Yo NT, I'm engaged. Tips/Advice welcome. ***UPDATE*** NEED HONEYMOON SUGGESTIONS!

Repped cause you posted a pic.

23 is mad young though. Her co-workers are going to be trying to knock that down, without a doubt. I've seen so many less than 25 year old recently married broads get knocked down at the office :smh:

Best of luck, cause Bill and Steven are coming for that. 

You dont even know if she works though
She is probably in grad school
Maybe she works in a facility where only women can work :lol:

Stop reading them yambtale stories man its making yah pessimistic
congrads.... but if your not at least 30 dont do it reconsider... read...enjoy our 20s to the fullest cause thats a might big step and not saying it your path but divorce/child support are real 
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Congrats brah 

Keep ya eyes peeled homie 
Don't fix problems when your angry, emotional and fighting. Work out problems when your calm, thinking, happy or even when there's no issue, just bring up ways you want to make your relationship better. It's hard to be logical when your emotional. Been with my wife since 04. Congrats and we'll wishes.
Repped cause you posted a pic.

23 is mad young though. Her co-workers are going to be trying to knock that down, without a doubt. I've seen so many less than 25 year old recently married broads get knocked down at the office 

Best of luck, cause Bill and Steven are coming for that. 

This is 100% truth though.  Saw it a ton at my old job.  Nothing wrong with getting married young, but in general, both parties have no clue about protecting oneself from the temptations out there.  They don't go away b/c someone put a ring on it--quite the opposite, from what I've seen.  

Nevermind that though, OP.  Congrats on the engagement.  

Only advice I have for your wedding is do what you guys want to do and not what you think your family wants you to do.  It's YOUR day, so focus on making it memorable for you and your bride.  
Repped cause you posted a pic.

23 is mad young though. Her co-workers are going to be trying to knock that down, without a doubt. I've seen so many less than 25 year old recently married broads get knocked down at the office 

Best of luck, cause Bill and Steven are coming for that. 
For once Tyrone has no chance. 

Congrats to OP though. 
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Congrats OP. My advice for a young man like yourself is to do some marriage prep/ counseling. A lot of times people think that its for couples that have problems or are on the verge of breaking up but it is not. It will lay the groundwork and foundation for your marriage . You will go through topics like where holidays will be spent (which is a big issue in relationships), handling money, how you would raise kids etc. I got married last year and it was the best thing we did before we got married . Shortly after we did a different class at our church ( the first one was just her and I with the counselor) with a bunch of other young married couples or engaged couples and we learned a lot from the class and from people. Its good sometimes to see that other people go through the exact same things.

I'm not saying do it all the time because that would be overkill but its good to start with we. My wife and I look at it as an investment in our relationship. After all we put so much into it already why not try to make it better when we can. Hope this helps!
Already planning on it man.

Have a couple that we are really close with at the church that will help us do premarital counseling. Thanks!
congrads.... but if your not at least 30 dont do it reconsider... read...enjoy our 20s to the fullest cause thats a might big step and not saying it your path but divorce/child support are real 
We just think differently man, I'm not a guy that goes out to clubs, strip clubs, bars, etc...I'm perfectly happy being with my wife and getting dinner with the guys once a week. Also, I do not believe in the d word...parents put me through that, I won't put my family through that.
Don't fix problems when your angry, emotional and fighting. Work out problems when your calm, thinking, happy or even when there's no issue, just bring up ways you want to make your relationship better. It's hard to be logical when your emotional. Been with my wife since 04. Congrats and we'll wishes.
Thanks man.
i agree with premarital counseling. be as honest as possible about yourself when they give you a questionnaire. also, if you can help it, don't waste money on fancy invitations and centerpieces at the reception. i've been to over 20 weddings and a groomsmen in 4, and I can't remember ever being blown away by an invitation or a centerpiece. matter of fact, after my wedding was over, a few of my wife's friends said they wish they had done what we did and skip the centerpieces. we went with an open bar instead and that guaranteed a good time for everyone.
not that im married or have kids, but since you are still young OP, id suggest waiting on kids until you are professionally and financially established

one of my good friends married young and has a kid (military marriage, then medically discharged from Navy) and things are tough. his wife and himself are both recent grads and trying to find career types of jobs. both have had to turn down several opportunities that would have been good starter jobs because the work schedules conflicted with their son's. daycare costs are a grip for them each month too but luckily he is almost kindergarten age.

congrats and im sure you have the foresight to handle certain issues...
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Already planning on it man.

Have a couple that we are really close with at the church that will help us do premarital counseling. Thanks!

We just think differently man, I'm not a guy that goes out to clubs, strip clubs, bars, etc...I'm perfectly happy being with my wife and getting dinner with the guys once a week. Also, I do not believe in the d word...parents put me through that, I won't put my family through that.

Thanks man.
Congrats!..... but that part is idiotic. So you would condemn your entire family to be unhappy instead of separation? There are such things as peaceful divorces too y'know. Just remember that. 

Best of luck.
My suggestion for a honeymoon... Jade Mountain in St. Lucia.. its expensive but it is niiicccce
Put your wife first

Be Honest

Communication is the key

Listen to your wife and provide her the attention she needs
Take her around babies. Figure out what her voice is like when she's talking to babies. I love my wife, but the voice she uses when she talks to our babies is a special decibel. It's a special "**** me, your voice is going to render me sterile. I won't be able to have any more kids and it's because of your squeaky voice."

In all seriousness, congrats man. Marriage is wonderful..or it should be. When I got married I felt this nice sense of "great, now I only have to deal with this one woman." Even if your wife turns out to be crazy, you're only dealing with one crazy woman....not all of them. Share your thoughts and feelings with her. Stoicism won't get you anywhere. Don't forget to occasionally ask "what can I do?" Women love those words because it means you care and it means you are trying. Devote more energy into the marriage than you do the wedding. Share your interests but don't assume that she'll be interested in them. Talk about things other than stuff that immediately pertains to you as a couple.
Congrats op. Marriage is a great accomplishment. Nothing better than finding that girl and waking up to her everyday.

Sound like you're a church dude. My wife and i did counseling, but it was with our Deacon, not a married couple. We talked to a few married couples that we thought would give valuable advice but all we got from them was how THEY did things. Never really talked about any of the views we had for each other and our soon to be marriage (church, kids, divorce, communication, etc). 

What ever budget you have, go ahead and count on that being doubled. I swore we would stay within budget, but once we calculated everything out, BOOM. Not that it's a bad thing, but it does give you a bit of a shock.

The wedding day will be HER day more than it will be both of yours. She will be the center of attention, get all the oohs and ahhs, and you're just trying to look good next to her. So during planning, make sure she gets what she wants (within reason of course), because she probably has been planning this for a long time. Also, make sure you delegate EVERYTHING to other people that day. The only thing you need to worry about is enjoying and taking your wedding in, because it will go by super fast.

For a honeymoon, i would suggest some tropical island. You guys will want to take a vacation from everything leading up to the wedding, and nothing better than just doing absolutely nothing. All inclusive resorts are awesome.

Just a couple things. Good luck to you and your future wife. Hoping for the best for you two. 
Eat da butt

But seriously... I just got married last year and I was 23.

Easily the best decision I've made in my life.

I wish you and your future wife the best.
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Got married about two months ago. Can't provide too much advice on marriage because we are still in "honeymoon" phase. Regarding engagement period, if there are any major issues you all disagree on talk them through now, because once you get married you are essentially accepting her for who she is and what she believes in. Major things to discuss are how you will handle finances,conflict, children, and each others family. If your going to marriage counseling it should cover this, if not bring it up.
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