YO! A homeboy of mine... came out...

Idk why but reading the title I can't get that Ron Browz song outta my head...Jumping out the window wit this one...

But anyway idk how I'd handle this one G...kinda seems like you guys were thrown a few signs, but you guys seem genuine so you kind of looked past it...

Either way should make for an interesting wedding...Good Luck
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

it dont bring you know pain that dude lied about this for so long tho?

and like most have sayed yall need to check dude and tell him its a time and a place for that

Don't use that ignorant @*+ argument cause to be honest none of those dudes would have tried to be his friend if he was gay.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

it dont bring you know pain that dude lied about this for so long tho?

and like most have sayed yall need to check dude and tell him its a time and a place for that

Don't use that ignorant @*+ argument cause to be honest none of those dudes would have tried to be his friend if he was gay.

ok thats good but i wasnt asking u
Originally Posted by nkwu11

Another homeboy of ours is getting married on April 4th. This particular dude (the gay guy) is the Best Man. The chic which he last had a relationship is a close friend of the bride and will no doubt be in attendance. Homie is planning on bringing his partner. The feeling I'm getting from the Groom (and our other homeboys) is why would he choose now to make such an announcement?

Attention #%$%$
Mad foul. Everything that needed to be said has been said in this thread already.

well said, i was thinking the same thing about dude being an attention #!##*
uninviting him for his intent to do it at the wedding is the best idea
so dude was really smashing chicks and all that? how could a man still be gay, even after...

Just tell him to wait untill the wedding is over. If he insist then I would keep being friends with him, that would at least show a level of class knowing howthe others would act. Especially on a day like that lol.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

so dude was really smashing chicks and all that? how could a man still be gay, even after...

Maybe a spiritual sickness. But Ant there are two reasons He came out...

1. Its still two months from the wedding so He probably figure it would best now rather than then.
2. He wants the spotlight and thinks He is the showstopper. Diva.

I would say its probably best y'all just tell everybody now to avoid it being the brand spanking new talk of theday.
if you guys are true homiez then support him... Just dont be the middle man sending messages to everyone... Everyones all friends...
maybe the guy can show up, but just be down low about it. like, the dude and his partner show up, but have them not publicly display it, until at least the endof the reception
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

it dont bring you know pain that dude lied about this for so long tho?
I think that's an issue for everyone else. Not me, so much. He actually said something in one of our messages back & forth about having had an "experience" in high school. So I can only imagine how he may've felt with us making jokes about his mannerisms and so on. I actually feel bad about it. Dude said he even sought psychiatric help. He'd even talked to ol' girl he was with about it and they stayed together another 4 or 5 months before he couldn't do it anymore.

I can't imagine that type of burden on me. So he moved with his dude up to DC about 2 years ago and has been living La Vida Feliz ever since. Apparently he's in a Gay basketball league. Son said his assists are "pretty" and that he "take(s) it to the hole a lot."



Oh Wooooooooooow

But Gunna's right this isn't his day/nor is it right for him to potentially take the attention away from the bride and groom on what is supposed to beone of the most memorable/glorious moments of a person life. Be sure to explain that you all aren't trying to make him hide who he is or his relationship,but anything or anybody that would potentially shift the focus either intentionally or unintentionally is wrong.

Maybe recommend y'all having a get together/reunion to catch up where all of you can meet him. If you everybody is comfortable, which considering how longyou've known each other I assuming that the core group would put personal bias's asside to allow your guy to be himself.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Oooohhh six!
Nah lemme stop.
Apparently he's in a Gay basketball league. Son said his assists are "pretty" and that he "take(s) it to the hole a lot."


But yeah Antonio, I think its terrible timing.

If he's the best man, and undertands the importance of the wedding, He'll wait to bring his partner around as to not put a damper on the bride andgroom's special day.
Originally Posted by MH602

Dude just needed to get it out there so when he shows up at the wedding with a man everyone will be prepared especially that chic. Its actually better this way, it might have caused a scene if he just showed up unexpectedly with a dude.

I agree with this 100%.

And honestly Ant, it's not about trying to take the spotlight. He wants to bring someone he is in love with just as everyone else. Would the friends orwedding party have any problems with him bringing a different girl knowing his ex is there? Maybe, but I doubt there would be any "should we talk tohim" conversations.

I actually give the guy props. He is probably more at peace with himself now that he isn't living a lie. Him showing up with his mate isn't himflaunting his homosexuality, it is him flaunting his freedom and happiness. That to me is a huge triumph.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Has he shown past signs of being gay?
He was never the most masculine dude. Small, frail bodied distance runner. But the girl he was with, I actually debated getting at. Wasn't like one of those pity situations. And he was giving her the business. And I know cause she'd tell me how they got down. The things she said they did had me salty for real...

But not to step on toes... dude was Gospel Choir director. You know how them dudes get down.



yeah we sure do
Originally Posted by supaswagman

dude shoulda been straight up with you from the jump if you were good friends with him

Our society isn't always conducive to that, you know? He probably fought it thinking he could change it as long as he could.
I would get any and all questions or concerns up front and out in the open with him ASAP.

This way it's out there, it's said, and hopefully the concerns are "over with" faster.
he probably figured it'd be the best time...i mean all your homies are together, ya gon' kick it, of course dudes gonna link up n try 2 settle this inperson. i mean, ur homie is gettin married, if hes ready for that, 1 would assume that hes a mature individual. he (dude who came out) stuck it out wit ya (nopun intended) thru the gay jokes and what not, he lied becaused he cared about YOUR feelings, and you cant pardon the fact that he did come out, and told youwhat it is. i think you owe it to dude to have a civilized discussion, take things into consideration, and tell each other how ya feel. its 1 of your homiesweddings, this is a big deal. i dont think dude trynna steal the show, he wanna embrace it with ya n what better time to show him that you can accept him forwat he is than on this big day.
Thugnificence wrote:
AirAnt23 wrote:
Right? But should I question his timing? I definitely don't feel like it'd be fair for there to be attention paid to his sexual orientation on our other homie's wedding day. Should I mention any of the things that our other friends are saying about him? Should I allow him to come down here and deal with whispers from the rest of the crew?

1. you should question his timing
2. he shouldnt do it at another person's wedding, that is taking the spotlight off of what it should be on.
3. Dont mention specifics, just tell him that he needs to talk to some of the people yall chill with
4. Yea he can come down there, but you should advise him not to come out at the wedding. its like he tryna steal the spotlight form them

You act like he is gonna attend the wedding dressed as someone in the Village People and dancing to "it's raining men". As long as the guy isrespectful at the wedding to the bride and groom, who gives a $%@%. These threads are always a magnet for the huge homophobic population on nt, as seen by thevery first reply.
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