XXI Pics - Brought to you by GetHigh420

They seem pretty nice to me... i think when we see a close up alot of you will change from :rolleyes
to :pimp:
... as for the green color? im not to sure on that.. definately wouldnt mind a white red and black or all black and red or soemthing.

remember the first pics of xx's? everybody was like
! today, everybody is like...whooa
i really neeeed those QS
these ugly pics are useless...wait for real pics to judge.\n
im not hating the early pics that we're seeing like i have been with the XIX's and XX's which i actually didnt cop as i continued disliking them through finality :b

Bring That Bay Thing Back!​
Luckily I see no Jumpman symbol
Duke 2005 NCAA CHAMPIONS!!! Daniel Ewing, Redick, Dockery, Demarcus Nelson, Shavlik Randolph, and Shelden Williams Takin it all home next year!
I like them more than the XX's that's for sure. I hate straps on basketball shoes. They're so annoying. Thank god these are strapless. Not too high on the sole though.

I still like the III's, XI's and XII's in that order...
i like em, looks like a combo of 14s, 17s, 10s, and team valid8s to me...
Dear summer, I know you gon' miss me For we been together like Nike Airs and crisp tees S dots with polo fleeces Purple label sh-- with the logo secret Gimme couple years, sh-- I might just sneak in A couple words and like peaches and herb We'll be reunited and it feels so hood Have the whole world saying "How you still so good?" Well I do this in my slumber summer
I like them Im tired of them trying to do something weird wit'em keep it simple and im sure this isnt the final design. Again i like them better than the XXs. Sept for the stealths. :D
does not look bad......wnt be surprised if there are some changes also. But lets wait for detailed pics so we can see all the cool stuff on it.
those are buns
My new name is Just The Facts, while the rest of yall just adjust the facts...
I would like to say first and foremost, that I think this shoe is going to be amazing when we get some more CLEAR and DETAILED pitures. How can most of you pass judgement on something as small as a raffle ticket. I can guarantee, that when better pics. become available, everyone will change their mind. Because come on, how can you pass judgement...

XXI are amazing...
looks too generic but we need a closer pic. oh well. as long as there are some nice caro blu colorways i'll be aigh
Brought to you by GetHigh420? He wa high when he send you the pick of a rbk shoes thoose are not the 21 thoose are rbk samples
I really like the fact that this looks like a SHOE and not like some weird, futuristic design cramped into a shoe.
I agree with attaq, its a good basic design (reminds me of the ultraposites, esp with that small circle near the ankle) and once we find out more of the details and tech they will only become better.

Besdies, like folks said, the pictures are too small and grainy to really pass judgement yet, but things look promising to me :D

Once we see other colorways, i think it will really change peoples opinions as well (similar to the booty black/red Lebron IIs vs. the clean navys and cool grays)

UCLA Bruins basketball rocks my socks
nt is full of hypocrites...."get rid of the shrouds and straps they're so ugly"....so JB takes them off and nt's like "ewwwwwwwww put them back on"
"A dream is only over if you give it up - or if it comes true. That is called irony. We have to remember the oracle's words, from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory and lumpy athletic shoes: Just do it. No excuses."
~Neil Peart
damn... Tinker and the 20's brought us back to the REAL Jordan feel. Now these just look like any other shoe out there, even the shape of the shoe is generic. I am highly disappointed.
im with mossified and teamwhit eboy on this one

the look like good ballin shoes to me, which is all i care about.

first all this hate....then they will drop...then and all this love...

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