You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

I love Chic-Fil-A! Its ******g delicious!
On the real, doe, I could care less about their view on gay marrage and whatnot. If one knew anything about chic-fil-a, this wouldn't be a shock at all(they're not open on Sundays). And lets be real, most of the figure heads shunning Chic-fil-a are only doing it because its the PC thing to do. I salute Chic-fil-a for keeping it 100.
if you're a minority, you sound like an idiot right now because those people are going through the same things yours have at some point (and/or at still going through now)

inb4 we had it worse, cant compare plights blah blah blah its all the same thing: a group of people wanting the rights that everyone else has and are not allowed to have it simply because of who/how they are.
Yup, this basically sums up my opinion on the whole thing. I know a lot of people dont equate modern day racism(what we see nowdays and a little while back) and the plight against the *****exual community but I do.

I remember the 1st time I ever truly experienced racism. I remember how much it bothered me and how my mom just told me "The next time you want to go around judging someone because of something they cant change just remember that people do it to you all the time cause you're black". IDK if anyone thinks that *****exuality and modern day racism are equal but in a lot of ways I do, so I cant in good conscience be mad that people are supporting the *****exual community cause I'd want the same courtesy if it came down to it. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if this was the mindset that a lot of the people backing them have as well. People who are much older than I am who felt racism more than I have.

With that being said Chik-Fil-A is entitled to their own opinion and this should have already been well known because they have made it clear before that they are a company that has firm traditional Christian values. IDK whether or not I'm going to boycott Chik-Fil-A for this or not becuase this was something that I always assumed about them, I jus think theyre very very wrong.
if you're minority, you sound like an idiot right now because those people are going through the same things yours have at some point (and/or at still going through now)


When did chic-fil-a say they're not going to serve *****exuals? When did they say *****exuals are not welcome in they're places of business? They have an idea and they're sticking to it, more people should do that instead trying to follow the PC trends.
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Who else just went to Chick-Fil-A?

+1 for OP for reminding me that I hadn't been in a minute.
Ahhhh NT....the only place where the love for chicken sandwiches gets blended together with a hatred for *****exuals.

*****exuals are cool with me....and I like chicken sandwiches from Chik-Fil-A.

People just care too much about the next man and love to argue.

"Just because I said I like oranges, doesn't mean I hate apples" Didn't Jill Scott say that.....
Damn i just had chickfila for the first time a month ago. Its really damn good. I dont agree with their stance on this issue, but theyre certainly allowed to have a stance on it.
I'm not going to stop eating at Chick-Fil-A.

Chick-Fil-A > Gay Marriage

This. Chick-Fil-A :nthat:

Don't care if they don't support gay marriage, I'm still going to eat there.

INB4 the Boshsexual community comes out and boycotts Chick-Fil-A. :lol:
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Guess romos are just gonna have to stick to eatin the beef.... :D

As will I :rolleyes

Seriously though. I never have eatin at a chick-filla and now never plan too so...... It's whatever.
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Sometimes people don't know how to distinguish between these two points unfortunately.

They sound just as stupid as people who think everybody who's not trying to blindly support them is a "hater" :smh:

I can't stand this generation.

Edit: Actually, I hope the *****exual community does boycott Chick-Fil-A, maybe they'll lower their prices or give out coupons to fight the bad publicity. Chicken sandwiches for the low-low :smokin
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I am presuming all these Chick-fil-A enthusiasts in here agree with Huckabee/Santorum then in regards to the counter protest?


“No signs and no protests are needed to make your voice heard. Just simply have a meal at Chick-fil-A on August 1 for ‘Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day’ and our support for traditional values will be heard loud and clear,” Rick Santorum wrote in an email Wednesday to supporters.
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How about I continue to eat chic-fil-a when I feel like eating chic-fil-a..
I find it appalling that our country is still in turmoil over the issue of same sex marriage when there are other pertinent issues this country needs to focus on. And yet, it seems like a lot of people think that forcing a company lead by a man and his own beliefs to publicly acknowledge and disavow his own beliefs in heterosexual relationships will score a victory for gay marriage.

Cathy should not have to pander to anyone in order to sell chicken sandwiches. That's ridiculous. Nor should the Chick-fil-a manager in Chicago have to meet with Mayor Emmanuel in order to save their business from the vitriol of people who are seemingly looking to do nothing but posture their beliefs above a religion that has long established their beliefs. I find it more ridiculous that Mayor Menino in Boston has publicly decried Chick-fil-a's business in Boston because of how Cathy chooses to spend his money on Evangelical organizations. Aren't people looking for jobs these days?

As far as I'm aware, there are no signs that say "Gay people not served" at any chick-fil-a restaurant, and to me, that's more than enough to me and anyone else who comes there for a sandwich. Should we be upset that people like Billy Graham, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee are using this time to support their own views on gay marriage? I don't think so, because as far as I'm concerned, it really hasn't hurt anyone.

Only time and education will change beliefs. Like I said, this country faces bigger problems than Chick-fil-a, trust me.
Sorry Fambs.

Any Fast food is garbage in my eyes.

If I want a cheat meal, I'll get a steak or some latin food.

Team fitness>>>>> fat food
I find it appalling that our country is still in turmoil over the issue of same sex marriage when there are other pertinent issues this country needs to focus on. And yet, it seems like a lot of people think that forcing a company lead by a man and his own beliefs to publicly acknowledge and disavow his own beliefs in heterosexual relationships will score a victory for gay marriage.
Cathy should not have to pander to anyone in order to sell chicken sandwiches. That's ridiculous. Nor should the Chick-fil-a manager in Chicago have to meet with Mayor Emmanuel in order to save their business from the vitriol of people who are seemingly looking to do nothing but posture their beliefs above a religion that has long established their beliefs. I find it more ridiculous that Mayor Menino in Boston has publicly decried Chick-fil-a's business in Boston because of how Cathy chooses to spend his money on Evangelical organizations. Aren't people looking for jobs these days?
As far as I'm aware, there are no signs that say "Gay people not served" at any chick-fil-a restaurant, and to me, that's more than enough to me and anyone else who comes there for a sandwich. Should we be upset that people like Billy Graham, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee are using this time to support their own views on gay marriage? I don't think so, because as far as I'm concerned, it really hasn't hurt anyone.
Only time and education will change beliefs. Like I said, this country faces bigger problems than Chick-fil-a, trust me.

*cue rock applaud gif.*
Gimme a chicken sandwich with some waffle fries.. FOR FREE!

This whole situation is.... UNFORGIVABLE.
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