You Don't Know What A Lyric Means??? POST IT HERE!

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Scientific, my hand kissed it
Robotic let's think optimistic
You probably missed it, watch me dolly $+*% it
Scotty watty cop it to me, big microphone hippie
Hit Poughkepsie crispy chicken verbs throw up a stone richie
Chop the O, sprinkle a lil' snow inside a Optimo
Swing the John McEnroe, rap rock'n'roll
Tidy Bowl, gung-ho pro, Starsky with the gumsole
Hit the rump slow, parole kids, live Rapunzel
but Ton' stizzy really high, the vivid laser eye guide
Jump in the Harley ride, Clarks I freak a lemon pie
I'm bout it, bout it - Lord forgive me, Ms. Sally shouted
Tracey got shot in the face, my house was overcrowded
You fake cats done heard it first
On how I #%$#%@$ on your turf
at times, Cuban Link verse yo
Check out the rap kingpin, summertime fine jewelry drippin
Face in the box, I seen your ear twitchin
As soon as I drove off, Cap' came to me with three sawed-offs
Give one to Rae', let's season they broth
Lightning rod fever heaters, knock-kneeder Sheeba for hiva
Diva got rocked from the receiver bleeder
Portfolio, lookin fancy in the pantry
My man got bigger dimes son, your +@## is scampi
Base that, throw what's in your mouth, don't waste that
See Ghost lampin in the throne with King Tut hat
Straight off

Dude, the song's called "Nutmeg". Do you think him or Rza were sober while writing this? In some strange way it makes sense but I could never ever explain how. Just enjoyt the abstractness of it.
forreal it might be easier breaking down Mighty Healthy.
wu tang lyrics in general should be barred from this thread
Originally Posted by kobe82410

all of flashing lights....haha

for real though, whats he talking about?

Roughly, its about him beng on vacation with his side piece, then getting photographed with her by the paparazzi. His girl sees the photo then subsequentlyleaves him.

Flashing lights = Flash bulbs of paparazzi cameras.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

ten thousand dollars stuffed up in my denims (what else)
standin on couches couple of womens (ay baby)
we was ballin hard it was just the 9th inning (its early)

The 1st 2 lines are so self explanatory I'm actually
NOW, as for the 9th inning line, I'm def w/ the **#+ does the 9th inning=early
Anyone? I just think it's Jimmy being
like usual...
Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

trash like the TO f for 40 dollars in the club

Only trashy hookers go for $40.... they're %#+!%%+ up the game and get no love because they are undercutting the other "non-trash" hose
Originally Posted by Ryanbbn1

Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

"i'm hot let the car cool, she wet as a car pool"

unless i got the lyric wrong, this #+%@ make NO sense

lines like this and the one i posted make zero sense. thats why wayne is just awful
Shut up. Get the line right first.

I'm hot BUT the car cool
She wet, THAT'S a car pool.

It's a very SIMPLE play on words and it's effective. They're in the car. She gets wet in the car. 2 or more people in a car is a carpool."Wetting" up the car makes it a car pool. Stop hating.
i always thought it was, "im hot but the car cool, she wet thats a carpool" ... i think it was on fireman so essentially wayne is the fireman hot boy yadda yadda yadda but his car cool so hes cool and that enables him to get a female in his whip ... she gets wet from being in his presence and now thats a car pool ... get it? car pool has a double meaning there cuz hes also driving her in his car so its like a carpool, and she is wet so its a carPOOL ...
lol o you know it ... but that goes for every artist ... i seen people give lupe and especially jay-z waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much credit forwhat they spit ... and on top of that, people get wet over a rapper referencing a movie and what not acting like its really that difficult to do ...
Originally Posted by Jaye05

I hate to see y'all frown but I'd rather see her smiling
Wetness all around me, true, but I'm no island
Peninsula maybe

Spaceships dont come equipped with rearview mirrors
They dip as quick as they can
The atmosphere is now ripped

International Player's Anthem, andre 3ks verse
hes no island meaning he isnt alone but he has loner tendencies because like a penisuala is similiar to an island but surrounded by land on 3sides

The spaceship line is about dont look back just stay on your path
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

lol o you know it ... but that goes for every artist ... i seen people give lupe and especially jay-z waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much credit for what they spit ... and on top of that, people get wet over a rapper referencing a movie and what not acting like its really that difficult to do ...

but lupe and jay actually incorporate hidden meanings and double entendres into their rhymes so its not the same. wayne doesnt even try to do that.

He thought jay was talking about "air" on mr. carter
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Jaye05

I hate to see y'all frown but I'd rather see her smiling
Wetness all around me, true, but I'm no island
Peninsula maybe

Spaceships dont come equipped with rearview mirrors
They dip as quick as they can
The atmosphere is now ripped

International Player's Anthem, andre 3ks verse
hes no island meaning he isnt alone but he has loner tendencies because like a penisuala is similiar to an island but surrounded by land on 3 sides

The spaceship line is about dont look back just stay on your path
Yup. Also, a peninsula is surrounded on all sides except one by "wetness". Now which part of your body looks JUST like florida?Brilliant play/plays on words...
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Jaye05

I hate to see y'all frown but I'd rather see her smiling
Wetness all around me, true, but I'm no island
Peninsula maybe

Spaceships dont come equipped with rearview mirrors
They dip as quick as they can
The atmosphere is now ripped

International Player's Anthem, andre 3ks verse
hes no island meaning he isnt alone but he has loner tendencies because like a penisuala is similiar to an island but surrounded by land on 3 sides

The spaceship line is about dont look back just stay on your path
Yup. Also, a peninsula is surrounded on all sides except one by "wetness". Now which part of your body looks JUST like florida? Brilliant play/plays on words...

Boy Dre a foo
Originally Posted by cartune

but lupe and jay actually incorporate hidden meanings and double entendres into their rhymes so its not the same. wayne doesnt even try to do that.

He thought jay was talking about "air" on mr. carter

how do you know? im going to repost something from another thread i posted a whiiiiiiiiiiile back that i found ...

"im stuck in a maze, therefore i am amazing" ... aside from the obvious wordplay, lets look a little deeper ... hes stuck in a maze ... dude just cant find his way, he doesnt know where hes goin (ie rock/rap/hip hop/pop), or what the purpose is of what hes doing (ie sales/fame/fortune/respect) ... hes caged in a seemingly pointless struggle with finding who he is as an artist/person ... but then he follows it up with "therefore i am amazing" ... see he reconizes that what is making him sell right now is that hes so versatile and has no purpose or identity ... not knowing what his puprose is has caused him to blow up on so many levels ... if he was still rappin like he was back in cash money days he wouldnt be selling this much ... at the same time, if he didnt have features where he spit that hot old cash money !%@! (ie death wish, forgot about me etc...) he wouldnt have his old fan base ...

my picture, should be in the dictionary next to the definition, of definition, because repitition is the father of learning and son i know your barrel burnin but please dont shoot me down ... ... ...

inherent in the line is the literal repitition of the word definition ... to say his picture should be in the dictionary next to the definition of definition is to say he is defines what defines ... carry it from hip hop, to the world, to his personal self and you cant get more real than being an example of definition ... a definition of something is what it is, there is no disputing and no denying ... not saying i agree with how he feels about himself but he is essentially suggesting he is what is or in other words, to quote someone somewhat famous, "i am who am" ...

"because repitition is the father of learning" ... he just made you listen to him repeat definition in a literal sense, now he explains why you should have done it ... the line is not intended for you to just take for face value and repeat a word, but to learn from what is repeated ... he is explaining exactly what we are doing on NT right now ... suggesting that you may think that he is just rambling !#$%#%*% but take a second and repeat what he just said, and see if you really understand it ...

take it a step further to "i know youre barrel burnin but please dont shoot me down" ... sometimes we hate the truth or teh definition of something, but when it comes down to it, we cant deny it ... in essence many hate the fact that wayne is what he is, youre barrels burnin cuz you cant believe wayne is on top right now ... he know that ... but please dont shoot him down ... overall, maybe you should repeat what you hear from him, cuz whether you like it or not he is what he is and defines what the game is right now ...

i didnt even get into the whole play on words of father and son ... father of learning ... ... get it ... ... he defines what defines and since repitition is the "father" of learning and a son learns from his father, "son" i know your barrels burning ... as in young boy that thinks im just some drugged out dude with no purpose sloooooow down and let me teach you something ... repeat that %!%+ one time, and dont shoot me down cuz i know what best for you ...

@ people who choose to look beyond lil wayne lines because they go over their head and just dismiss them for drugged out rants ... just because jay-z reads a newspaper and makes up a line about it doesnt make him any better ... just because you can OBVIOUSLY understand what jay was saying doesnt mean what hes saying is so "groundbreaking" ... i could make a hot verse looking at my dvd collection tonight and if it was jay z yall would explode all over it like "did you hear what my man just said" ahhhhhhhhhhhh

so you have concrete proof that this line doesnt mean what i suggested it means? as i said before, artistic expression is nothing without interpretation ... you interpret it as some !!%%***@ and i dont ... i just choose to not go ga ga over someone who watches a movie and then spits a line about it ... id much rather interpret something for my own use, but no one really knows what it means except said artist ...

and last but not least, to add another perspective on this issue ...

"I give sight to the blind, my insight through the mind
I exercise my right to express when I feel it's time
It's just all in your mind, what you interpret it as
I say to fight, you take it as I'mma whip someone's @$#
If you don't understand, don't even bother to ask
Ok dude first off Im not bashin wayne he is my dude but you are DEFINITLY reading too much into that amazing line its too much on the surface for you to bedigging that deep. you went that deep into to get what he was obviously saying.

Hes stuck in a maze (The name of the song is "Lost" not lost as in needing directions but lost that was Gorilla Zoe's idea not Wayne)

Tie My Hands is a better example, he has better songs where he can be introspective but alot of his fans are easily impressed by his lines that have no replayvalue meaning you get it the first time you hear it where as Nas, Jay, Dre, Lupe have you catching something different usually everytime you listen to it.

And what you are doing to these wayne lines is what you are accusing everyone else of doin to the Jay lines

But this aint that type of thread so dont want to go back and forth in here bout it
i mean thats your feelings and thats cool ... but as i said, "artistic expression is nothing without interpretation ... you interpret it as some !!%%***@and i dont ... i just choose to not go ga ga over someone who watches a movie and then spits a line about it ... id much rather interpret something for my ownuse, but no one really knows what it means except said artist ... " ...

it would be different if artists came out and explained their lyrics but they never would because leaving it open to interpretation gives them more credibility... do you realize that the majority of upper level english classes are completely based on your own interpretation of literary works? its an age old traditionto read something and decipher its meaning, but in the end, no one is right or wrong ...

an interpretation is like an opinion ... people arguing over interpretations is like people arguing over differing opinions, pointless, but fun ...
I like this cartune guy's perspective

Wayne is NOT brilliant. He's just clever than a mug. He drops hell B- punchlines ALL the time, so he's obviously good at what hedoes. But he isn't on that next tier. He's just the goodest of the good. But he does appeal to more fans than ANY other rapper. In a since, Ican uderstand how it's better to be good to a billion than great tp a thousand. He's not the best at any one thing. He'd have a hard timeformulating an extended metaphor probably because he has a hard time formulating regular metaphors. He's addicted to and dependent on"like" and "as" and doesn't know how (or doesn't want) to change that. I KNOW thisbecause I DO this rap #@!! so I STUDY these rap __s way morethoroughly than your average rap fanatic. I know what to listen for to know if a rapper has that higher level ability. Wayne doesn't. When he was like 20,if he'd have kept growing at the pace he was growing at, he'd be the undisputed best rapper in the game right now. But instead of showing growth as anartist, he deviated into focusing on his image and appeal. His pen never go any sharper than where it was circa SQ/Carter 1. Add to that, he numbs hismind and stunts his creativity with excessive amounts of drugs. Now he just coasts on his buzz and he makes semi-witty, somewhat catchy similes and spews themrandomly at you.
Thousand of grants wrapped tight inside a shoebox
don't keep jack in my lap, don't want to see tupac

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

i mean thats your feelings and thats cool ... but as i said, "artistic expression is nothing without interpretation ... you interpret it as some !!%%***@ and i dont ... i just choose to not go ga ga over someone who watches a movie and then spits a line about it ... id much rather interpret something for my own use, but no one really knows what it means except said artist ... " ...

it would be different if artists came out and explained their lyrics but they never would because leaving it open to interpretation gives them more credibility ... do you realize that the majority of upper level english classes are completely based on your own interpretation of literary works? its an age old tradition to read something and decipher its meaning, but in the end, no one is right or wrong ...

an interpretation is like an opinion ... people arguing over interpretations is like people arguing over differing opinions, pointless, but fun ...
I dig what you saying
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Thousand of grants wrapped tight inside a shoebox
don't keep jack in my lap, don't want to see tupac


He keep money hid not in his lap expose because he doesnt want to get killed over his money and see tupac in the afterlife.
^ Jack is the important part of that line. It's in reference to Haitian Jack and his involvement in Pac's '94 shooting.

Some of y'all need to read more. Seriously.
Originally Posted by hic57999

"You look so good/ Id suck on ya daddy's **@#"


Someone please give me an explanation.

Most suspect line of all time
im pretty sure a comedian said that first
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by YaAintReady

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

i kno the words... but dont understand it
... i wanna see somebody explain this

Scientific, my hand kissed it
Robotic let's think optimistic
You probably missed it, watch me dolly $+*% it
Scotty watty cop it to me, big microphone hippie
Hit Poughkepsie crispy chicken verbs throw up a stone richie
Chop the O, sprinkle a lil' snow inside a Optimo
Swing the John McEnroe, rap rock'n'roll
Tidy Bowl, gung-ho pro, Starsky with the gumsole
Hit the rump slow, parole kids, live Rapunzel
but Ton' stizzy really high, the vivid laser eye guide
Jump in the Harley ride, Clarks I freak a lemon pie
I'm bout it, bout it - Lord forgive me, Ms. Sally shouted
Tracey got shot in the face, my house was overcrowded
You fake cats done heard it first
On how I #%$#%@$ on your turf
at times, Cuban Link verse yo
Check out the rap kingpin, summertime fine jewelry drippin
Face in the box, I seen your ear twitchin
As soon as I drove off, Cap' came to me with three sawed-offs
Give one to Rae', let's season they broth
Lightning rod fever heaters, knock-kneeder Sheeba for hiva
Diva got rocked from the receiver bleeder
Portfolio, lookin fancy in the pantry
My man got bigger dimes son, your +@## is scampi
Base that, throw what's in your mouth, don't waste that
See Ghost lampin in the throne with King Tut hat
Straight off
little more specific?

Face in the box, I seen your ear twitchin

that right there tho^^^
so many levels

specific?.... i wanna kno wat the whole thing means.... line by line
raps like that are abstract. idk if most heads can appreciate it but he just spittin thoughts basically. they dont go together but probably madesense to him when he said or wrote each bar
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Jaye05

I hate to see y'all frown but I'd rather see her smiling
Wetness all around me, true, but I'm no island
Peninsula maybe

Spaceships dont come equipped with rearview mirrors
They dip as quick as they can
The atmosphere is now ripped

International Player's Anthem, andre 3ks verse
hes no island meaning he isnt alone but he has loner tendencies because like a penisuala is similiar to an island but surrounded by land on 3 sides

The spaceship line is about dont look back just stay on your path
Yup. Also, a peninsula is surrounded on all sides except one by "wetness". Now which part of your body looks JUST like florida? Brilliant play/plays on words...

Boy Dre a foo
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