Yesterday morning my nightmare came true.

Nov 11, 2007
My dad is the closest person to me. He is my best friend, mentor/advisor, and my everything. He always said I was his favorite child and that I was the appleof his eye. Yesterday morning I came downstairs like usual, I noticed the coffee hadnt been made like he always had it. He was my ride to work so I wanted tosee him and wish him a good morning, like usual. His office is in the basement and I noticed the door was unusually open. I looked down the stairs and saw himlying there. I called my mom and told her to call 911. We had gotten there to late. They are saying he might of had a heart attack and fell down the stairs.His head was bleeding. I tried cpr but it was too late. My dad had passed away. I still can't believe it. I am torn up inside, even writing this is hard.
My dad was the most influential, inspirational, caring, and compassionate individual I have ever known. This news has hurt everyone he's ever known but Idon't think anyone took it as hard as I am. I just can't believe it, it was so unexpected and sudden. I never thought a regular Monday night would bethe last time I saw my father alive. I miss him so dearly. At times I have these spells where I just cry and cry. His legacy still lives on and I know he'sin heaven, my family is flying in and he will never ever be forgotten. I can't say he didn't prepare me for this. He often talked about death and wasvery positive about it. I want to tell you all a little about him.
Lee E. Wyatt was born Febuary 21, 1948 in Little Rock, Arkansas. He resided there with his grandmother until about the age of 16. He moved to Portland, OR andworked 25 years at a plant called Reynolds. He met my mother, Claudia Wyatt (she was from Louisiana and moved to Portland to start over and live with her olderbrother). They married when she was just 21 and he was 29. They lived there until 2006 when they decided to move back down south to Alabama. They were marriedfor 30 years. Together they had two daughters, Rachael (me) and Leah, and one son Desi. He encouraged us all to finish college, which he said was his greatestaccomplishment, graduating all of his children from college. He always termed our family "the faith 5" because we were all raised to trust in theLord. He was a pastor, deacon, and faithful church member. He was an entreprenuer, he worked as a life insurance agent and helped many people deal with theuncertainty of death. He leaves behind many brothers and sisters, children, grandchildren, and multiple church families. He died at the age 60. His life was aservice to God. He was a righteous man and a true saint. While his natural life is over, his spiritual journey lives on in Heaven.
Cherish the moments you have with your loved ones. You just never know when God will take them to be with Him. My dad always said tomorrow is not promised andalthough I am devestated that he is gone I'm so thankful he was mentally and spiritually ready for this transformation.
RIP Lee E. Wyatt 2/21/48-10/7/08

(This is the faith 5 (from left) Lee E. Wyatt my father, my mother, me, my sister, and my brother)


Goodbye dad, your memory lives on and you will always live in my soul. I know you already know this but I love you with all my heart.
only 60? damn.. my moms will be 60 in 2 years..don't know what i'm gonna do when she leaves

rip mr wyatt
Damn...Sorry to hear that...

My dad is alive but dead at the same time....he aint never done !#$@ for me....

Cherish the memories...
I'm so sorry for you loss man

I had to stop reading your post after the first paragraph, I couldn't read further, it hit me cuz I didn't want to imagine something like thathappening to me.

RIP to your dad.
RIP Lee Wyatt..may he rest in peace and your family find strength in this rough time. It seems like he really loved you and the rest of your family, rememberhis dedication to you when things get rough..
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