Yesterday morning my nightmare came true.

R.I.P to your pops man sorry to hear that.I lost my father 3 years ago the same way but my dad was only 43 at the time,its hard man just keep ur head up andremember all th good times..
dam R.I.P may god watch over his soul and rap his arms around your family in a time like this...

I'm sorry for your loss, man that really sucks. Know he's got your back regardless of whether he is on earth or in heaven. Keep your head up. And keephis memory alive.

RIP, damn lost someone close to me as well. My uncle had a sudden heart attack last week and we had his funeral yesterday.
Stay strong.
Your father left us with a beautiful story, thank you for sharing that. May he rest in peace. My sincerest condolences go out to you and your family. Staystrong.
R.I.P. Lee Wyatt

Im sorry for your loss, my condolences go to you and the entire family. Keep your head up, things will only get better.

you honoring your dad by letting everyone know about him briefly is commendable.
Wow. Couldn't even finish reading that.

I know how much you must be hurting right now.

My dad is my hero and I am always worried about his health. I have visions of him passing away under similar circumstances

HOLD YOUR HEAD B....Stay strong for yourself, your family and your dad's spirit.

He will always be with you and your family in spirit, even if he is not there physically. Hold on to the warm memories and emotions of your father andcelebrate his life, like he would have wanted you to do.

He will always be alive inside of you and your siblings and his essence will travel through your bloodline for eternity.

BLESS UP and stay strong will get through this.
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