Yao Ming or Dwight Howard? Who would you take starting a franchise.

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Some of you really havn't seen D12 play that much, have you?

He is improving his post game, he is beginning to have a great left hand around the basket. He can sweep hook with either hand now and is still improving each facet of his game. Teams need to double team him because no one is guarding D12 one on one, I'm sorry, that just isn't happening...and he's learning now to pass out of the double team pretty effiecently now.

Last night they got the lead in the Celts game by going to Dwight and Shard on the block and him passing out of the double team. And even in the 4th quarter, when the COACH goes away from Dwight, once he gets the ball it's almost always 2 points. (See middle of the lane, fake spin, right hook over Perkins.) It's the coaching staff not trusting Dwight with the ball, the TEAM goes away from Dwight.

Once they stopped feeding the post is when the Magic started to lose the lead.

Howard > Yao. All day.

--I'd also like to mention that I don't think Dwight had a single dunk in last night's game and still did work.
That's the routine...

Popular opinion is a MF'er. If the word is that Dwight's post work is "awful" for so long...that's what people are going to believe.I've seen him pull off some ridiculous #@$% that somebody his size shouldn't be able to do in the post. His spin move is MEAN. Is he Patrick Ewing?No...but his post moves certainly aren't awful and he's getting better.
when he gets fouled and it's a coin toss on whether he makes both in the 4th what then? It says something when you go to Turkoglu for the final shots.

Not saying it's important...but this whole 4th quarter thing is getting blown out of proportion. I've seen Orlando on plenty of occasions go to Dwightto close out games. Typically NBA teams today have their most talented closers with the ball in their hands to close games out. That's just the way it is.When the Lakers had Kobe and Shaq...who had the ball with the game on the line? When T-Mac was healthy in Houston...who had the ball in their hands in crunchtime? When Boston needed a bucket last year to close how games...who was the first option? KG or Paul Pierce?

This is similar to the Carmelo/Lebron debate years ago when everyone was saying Carmelo was so much more "advanced" offensively. What difference doesit make if the so called "lesser talented" on offense player is actually putting up MORE points?
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

D12=Very Overrated, partly due to Marketing

Not sure on who I'd pick though, probably d12 because of potential, and yao has gotten injured.
please tell me whats overrated about him? everyone talks about what he lacks more than praising him on what he does so....please help meunderstand
You really can't go wrong with either one, but I would definitely go with Dwight. 23, snagging 4 more rebounds than the guy he is 6" shorter than.Gets a block per game more. And I'm pretty sure his frame isn't completely filled out physically. He's going to get even bigger and stronger.

And those who are bringing up the FT% are reaching at straws. There are much better ways to justify your pick of Yao.

Just to rebut the point about the freethrows: Dwight literally shoots twice as many freethrows as Yao for a season. Dwight does roughly twice as much as Yao toget the opposing team in foul trouble. This can change the scope of games in ways that outweigh poor freethrow shooting.

I would not feel good about building my franchise around Yao.
Yao, because he can take over games...Look at when philly played orlando, they couldn't get the ball to dwight in late game sitautions bc he a shoddy ftshooter...D12 is too one dimensional
Originally Posted by StrongMind3

Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

D12=Very Overrated, partly due to Marketing

Not sure on who I'd pick though, probably d12 because of potential, and yao has gotten injured.
please tell me whats overrated about him? everyone talks about what he lacks more than praising him on what he does so....please help me understand

Can't shoot outside of 6 feet, can't shoot free throws. No go-to move. Questions about his seriousness.
Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by dland24

You cannot buld a franchise around Dwight, for reasons I stated earlier. He needs another SUPERstar playing with him. Someone to take over games late, when he becomes the invisible man. He is not the kind of center that you can put complimentary pieces with and win championships. Your best player cant be a player that your team avoids in the most important part of all the games because of his shooting inefficiencies. Not to take anything away from the Big Aristotle, but do you think he wins those championships without Kobe or Wade? Your best player needs the ball down the stretch of a game, not a player you hope doesnt touch it every possession. You will rarely win close games if not.

So with that being said, how can someone say they would rather build a franchise around a player like this, where you can have the best polished center in the game, who shoots 80% from the line? Yao can be the focal part of an offense and only needs good complimentary players around him to succeed. He doesnt necessarily need a superstar. The answer to this question should be Yao, not a player who dominates for 3.5 quarters, then disappears during the most important part of the game.
naw man yao needs another superstar cause he doesnt dominate games he needs that other star

Oh really? I guess someone didnt watch last night. You trade Howard for Yao and the Rockets dont win last night. Period.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by dland24

You cannot buld a franchise around Dwight, for reasons I stated earlier. He needs another SUPERstar playing with him. Someone to take over games late, when he becomes the invisible man. He is not the kind of center that you can put complimentary pieces with and win championships. Your best player cant be a player that your team avoids in the most important part of all the games because of his shooting inefficiencies. Not to take anything away from the Big Aristotle, but do you think he wins those championships without Kobe or Wade? Your best player needs the ball down the stretch of a game, not a player you hope doesnt touch it every possession. You will rarely win close games if not.

So with that being said, how can someone say they would rather build a franchise around a player like this, where you can have the best polished center in the game, who shoots 80% from the line? Yao can be the focal part of an offense and only needs good complimentary players around him to succeed. He doesnt necessarily need a superstar. The answer to this question should be Yao, not a player who dominates for 3.5 quarters, then disappears during the most important part of the game.
naw man yao needs another superstar cause he doesnt dominate games he needs that other star

You trade Howard for Yao and the Rockets dont win last night. Period.
I love when people make assumptions like this

Like...how do you just make a random claim like that...*%%* like that can't even been proven or negated.
I'll take Howard over Yao against any big man in the league right now... Except when he's playing Yao himself. Then I'll take Yao. Howard hasconsistently SUCKED like a black hole pretty much every time he played against Yao since he came into the league. If the Rockets meet the Magic in the finals,the Rockets have an advantage at the C spot.
You can't build around Dwight but you can around Yao?
What exactly has Yao accomplished to this point in his career? Aint this his first time outof the first round? And he's what, 30?

I'm sorry, but throwing out the "Dwight Howard can't win without a superstar on the perimeter" is crap... You don't win championshipswithout at least two, and in most cases three great players... It doesn't happen. Yeah, there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.. Sothrowing that out there like it's exclusive to Dwight is ******ed... If you think you build a legitimate contender around Yao Ming without anotherlegitimate all-star/superstar, you're ******ed...

Look at Yao run the court RIGHT NOW... He's healthy, and he's plodding his way up and down... He's GASSED early... Big men with a history of legand foot injuries... Pass. No thank you.

And this notion that Dwight Howard will never develop an offensive arsenal aside from putbacks and dunks seems extremely ignorant...
Dwight...he still has a lot of potential to be tapped and if he were to develop some sort of consistent low post moves and a little turnaround, he'd beunstoppable....Yao is jus too mechanical for me and as big as he is, he can be invisible from time to time
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by dland24

You cannot buld a franchise around Dwight, for reasons I stated earlier. He needs another SUPERstar playing with him. Someone to take over games late, when he becomes the invisible man. He is not the kind of center that you can put complimentary pieces with and win championships. Your best player cant be a player that your team avoids in the most important part of all the games because of his shooting inefficiencies. Not to take anything away from the Big Aristotle, but do you think he wins those championships without Kobe or Wade? Your best player needs the ball down the stretch of a game, not a player you hope doesnt touch it every possession. You will rarely win close games if not.

So with that being said, how can someone say they would rather build a franchise around a player like this, where you can have the best polished center in the game, who shoots 80% from the line? Yao can be the focal part of an offense and only needs good complimentary players around him to succeed. He doesnt necessarily need a superstar. The answer to this question should be Yao, not a player who dominates for 3.5 quarters, then disappears during the most important part of the game.
naw man yao needs another superstar cause he doesnt dominate games he needs that other star

Oh really? I guess someone didnt watch last night. You trade Howard for Yao and the Rockets dont win last night. Period.
yao is not what beat the us last night it was that dang aaron brooks and ron artest and our horrendous shooting if dwight was there instead of yaothey prolly wouldve killed us cause bynum gasol and odom wouldnt do anything on offense
I'm 100% sure Dwight in the next 5 years will have a consistent, dominant post game like Amare circa 2005-2006. And he will find a go to move around thebasket and will be 100x better passing out the double team.


If I had to choose right now, Id take Yao. Yao is just a beast all around. He can dominate you in the paint for stretches and when he steps out to 15 feet youHAVE to honor him and put another defender on him, which he can pass out of and get teammates open looks. He doesnt need to have a star alongside but solidrole players and a borderline star to have one of the best chances to get past the Lakers in the west
id have to say dwight as of right now.hes only starting to learn the game.imagine him having a little more muscle..looking like another shaq.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

I'm 100% sure Dwight in the next 5 years will have a consistent, dominant post game like Amare circa 2005-2006. And he will find a go to move around the basket and will be 100x better passing out the double team.


If I had to choose right now, Id take Yao. Yao is just a beast all around. He can dominate you in the paint for stretches and when he steps out to 15 feet you HAVE to honor him and put another defender on him, which he can pass out of and get teammates open looks. He doesnt need to have a star alongside but solid role players and a borderline star to have one of the best chances to get past the Lakers in the west
you're hoping dwight will develop a dominant post game like Amare from 05-06??? Dwight is already more dominant in the post than Amarefrom that season....There is a HUGE gap between the two. It's no knock on Amare, but you just can't throw STAT's name out there like he'ssomeone that D12 has to aspire to become...
Yao's better right now but starting a franchise I'd take Dwight over him in a heart beat. Yao is injury prone and old.

Dwight is young, never hurt and is a far better at defense and rebounding.

Truth be told, I'd take Chris Bosh over both of em.

Great question.

Today YAO.....

I know DWIGHT is just starting to learn the game.

But potential is a dangerous thing to build a team aound.

In this case you've got to go with the proven veteran.
Again, Dwight is a beast. You can do all sorts of things with him. Run an uptempo offense, let him man the paint and kick out to shooters like he's doingnow in Orlando, etc. He's that athletic and good to run and up and down the court all game.

But at the end of the day, unless you pair up Dwight with a slashing 2, ala Duncan + Ginoboli/Parker, Shaq + Kobe, Shaq + Wade, Yao + T-Mac/Artest, who canhelp close out the 4th quarter, he's a liability come the 4th quarter. You can't even put him in during crunch time, because he can't hit FT's.And if you take him out during that stretch, that just leaves the paint open for the opposition.

Everything is moot, no matter what Dwight brings to the table, if it's a close game, or a close playoff game and you can't leave him in there.
^In the playoffs though Dwight's been hitting enough, 42 for 62 roughly 68%, to keep the defense somewhat honest.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

And this notion that Dwight Howard will never develop an offensive arsenal aside from putbacks and dunks seems extremely ignorant...
eh not really. dwight has been in the league a full 5 years. so ya hes 23 but hes an older 23. plus its really hard for an already establishedbig to develop go to moves while already in the league. many many guys have tried to but its just hard to develop those moves that can work on a consistentbasis against nba level competition unless you already came into the league with a similar skill set. its why its so hard to find big men with legit go tomoves in the post.
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