co-op. 

Now FH3 is basically perfect like FH2 was.

The main way FH4 can improve on FH3's is by being in VR.
Anybody got FF 15 thoughts reviews?

I'm only 12 hours in and on chapter 3, so I don't think I can give a proper review, but I can give you some of my thoughts.

Up to where I'm at, the story is kind of lacking. Many people say that it's a good idea to watch Kingsglaive before playing and I agree. You'll get some context as to what's going on when you jump into the game. With that being said, I'm fine with the pacing as you can get tied up with side quests for hours and then jump over to the main quest when you want to. It's fairly easy to follow what's going on though.

In regards to the side quests, there are a lot of fetch quests such as going to retrieve dog tags, going to find frogs, going to find ingredients for a chef, going to take pictures, etc. There are also hunts which are a bit more fun, but pretty much consist of you accepting a hunt, going to a location, killing the enemy or enemies and that's it. These side quests do yield good experience, gil and items and are easy enough to make them worth while.

The combat system is something that I enjoy for the most part. It's simple enough, but has just enough depth to keep it interesting, especially with link strikes, utilizing your party and blocking/parrying. When you're facing off against several enemies, things on screen can be a bit chaotic. When you have 7 enemies running around and your group of 4, I like to warp out a little bit and pick off enemies one by one. The link strikes and parrying counters are QTE button presses and to attack, you can just spam circle/B or hold it down to do a combo. When you're facing higher level enemies and larger bosses, you can't really spam; you do need to use some type of strategy. There is a wait mode which slows things down, but I'm not using that and can't speak on it.

Magic is utilized by pulling fire, ice and thunder from sources around the world. Once you've pulled some of the magic, you can craft it and then equip it. So magic isn't tied to MP; once crafted, you have a limited number of times you can use it which is usually 3. Using magic can also damage your party, so you can't just blast it everywhere. The effects of using magic do look great aesthetically and can be devastating if it's an enemy's weakness. You can combine magic and also combine it with items to increase its potency or add in effects. If you take fire, combine in some ice or thunder, you can craft fira, etc.

The dungeons are what will probably be the best part of this game. The first dungeon if very easy and straight forward as is the second dungeon, but the second one provides for a fun experience. The music was awesome as well. I believe each dungeon contains a high level weapon for Noctis. These weapons are very powerful, but also reduce your HP in battle, so you have to use the weapons smartly and you have to keep an eye on your health. The dungeons provide a decent challenge and I'm looking forward to see how the rest are.

As far as travelling in this game, you'll like it a bit more once you can rent chocobos. Running around the open world on foot is great for exploration as you do encounter enemies, sometimes ones that are over leveled and will have to avoid. You have to be conscious of the time as when night falls, most of the enemies will be level 30 and up. The game reminds you of this and your group will tell you that you need to hit a camp or somewhere to sleep to avoid these enemies.

Camps and rest spots are where you "turn in" your experience. You don't gain experience right after you defeat an enemy; it collects and then you turn it when you rest. Some rest stops offer a multiplier so that you can gain more experience. At the camp sites, Ignis can cook a meal which acts as a buff for the next day. You have to gather ingredients collected around the open world to prep these meals.

Some people hate the driving as it's on rails and you don't have true control over your car. I'm fine with this as I wouldn't want to be driving across the desert and smashing through the enemies and trees GTA style. Most people don't like the auto drive either. In order to drive to a new location, you have to actually travel there in your car in real time; some locations will take 4-5 actual minutes of watching your group drive there. They do have some occasional banter while driving, as well as photo ops, but you'll either hate it or be fine with it. I'm fine with it as you can listen to soundtracks from previous games and I generally enjoy taking things slow and enjoying the sights. If you aren't patient, you're going to hate it. But once you've traveled to a location, you'll be able to fast travel there for 10 gil.

I haven't really touched on AP, the skill trees, fishing, summons as I haven't gotten that far and some other stuff. Overall I'm enjoying the game and can overlook some of the negative aspects. I think the game at least deserves an opportunity to be played though.
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GotY for me is Uncharted 4 but I'm only an hour into FF XV.

Dang Uncharted 4 is a pretty good pick.

As far as a story based linear game, its for sure the best this year.

Joint has pretty much zero replay value for me though

Game is beautiful too. How far are you?

I agree. I finished it. I coudln't put it down. took like maybe 3 sessions :lol:

Added bonus since its so heavily story driven and linear, my wife loved it too and watched like 90% of the play through :rofl:
Man sleeping dogs is pretty dope... I hope they do a new one. I really like it, movement could be a little more fluid but it's pretty cool
Sleeping Dogs is underrated. I enjoyed it more than GTA V, LA Noire and pretty much anything else in the sandbox genre last gen. Mafia II is up there too.
I'm only 12 hours in and on chapter 3, so I don't think I can give a proper review, but I can give you some of my thoughts.

Up to where I'm at, the story is kind of lacking. Many people say that it's a good idea to watch Kingsglaive before playing and I agree. You'll get some context as to what's going on when you jump into the game. With that being said, I'm fine with the pacing as you can get tied up with side quests for hours and then jump over to the main quest when you want to. It's fairly easy to follow what's going on though.

In regards to the side quests, there are a lot of fetch quests such as going to retrieve dog tags, going to find frogs, going to find ingredients for a chef, going to take pictures, etc. There are also hunts which are a bit more fun, but pretty much consist of you accepting a hunt, going to a location, killing the enemy or enemies and that's it. These side quests do yield good experience, gil and items and are easy enough to make them worth while.

The combat system is something that I enjoy for the most part. It's simple enough, but has just enough depth to keep it interesting, especially with link strikes, utilizing your party and blocking/parrying. When you're facing off against several enemies, things on screen can be a bit chaotic. When you have 7 enemies running around and your group of 4, I like to warp out a little bit and pick off enemies one by one. The link strikes and parrying counters are QTE button presses and to attack, you can just spam circle/B or hold it down to do a combo. When you're facing higher level enemies and larger bosses, you can't really spam; you do need to use some type of strategy. There is a wait mode which slows things down, but I'm not using that and can't speak on it.

Magic is utilized by pulling fire, ice and thunder from sources around the world. Once you've pulled some of the magic, you can craft it and then equip it. So magic isn't tied to MP; once crafted, you have a limited number of times you can use it which is usually 3. Using magic can also damage your party, so you can't just blast it everywhere. The effects of using magic do look great aesthetically and can be devastating if it's an enemy's weakness. You can combine magic and also combine it with items to increase its potency or add in effects. If you take fire, combine in some ice or thunder, you can craft fira, etc.

The dungeons are what will probably be the best part of this game. The first dungeon if very easy and straight forward as is the second dungeon, but the second one provides for a fun experience. The music was awesome as well. I believe each dungeon contains a high level weapon for Noctis. These weapons are very powerful, but also reduce your HP in battle, so you have to use the weapons smartly and you have to keep an eye on your health. The dungeons provide a decent challenge and I'm looking forward to see how the rest are.

As far as travelling in this game, you'll like it a bit more once you can rent chocobos. Running around the open world on foot is great for exploration as you do encounter enemies, sometimes ones that are over leveled and will have to avoid. You have to be conscious of the time as when night falls, most of the enemies will be level 30 and up. The game reminds you of this and your group will tell you that you need to hit a camp or somewhere to sleep to avoid these enemies.

Camps and rest spots are where you "turn in" your experience. You don't gain experience right after you defeat an enemy; it collects and then you turn it when you rest. Some rest stops offer a multiplier so that you can gain more experience. At the camp sites, Ignis can cook a meal which acts as a buff for the next day. You have to gather ingredients collected around the open world to prep these meals.

Some people hate the driving as it's on rails and you don't have true control over your car. I'm fine with this as I wouldn't want to be driving across the desert and smashing through the enemies and trees GTA style. Most people don't like the auto drive either. In order to drive to a new location, you have to actually travel there in your car in real time; some locations will take 4-5 actual minutes of watching your group drive there. They do have some occasional banter while driving, as well as photo ops, but you'll either hate it or be fine with it. I'm fine with it as you can listen to soundtracks from previous games and I generally enjoy taking things slow and enjoying the sights. If you aren't patient, you're going to hate it. But once you've traveled to a location, you'll be able to fast travel there for 10 gil.

I haven't really touched on AP, the skill trees, fishing, summons as I haven't gotten that far and some other stuff. Overall I'm enjoying the game and can overlook some of the negative aspects. I think the game at least deserves an opportunity to be played though.

Nice bro thanks. I think imma cop then :pimp:
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