YAY! my baby is home after a successful surgery

last pic had me
. dude dancing around with her like she's a pair of foams

Good to hear she's doing better.

I know how difficult it is for parents when kids get sick.
Originally Posted by Prepstars

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Cot dam 10 month bump
For reals, just noticed that. Funny, but for a good cause I suppose.
anyway here's my contribution.................

I had the same surgery when I was 3 weeks old, scarred for life
, but props for being a father to your little girl
I'm glad she's ok, my son was born with the same thing (sorta small world) and they told me how rare it was and what not, at first they didn'tcatch it untill bout a week later, I was scared as hell man, first time I ever cried as an adult cuase I didn't know what was wrong and I couldn't stopit ( they wouldn't let me in the surgery room
) but thank god he came out fine. And my wishs goes out to ur fam and hope everythin is fine
great looking eyes.

musta been hard seeing her getting taken into surgery though huh? my son had surgery at 3 months and 6 months....and it was so sad seeing the nurse carry himinto the operating room.
this thread had me trippin.
I noticed the date on the pics and then a little below he said she was 7 weeks and then i saw the date of the original post.
good lord.

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