Ya boy Javale McGee Dun Goofed vol. How to lose a a JO in 3 days and still get got

It's disgusting how some girls are nowadays. This chick is seriously proud of being used as a human skeet-bucket. Tweets out a picture for the world to see her pregancy test just to let everyone know she got knocked up by an NBA player that wouldn't even hand her a mild sauce, let alone the burrito.

and now that chicks like kim k are selling kids skechers, all the popular female shows are housewives of _______(birds that sucked their way to wealth) its only gonna get worse...i honestly think little girls are gonna grow up thinking this is the norm...i mean kim k sells children shoes....cmon?!?!

sorry javelle...hope it aint true 
chill, that doesnt mean the parents wont live their children man, theres no criteria for having a baby with someone unintentionally, as long as the child is loved and taken care of, what you bein a **** fo?
no im not a single parent, non of my siblings are single parents, i have grown up with my mom and dad being and living together my whole life, they were married 5 years before my oldest sibling so im not butt hurt over this statement because its a reality, im just sayin man, you rude as hell for that

It's harsh but it is a trifling loveless situation that is not good for the child. Dude shouldn't even be dealing with that girl in the first place if he won't even buy her Chipotle.

and now that chicks like kim k are selling kids skechers, all the popular female shows are housewives of _______(birds that sucked their way to wealth) its only gonna get worse...i honestly think little girls are gonna grow up thinking this is the norm...i mean kim k sells children shoes....cmon?!?!

sorry javelle...hope it aint true 

Most girls have zero respect for themselves nowadays. I kinda feel bad sometimes for girls I don't even kiss or do anything for but let them suck me off whenever I want. I don't know how the hell most these girls are ever going to get married one day. I feel bad for the eventual husbands.

But to willing bring a child into a loveless relationship, and then brag on it like it's an accomplishment is 10x more foul then Duffis McGee's actions.  We can see from this thread that the tr*mp doesn't have any morals, so we know she's pro choice.  Go have that done and save that child a lifetime of BS that those two idiots will create.

You can't be serious, you don't have to be in love to have a child and be happy about it

Why wouldn't she brag about being pregnant? It's her child :lol: she can't be excited?

You don't have to be a **** to be pro choice, regardless of how it happen some people see it as a blessing either way
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she gets used to smash, then gets upset about it and now shes "pregnant" he better get a dna test to see if its actually his before he spends any money. i think she was pregnant before she flew out to him. they talked for 5 months, plenty of time to get preg then go smash javale and say its his, she knew what she was doing. broads like this make me sick
Dawg, this is kind of sickening. I went to the chick's twitter, sees she has a burrito and a pic saying "Cause and Effect" as her twicon...didnt make the connection at first...

Shes really calling the bringing of a life into the world "karma"....first thing that popped into her head was thE $s shes gonna get from J McGee...thats ridiculous man...

Bet thats what she names the kid too, Karma, smh

Javele is a dumba** btw if its his
I wouldn't be surprised if the kid wasn't his and his dumb *** still pays child support for the kid.
Dawg, this is kind of sickening. I went to the chick's twitter, sees she has a burrito and a pic saying "Cause and Effect" as her twicon...didnt make the connection at first...

Shes really calling the bringing of a life into the world "karma"....first thing that popped into her head was thE $s shes gonna get from J McGee...thats ridiculous man...

Bet thats what she names the kid too, Karma, smh

Javele is a dumba** btw if its his

To all the athletes who didn't get the message:
You can't be serious, you don't have to be in love to have a child and be happy about it
Why wouldn't she brag about being pregnant? It's her child :lol: she can't be excited?
You don't have to be a **** to be pro choice, regardless of how it happen some people see it as a blessing either way
Sit down, famb...

:lol: x :smh:
You can't be serious, you don't have to be in love to have a child and be happy about it
Why wouldn't she brag about being pregnant? It's her child :lol: she can't be excited?
You don't have to be a **** to be pro choice, regardless of how it happen some people see it as a blessing either way
Sit down, famb...

:lol: x :smh:

Da ***** has a burrito as her twitter icon implying revenge and money

Stil tryin to be a Capt smh :lol:
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