Yet another sexual abuse allegation in college sports...Syracuse

Don't believe these guys..When I heard the info about the PSU scandal, I felt strongly that the facts were true...This just seems off..Like stated already, who goes to ESPN BEFORE the cops? That's like getting scammed and going to the local news before going to the cops..They wanted the publicity from this so they could make money off the situation..The fact that they're step brothers makes me very suspicious. If another victim that doesn't know either of the 2 alleged victims comes forward then my opinion will change but as of now, I'm not buying it.

If I tell you that Michael Jordan banged my ex-gf and there were 4 witnesses and you ask all 4 of them and they say "What the hell are you talking about? That never happened.." who are you gonna believe?
If this is not true, those folks need to pay. I hate how people really can make up anything about anyone at any given moment and not be punished for it. IE, that Hofstra situation where those 4 dudes supposedly raped that girl.
Dear Syracuse University Alumni,
Last night, we were contacted by an ESPN television reporter regarding allegations dating back to the 1980’s and 1990’s that Associate Head Men’s Basketball Coach Bernie Fine had engaged in inappropriate behavior with a minor, now 39. Following the terrible news that came out of Penn State in the last several weeks, this is clearly distressing to all of us in the Syracuse University community. The news is already being covered widely by the media.
I want to tell you what we know and what we are doing about it.
First, as has been announced, Bernie Fine has been placed on administrative leave pending a new investigation by the Syracuse Police Department. He has vehemently denied the allegations and should be accorded a fair opportunity to defend himself against these accusations.
As we have communicated publicly in response to media inquiries, in 2005, Syracuse University was contacted by an adult male who asserted that he had reported allegations in 2005 of abuse in the 1980’s and 1990’s to the police. That same individual told us that the Syracuse City Police had declined to pursue the matter because the statute of limitations had expired.
On hearing of the allegations, the University immediately launched its own comprehensive investigation through its legal counsel. The nearly four-month long investigation included a number of interviews with people the individual said would support his claims. All of those identified by him denied any knowledge of wrongful conduct by the associate coach. At the end of the investigation, as we were unable to find any corroboration of the allegations, the case was closed. Had any evidence or corroboration of earlier allegations surfaced —even if the Police had declined to pursue the matter —we would have acted.
As of last night, we became aware that the Syracuse Police have determined to open an investigation, and we will cooperate to the fullest extent with their review of the matter.
Let me be clear. We know that many question whether or not a university in today’s world can shine a harsh light on its athletics programs. We are aware that many wonder if university administrations are willing to turn a blind eye to wrongdoing that may disrupt a successful sports program. I can assure you I am not, and my fellow administrators are not. We hold everyone in our community to high standards and we don’t tolerate illegal, abusive or unethical behavior —no matter who you are.
As you know, this week, I affirmed Syracuse University’s steadfast belief that all of us have the responsibility, individually and collectively, to ensure that Syracuse University remains a safe place for every campus community member and everyone with whom we interact on a daily basis on campus or in the community as part of our learning, scholarship, or work. We do not tolerate abuse.
The dilemma in any situation like this, of course, is that—without corroborating facts, witnesses or confessions —one must avoid an unfair rush to judgment. We have all seen terrible injustices done to the innocent accused of heinous crimes. And we’ve all seen situations where the guilty avoid justice.
At this time, all we really know is that a terrible tragedy is unfolding for both the accuser and the accused. I want you to know that we will do everything in our power to find the truth, and —if and when we do find it—to let you know what we have found.
Nancy Cantor
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If this is not true, those folks need to pay. I hate how people really can make up anything about anyone at any given moment and not be punished for it. IE, that Hofstra situation where those 4 dudes supposedly raped that girl.

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If this is not true, those folks need to pay. I hate how people really can make up anything about anyone at any given moment and not be punished for it. IE, that Hofstra situation where those 4 dudes supposedly raped that girl.


I think this is what hes referring to


Ahhh....OK.  I do remember that.  I thought DC was talking about these crimes in the context of sports, and that's why I thought got it confused w. Duke.  The Hofstra case never crossed my mind.  My bad. 
"I'm not Joe Paterno. Somebody didn’t come and tell me Bernie Fine did something and I’m hiding it." - Jim Boeheim

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO get Bernie Fine the %%*% outta here !!!!!

Bernie's wife had sex with dude too when he was 18  Good Lorddddddddddd  

Jim Boeheim
  I hope he learned your lesson. You dont vouch for people when it comes to things done in private

Now he looks like a Dumb !*!
so Bernies wife knew this was going on and was banging the Davis guy also?....+** is wrong with this world, Fine's donezo, Jimmy looks like a moron, feel horrible for the victims and Fine's kids 
Damn, the bomb seriously dropped on this one. And I was leaning towards the fact that this guy was lying too. What a wild world
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO get Bernie Fine the %%*% outta here !!!!!

Bernie's wife had sex with dude too when he was 18  Good Lorddddddddddd  

Jim Boeheim
  I hope he learned your lesson. You dont vouch for people when it comes to things done in private

Now he looks like a Dumb !*!
This story is INSANE! The wife, and her husband deserve to rot in hell. 

In a tape-recorded 2002 telephone conversation, the wife of Syracuse associate head coach Bernie Fine admitted she had concerns that her husband had sexually molested a team ball boy in their home, but said she felt powerless to stop the alleged abuse.

Bobby Davis, who has publicly accused Bernie Fine of years of molestation that Davis said started when he was in the seventh grade, legally recorded his Oct. 8, 2002, phone call to Laurie Fine.

"I know everything that went on, you know," Laurie Fine said on the call, obtained by Outside the Lines from Davis. "I know everything that went on with him ... Bernie has issues, maybe that he's not aware of, but he has issues ... And you trusted somebody you shouldn't have trusted ... "

She continued: "Bernie is also in denial. I think that he did the things he did, but he's somehow through his own mental telepathy has erased them out of his mind."

ESPN has tried to reach Laurie and Bernie Fine for comment at their home and through Bernie Fine's attorney for the past week and a half. Neither the Fines nor Bernie Fine's attorney have responded.

After "Outside the Lines" first reported the allegations against Fine on Nov. 17, the now-39-year-old Davis shared the tape with Syracuse police, one of several law-enforcement agencies who have opened an investigation into the case. Davis first gave the tape to ESPN in 2003. At the time, ESPN did not report Davis' accusations, or report the contents of the tape, because no one else would corroborate his story.

After a second man said this month that he was also molested by Fine (that man is Mike Lang, Davis' step brother), ESPN hired a voice-recognition expert who said the voice on the tape matches the voice of Laurie Fine. The call was made and received in states that don't require both parties to consent to a call being recorded.

Davis, who has said he frequently slept over at the Fine household in their basement as a boy and teenager, said he made the recording of his call to Laurie Fine because he knew he needed proof for the police and the public to believe his allegations against Bernie Fine, who has served 35 years under Hall of Fame Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim. After Davis' claims, Fine was put on administrative leave.

"Laurie was a person I talked to a lot about this situation as I got older," Davis said in an interview with ESPN. "And she was there a lot of the times, and had seen a lot of the things that were going on when Bernie would come down to the basement in his house at night."

On the tape, Davis repeatedly asked Laurie Fine about what she knew of the alleged molestation.

"Do you think I'm the only one that he's ever done that to?" Davis asked.

"No ... I think there might have been others but it was geared to ... there was something about you," Laurie Fine said.

"Yeah, that's what I'm wondering," Davis said. "Like I'm wondering why I was like the worst one."

"I don't know," Fine said.

Laurie Fine and Davis also discussed what sexual acts Bernie Fine and Davis engaged in. In the discussion, Davis said Bernie Fine touched him inappropriately, but denied that they ever engaged in oral sex.

Later in the call, Fine tells Davis that she wanted to come to his defense but she just wasn't capable of it.

"Because I care about you, and I didn't want to see you being treated that way ... ," Fine said.

"Yeah," said Davis.

" And, it's hard ... " Fine said. "If it was another girl like I told you, it would be easy to step in because you know what you're up against. ... (When) it's another guy, you can't compete with that. It's just wrong, and you were a kid. You're a man now, but you were a kid then."

At another point in the call, Fine says of her husband: "You know, he needs ... that male companionship that I can't give him, nor is he interested in me, and vice versa."

During the phone call, Davis told Laurie Fine that when he was about 27 years old in the late 1990s, he asked her husband for $5,000 to help pay off his student loans.

"When he gave you the money, what does he want for that? He wants you to grab him or he wanted to do you?" she asked.

"He wanted to do me. He wanted me to touch him, too. He tried to make me touch him a couple of times. He'd grab my hand, and then I'd pull away, and then he'd put me in your bed, and then you know, put me down, and I'd try to go away, and he'd put his arm on top of my chest. He goes, 'If you want this money, you'll stay right here,' " Davis said.

"Right. Right ... ," Laurie Fine said. "He just has a nasty attitude, because he didn't get his money, nor did he get what he wanted. He didn't get ... "

Davis interrupted her at that point and said, "It's not about the money." To which Laurie Fine replied, "It's about the d---. I know that. So you're -- I'm just telling you for your own good, you're better off just staying away from him."

Later, Laurie Fine admitted to having a relationship with Davis. In the interview with ESPN, Davis said that occurred when he was 18 and a senior in high school. Davis said he told Bernie Fine about it, but Fine seemed unaffected. "I thought he was gonna kill me, but I had to tell him," Davis said in the interview with ESPN. "I felt so bad. I told him about it what was going on with me and Laurie and it didn't faze him one bit honestly."

On the call, Laurie Fine told Davis she'd already warned her husband that one day his alleged molestation of Davis might become public.

"I said to him, 'Bobby and I talked, and I know some things about you that if you keep pushing are going to be let out.' "

Davis continued: "He doesn't think he can be touched ... "

Laurie Fine: "No ... he thinks he's above the law."

Mark Schwarz is a reporter for ESPN's enterprise unit. Arty Berko is a producer.

first thing i thought of when i saw the headline on was Boeheim and what he said.. chuckled.. then read the article and got sick to my stomach
this world is full of such disgusting people
Originally Posted by calibeebee

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO get Bernie Fine the %%*% outta here !!!!!

Bernie's wife had sex with dude too when he was 18  Good Lorddddddddddd  

Jim Boeheim
  I hope he learned your lesson. You dont vouch for people when it comes to things done in private

Now he looks like a Dumb !*!
This story is INSANE! The wife, and her husband deserve to rot in hell. 

In a tape-recorded 2002 telephone conversation, the wife of Syracuse associate head coach Bernie Fine admitted she had concerns that her husband had sexually molested a team ball boy in their home, but said she felt powerless to stop the alleged abuse.

Bobby Davis, who has publicly accused Bernie Fine of years of molestation that Davis said started when he was in the seventh grade, legally recorded his Oct. 8, 2002, phone call to Laurie Fine.

"I know everything that went on, you know," Laurie Fine said on the call, obtained by Outside the Lines from Davis. "I know everything that went on with him ... Bernie has issues, maybe that he's not aware of, but he has issues ... And you trusted somebody you shouldn't have trusted ... "

She continued: "Bernie is also in denial. I think that he did the things he did, but he's somehow through his own mental telepathy has erased them out of his mind."

ESPN has tried to reach Laurie and Bernie Fine for comment at their home and through Bernie Fine's attorney for the past week and a half. Neither the Fines nor Bernie Fine's attorney have responded.

After "Outside the Lines" first reported the allegations against Fine on Nov. 17, the now-39-year-old Davis shared the tape with Syracuse police, one of several law-enforcement agencies who have opened an investigation into the case. Davis first gave the tape to ESPN in 2003. At the time, ESPN did not report Davis' accusations, or report the contents of the tape, because no one else would corroborate his story.

After a second man said this month that he was also molested by Fine (that man is Mike Lang, Davis' step brother), ESPN hired a voice-recognition expert who said the voice on the tape matches the voice of Laurie Fine. The call was made and received in states that don't require both parties to consent to a call being recorded.

Davis, who has said he frequently slept over at the Fine household in their basement as a boy and teenager, said he made the recording of his call to Laurie Fine because he knew he needed proof for the police and the public to believe his allegations against Bernie Fine, who has served 35 years under Hall of Fame Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim. After Davis' claims, Fine was put on administrative leave.

"Laurie was a person I talked to a lot about this situation as I got older," Davis said in an interview with ESPN. "And she was there a lot of the times, and had seen a lot of the things that were going on when Bernie would come down to the basement in his house at night."

On the tape, Davis repeatedly asked Laurie Fine about what she knew of the alleged molestation.

"Do you think I'm the only one that he's ever done that to?" Davis asked.

"No ... I think there might have been others but it was geared to ... there was something about you," Laurie Fine said.

"Yeah, that's what I'm wondering," Davis said. "Like I'm wondering why I was like the worst one."

"I don't know," Fine said.

Laurie Fine and Davis also discussed what sexual acts Bernie Fine and Davis engaged in. In the discussion, Davis said Bernie Fine touched him inappropriately, but denied that they ever engaged in oral sex.

Later in the call, Fine tells Davis that she wanted to come to his defense but she just wasn't capable of it.

"Because I care about you, and I didn't want to see you being treated that way ... ," Fine said.

"Yeah," said Davis.

" And, it's hard ... " Fine said. "If it was another girl like I told you, it would be easy to step in because you know what you're up against. ... (When) it's another guy, you can't compete with that. It's just wrong, and you were a kid. You're a man now, but you were a kid then."

At another point in the call, Fine says of her husband: "You know, he needs ... that male companionship that I can't give him, nor is he interested in me, and vice versa."

During the phone call, Davis told Laurie Fine that when he was about 27 years old in the late 1990s, he asked her husband for $5,000 to help pay off his student loans.

"When he gave you the money, what does he want for that? He wants you to grab him or he wanted to do you?" she asked.

"He wanted to do me. He wanted me to touch him, too. He tried to make me touch him a couple of times. He'd grab my hand, and then I'd pull away, and then he'd put me in your bed, and then you know, put me down, and I'd try to go away, and he'd put his arm on top of my chest. He goes, 'If you want this money, you'll stay right here,' " Davis said.

"Right. Right ... ," Laurie Fine said. "He just has a nasty attitude, because he didn't get his money, nor did he get what he wanted. He didn't get ... "

Davis interrupted her at that point and said, "It's not about the money." To which Laurie Fine replied, "It's about the d---. I know that. So you're -- I'm just telling you for your own good, you're better off just staying away from him."

Later, Laurie Fine admitted to having a relationship with Davis. In the interview with ESPN, Davis said that occurred when he was 18 and a senior in high school. Davis said he told Bernie Fine about it, but Fine seemed unaffected. "I thought he was gonna kill me, but I had to tell him," Davis said in the interview with ESPN. "I felt so bad. I told him about it what was going on with me and Laurie and it didn't faze him one bit honestly."

On the call, Laurie Fine told Davis she'd already warned her husband that one day his alleged molestation of Davis might become public.

"I said to him, 'Bobby and I talked, and I know some things about you that if you keep pushing are going to be let out.' "

Davis continued: "He doesn't think he can be touched ... "

Laurie Fine: "No ... he thinks he's above the law."

Mark Schwarz is a reporter for ESPN's enterprise unit. Arty Berko is a producer.


you that old going to ya molester asking for money for student loans already know what time it  is 

just nassssssty
wow just read about the update involving the wife...i really doubted these two step brothers after watching their interviews. also a third victim came forward, but he is much younger.

this story still seems sketchy, but i guess those holes are slowly being filled...

the only thing i dont really like is these two guys timing...why wait until the penn state situation comes to light?
Maybe they were given courage to speak out by hearing others speak out on a similar plight

Timing should be zero consequence here if the truth comes out.
Boeheim HAS to go. Accusers said that Boeheim saw him on Fine's hotel bed and thought nothing of it.

[h1]Bernie Fine fired by Syracuse[/h1]

Associated Press

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Syracuse University fired associate head basketball coach Bernie Fine on Sunday in the wake of an investigation of child molestation allegations against him.

"At the direction of Chancellor Cantor, Bernie Fine's employment with Syracuse University has been terminated, effective immediately," Kevin Quinn, the school's senior vice president for public affairs, said in a statement.

The 65-year-old Fine was in his 36th season at his alma mater. He had the longest active streak of consecutive seasons at one school among assistant coaches in Division I.

Fine's firing comes in the wake of new revelations Sunday, including a third accuser. Syracuse had placed Fine on paid administrative leave when accusations first surfaced.

Two former Syracuse ball boys were the first to accuse Fine, who has called the allegations "patently false."

Zach Tomaselli, 23, of Lewiston, Maine, said Sunday that he told police that Fine molested him in 2002 in a Pittsburgh hotel room. He said Fine touched him "multiple" times in that one incident.

Tomaselli, who faces sexual assault charges in Maine involving a 14-year-old boy, said during a telephone interview with The Associated Press that he signed an affidavit accusing Fine following a meeting with Syracuse police last week in Albany.

Tomaselli's father, meanwhile, maintains his son is lying.

Two former Syracuse ball boys were the first to accuse Fine, who has called the allegations "patently false."

Bobby Davis, now 39, told ESPN that Fine molested him beginning in 1984 and that the sexual contact continued until he was around 27. A ball boy for six years, Davis told ESPN that the abuse occurred at Fine's home, at Syracuse basketball facilities and on team road trips, including the 1987 Final Four.

Davis' stepbrother, Mike Lang, 45, who also was a ball boy, told ESPN that Fine began molesting him while he was in fifth or sixth grade.

No one answered the door at the Fine home Sunday. Earlier in the day, his attorneys released a statement saying Fine would not comment beyond his initial statement.

"Any comment from him would only invite and perpetuate ancient and suspect claims," attorneys Donald Martin and Karl Sleight said. "Mr. Fine remains hopeful of a credible and expeditious review of the relevant issues by law enforcement authorities."

Pete Moore, director of athletic communications at the university, said head coach Jim Boeheim "is not commenting further on the subject at this time."

When a reporter called Boeheim after Fine was fired, he hung up.

During his long career with Syracuse, Fine tutored the likes of Derrick Coleman, LeRon Ellis and John Wallace in his role of working with post players. Coleman was the top pick in the 1990 NBA draft, Ellis was the Clippers' 22nd overall choice in 1991, and Wallace was picked 18th in 1996 by the New York Knicks.

Boeheim and Fine met at Syracuse University in 1963, when Fine was student manager of the basketball team. Fine graduated in 1967 with a degree in personal and industrial relations and went into business for himself.

In 1970, Fine was named basketball and football coach at Lincoln Junior High in Syracuse and went to Henninger High School the next year as the junior varsity basketball coach. He became varsity basketball coach in 1975. When Boeheim was chosen to succeed Roy Danforth at Syracuse in 1976 Boeheim offered Fine a job as an assistant.

Fine was an integral part of the staff that guided Syracuse to the national championship in 2003. During his tenure the Orange also made two other appearances in the NCAA title game, losing in 1987 to Indiana and in 1996 to Kentucky. He also guided the U.S. Maccabiah team to a silver medal at the 1993 World Maccabiah Games in Israel and has served as director of a successful basketball camp in the Northeast.

Tomaselli said the scandal at Penn State involving former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky prompted him to come forward. Sandusky is accused in a grand jury indictment of sexually abusing eight boys over a 15-year period.

"It was the Sandusky stuff that came out that really made me think about it," Tomaselli said in the phone interview. "A lot of people were slamming ESPN and Bobby for saying anything. I wanted to come out. ... It made me sick to see all that support for Fine at that point. I was positive he was guilty."

Tomaselli told the Post-Standard that he didn't ask Syracuse police or federal authorities for help in getting the criminal charges dismissed against him in Maine.

Tomaselli was arrested in April on 11 warrants charging gross sexual assault, tampering with a victim, two counts of unlawful sexual contact, five counts of visual sexual aggression against a child and unlawful sexual touching and unlawful sexual contact, Lewiston police said Sunday. They did not say what led to the charges. He has pleaded not guilty.

Tomaselli told the Post-Standard he met Fine after he and his father, Fred, attended a Syracuse autograph session on campus in late 2001.

The newspaper reported that Fine later called Tomaselli's parents to arrange for Tomaselli to go to Pittsburgh with the athletic department staff on a chartered bus, spend the night in Fine's hotel room and attend the team's game on Jan. 22, 2002.

Tomaselli told the Post-Standard that he had dinner with the team, then returned to the hotel room where he accused Fine of putting porn on the TV and fondling him in bed.

Tomaselli attended the basketball game the next day, sitting several rows behind the bench, and rode the chartered bus back to Syracuse, the newspaper reported.

"The one time there was multiple incidents in that one night, but there was only one night that he ever sexually abused me," Tomaselli told the AP.

However, during a phone interview with the AP, Fred Tomaselli said: "I'm 100 percent sure that Bernie Fine was never in contact with Zach. He never went to Pittsburgh to a game, never been to that arena."

"I brought him to a couple of games in Syracuse. We always sat in the nosebleed section and left after the game. He never stayed for any overnighters and never even got within shouting distance of Bernie."

The Post-Standard also reported that Zach Tomaselli was invited by Fine to a party at his home after the Syracuse-Pitt game on Feb. 1, 2003 -- a game where Zach Tomaselli said Fine arranged seats for him and his father several rows behind the bench.

Tomaselli told the newspaper his father, who was unable to attend the party, allowed him to go to Fine's house and stay the night.

While there, Tomaselli told the AP, Fine asked him to get into bed and that Fine's wife, Laurie, was there when it happened.

"I told them (police) that Laurie was standing right there when Bernie asked me to sleep in a bed. Laurie knew all about it," he said during the phone interview.

On Sunday, ESPN played an audiotape, obtained and recorded by Davis, of an October 2002 telephone conversation between him and Laurie Fine.

Davis told ESPN he made the recording, which also has been given to Syracuse police, without her knowledge because he knew he needed proof for the police to believe his accusations. ESPN said it hired a voice recognition expert to verify the voice on the tape and the network said it was determined to be that of Laurie Fine.

Davis also acknowledged in an interview with ESPN that he and Laurie Fine had a sexual relationship when he was 18, and that he eventually told Bernie Fine about it.

"I thought he was going to kill me, but I had to tell him," Davis said. "It didn't faze him one bit."

During the call to the woman, Davis repeatedly asks her what she knew about the alleged molestation.

"Do you think I'm the only one that he's ever done that to?" Davis asked.

"No ... I think there might have been others but it was geared to ... there was something about you," the woman on the tape said.

On the tape, she also says she knew "everything that went on."

"Bernie has issues, maybe that he's not aware of, but he has issues. ... And you trusted somebody you shouldn't have trusted ... "

During the call, Davis tells her he asked her husband in the late 1990s for $5,000 to help pay off his student loans.

"When he gave you the money, what does he want for that?" she asked.

He tells her that Fine wanted to engage in sexual activity in several ways.

"... And I'd try to go away, and he'd put his arm on top of my chest. He goes, `If you want this money, you'll stay right here," Davis said.

"Right. Right," she said. "He just has a nasty attitude, because he didn't get his money, nor did he get what he wanted."

On Friday, federal authorities carried out a search at his Fine's suburban Syracuse home but declined to comment on what they were looking for.

New York State Police spokesman Jack Keller said troopers were called to assist the U.S. attorney's office at the search. At least six police vehicles were parked on the street during the search, which lasted around nine hours. Officers carted away three file cabinets and a computer for further examination.
so what about jim boeheim?

is he gonna say anything now after speaking all tuff last week?

dude should probably go too just for taking the stance he did
Al3xis wrote:
Boeheim now has 'no comment.'

Sorry, JimBo, doesn't quite work like that.
Yea, Jimbo put that rope around his neck & made it extra tight when he vehemently defended Fine. What a douche...He ran a pretty dirty program so it serves him right...
I do feel bad for Boehiem. Without this last piece of evidence, beyond damning and miraculous, there is no way I could find fault in his statements. Everything else before this felt so contrived.
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