Ya boy Javale McGee Dun Goofed vol. How to lose a a JO in 3 days and still get got


son dodged a bullet.

strap up next time b.

she was never pregnant, yo...

made an attempt to get a reality show WHILE she was 'pregnant'... didnt work out, ad she couldnt keep the bullspit going....

best way to get out of it without people judging you negatively?

"i had a miscarriage"... bong.. instant sympathy... the media wont say anything to her b/c that's a sensitive subject...
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At this point I acknowledged I could have expressed my disappointment with him in a less argumentative way, I felt bad about the fight so I apologized to him and had sex with him again- which was stupid.

"He came back midday, once again said he was tired and was going to take a nap. That was fine I went to take a walk, but to my surprise while I was walking around I see him outside walking as well."

This part had me :rofl:

son dodged a bullet.

strap up next time b.
this broad was never pregnant.  She just dropped the act when she realized she wasn't getting the attention she thought she would get from

this situation.  I mean, who the hell asks still pregnant?  You ask did you have the baby, when are you due....  Still pregnant is ladened with sarcasm and disbelief
Uhh...this sounds like a win to me.
Rare moment of greatness for Javale. He did what he was supposed to do. Fly the ***** out...**** her...and send her *** back home. She's a groupie...he ain't supposed to wine and dine her.

All of this.
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