You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

^ There's a bit of a difference between just having an opinion and donating millions of dollars to anti gay legislation.
Serious question here.  Why are people protesting CFA?  
Because they want to?

Me personally? Because you can say "its a private person's opinion" and it that would be the case if that was ALL that happened.

But its not.

The company activately donates to entities whose sole purpose is to disenfranchise gays and lesbians.

That bothers me.
I fully understand wanting equal rights and I also fully agree with that.  But when did we start worrying about what the owner of a PRIVATE business thinks or believes?  What good is it doing for the equal rights cause to stand outside CFA restaurants dressed in cow and chicken suits?  Is that supposed to make the owner double back on his stance?  And if so, isn't that kind of doing the same thing that religious people are so often accused of--forcing their belief system/opinions on others?  What happened to freedom of thought?  Remember, his stance is idiotic, but it isn't illegal.      
Corporations are people, remember? So yeah, I think its ok to judge a company based on its financial associations to organizations and THOSE organization's stances.

Don't front like companies don't go through extensive research to align themselves with stories and frameworks that won't harm them down the road.

Theres a reason why "corporate partnerships" come to an end. 

That stuff matters. 

Everyone saying "well i'm not gay so I don't care" just forgets that there ARE people out there who feel personally attacked by this so until you put yourself in their shoes then how can you really be taken seriously.
Again, I'm for the cause of equal rights for the lesbian/gay community.  But I just think maybe the focus of this CFA incident is greatly misplaced.  Shouldn't we really be focused on the government--you know, the people that can help create change via laws?  The last time I checked, this CFA guy is legally entitled to his opinion and is also legally allowed to donate to whatever organization he pleases, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT WE AGREE WITH IT.  For example, I don't agree with his stance.  But I respect his right to have his opinion, no matter how misguided I feel it is.  Why would I waste my time protesting HIS OPINION? What good is that REALLY doing for the cause?
And we have the right to challenge his opinion. 

See how that works?

Plus, the government (should) reflect the will of the people. If not enough people are supporting gay rights, then it won't change from a legal stand-point.
If this was government related, meaning that a government official came out and had the same stance as the CFA guy (which many have!), I could see protesting in the streets.  But it isn't--this is a private citizen voicing his opinion on an issue.  Where are the protests of our local, state and federal government officials that refuse to acknowledge the rights of gays and lesbians?    
Its NOT just a private citizen and you keep forgetting that. Its the actions of the company at large and its open and vagrant support of anti-gay organizations.
And to all the people up in arms about the CFA guy, here's my question to you:  what are YOU doing to further the cause?  Are you just complaining on the internet or in the CFA drive thru, or are you using your local resources to actually do something about it?  Are you going to chastise owners of private businesses for having an opinion, or are you going to lobby your public leaders to make something happen?  Are you going to focus on those organizations that exist to keep the status quo, or are you going to get behind those organizations that exist to even the playing field by donating your time AND money?  
A great non-solution here.

Challenge the people who are upset by saying they don't do enough, to get them to quiet down.

Me personally? I share my opinion on the topics and donate my time and money to educational campaigns and resources to increase awareness of not only gay rights but other social injustices that I think need to be addressed. 
I guess my main point is that I think folks are barking up the wrong tree with this specific incident.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how outdated and ridiculous it is.  You don't have to like it, but then again, they don't have to like yours, either.  That's America and that's the freedom that everyone talks about all the time.  If you want true change, rally behind those who are in positions to affect that change.  Chastising those who think differently than you is a waste of energy, IMO.  "Oh look....he's donated millions to oppress gays!"  And guess what?  He'll probably continue to do the same!  So now it comes back to what YOU are going to do to offset that.  Standing outside a restaurant in a cow suit ain't gettin' it done, folks.  That's just a reaction to something you don't agree with--being proactive is the only way to get **** done.      
I love when people pull this argument out.

Essentially, you're too poor to really make a difference anyways, you might as well give up!

Thanks for reminding people how little their opinions matter and they should just tolerate bigotry and religious hypocrisy.
And let's be honest--you're probably not changing the opinion of old, rich, white dudes.  So move on from focusing on them and use that time/energy to actually do something effective.  Just my 2 cents.  
Just because you've only thought to donate your time to discussing the matter online doesn't mean that it describes everyone else's participation in the matter. 
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Serious question here.  Why are people protesting CFA?  

Because they want to?

Me personally? Because you can say "its a private person's opinion" and it that would be the case if that was ALL that happened.

But its not.

The company activated donates to entities whose sole purpose is to disenfranchise gays and lesbians.

That bothers me.

almost agree,
It's borderline obnoxious to see a successful business publicly taking such a controversial stance.
Why compare struggles, what does that accomplish. Who does it help?

I don't see how anyone can be so blind to see how mentioning a tragic time and comparing and contrasting is not inappropriate.

Reminds me of some skit "I have aids and I don't know if I'm going to make it cause I cant afford the medicine"
"Yeah i know exactly what you mean my credit card can't cover my trip to the bahamas so I have to borrow money"
Serious question here.  Why are people protesting CFA?  
Because they want to?

Me personally? Because you can say "its a private person's opinion" and it that would be the case if that was ALL that happened.

But its not.

The company activated donates to entities whose sole purpose is to disenfranchise gays and lesbians.

That bothers me.
almost agree,
It's borderline obnoxious to see a successful business publicly taking such a controversial stance.
See this is my thing. There are tons of "christian" entities out there that everyone shops at, but they're not out there living in 1642. 

I guarantee you if the owners of Home Depot intended it be a christian organization and came out against interracial marriage as a violation against the Curse of Ham in the bible, their stock would tank fast as hell.

I don't have a problem with "christian businesses" so to speak...I mean believing in magic isn't illegal so thats whatever. 

Its when you try to pass off what is nothing more than something universally seen as blatant bigotry and hatred as "religious preference"

Nah homie. Thats not gonna work anymore.

Otherwise, my religious preference says I get to keep slaves and beat my wives for fun. 

You can't run to that religious umbrella when you choose to ignore it in the face of the law in every other context. 
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You don't want them to go through atrocities, but you're using a measurement of them going through atrocities to gain their rights. 


Do you people know what CIVIL rights means? I don't recall that being BLACK rights. 

Let me know if I missed something.


You can write in all kinds of colors and type out such thorough responses, belittle the opinions of others, but you cant read? Or is it your reading comprehension that lacks fine tuning?

Ill try to explain it in words even you can understand. Next time I can add memes if it helps you grasp the concept better.

I clearly said I dont care if they get their rights, and in fact I would prefer it. In other words they should get their rights.

There I colored it for you since you conveniently forgot to.
I have a problem with them or those who support them always comparing it to something they did not endure. I have heard them compare their struggle to blacks and native americans. I have even heard the holocaust brought up. Im not denying they get their rights (I said it twice for your learning purposes), it just annoys me when they are compared to groups that have suffered so much more. And no, being denied marriage is not the same as being denied service in a restaurant or sitting at the back of the bus.
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You don't want them to go through atrocities, but you're using a measurement of them going through atrocities to gain their rights. 


Do you people know what CIVIL rights means? I don't recall that being BLACK rights. 

Let me know if I missed something.

You can write in all kinds of colors and type out such thorough responses, belittle the opinions of others, but you cant read? Or is it your reading comprehension that lacks fine tuning?

Ill try to explain it in words even you can understand. Next time I can add memes if it helps you grasp the concept better.

I clearly said I dont care if they get their rights, and in fact I would prefer it. In other words they should get their rights.

There I colored it for you since you conveniently forgot to.
I have a problem with them or those who support them always comparing it to something they did not endure. I have heard them compare their struggle to blacks and native americans. I have even heard the holocaust brought up. Im not denying they get their rights (I said it twice for your learning purposes), it just annoys me when they are compared to groups that have suffered so much more. And no, being denied marriage is not the same as being denied service in a restaurant or sitting at the back of the bus.
For you to even get "offended" that they compare their struggle (which is fairly similar in all actuality) is ridiculous in and of itself.

Are they not subjected to just as much discrimination than you in other forms?

But of course, for you all you can do is compare discrimination, instead of combating ALL of it.

You'd rather say "well they don't have it as bad"


Do you WANT it to be worse for you just so you can feel justified in being hated? Do you like being a second class citizen?

Do you want to return to that time period so you'll have something to think about?

I'm sure you'd prefer to be beaten in the streets so you can feel like you're "really" struggling.

Oh...whats that you say? You DONT want to go back to that?

So just stop complaining when others express their own struggles.

You get NO WHERE comparing war stories. 

What do you gain by making sure everyone realizes how bad black people have/had/will have it? Does that make your situation any better or address the rights of others?

It doesn't even matter where you stand on the issue because as long as you're wasting time comparing stories of oppression, then you're just itching for a reason to avoid taking a step towards solving problems, one by one. 
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For you to even get "offended" that they compare their struggle (which is fairly similar in all actuality) is ridiculous in and of itself.

Are they not subjected to just as much discrimination than you in other forms?

But of course, for you all you can do is compare discrimination, instead of combating ALL of it.

You'd rather say "well they don't have it as bad"


Do you WANT it to be worse for you just so you can feel justified in being hated? Do you like being a second class citizen?

Do you want to return to that time period so you'll have something to think about?

I'm sure you'd prefer to be beaten in the streets so you can feel like you're "really" struggling.

Oh...whats that you say? You DONT want to go back to that?

So just stop complaining when others express their own struggles.

You get NO WHERE comparing war stories. 

What do you gain by making sure everyone realizes how bad black people have/had/will have it? Does that make your situation any better or address the rights of others?

It doesn't even matter where you stand on the issue because as long as you're wasting time comparing stories of oppression, then you're just itching for a reason to avoid taking a step towards solving problems, one by one. 

Yeah its a lack of reading comprehension. I said they deserve full rights. As far as I'M concerned YOUR not addressing the issue, so I'm not gonna do it for you. I'm not a fan of walls of texts and this is the last I contribute to this one.
See this is my thing. There are tons of "christian" entities out there that everyone shops at, but they're not out there living in 1642. 

I guarantee you if the owners of Home Depot intended it be a christian organization and came out against interracial marriage as a violation against the Curse of Ham in the bible, their stock would tank fast as hell.

I don't have a problem with "christian businesses" so to speak...I mean believing in magic isn't illegal so thats whatever.

Its when you try to pass off what is nothing more than something universally seen as blatant bigotry and hatred as "religious preference"

Nah homie. Thats not gonna work anymore.

Otherwise, my religious preference says I get to keep slaves and beat my wives for fun.

You can't run to that religious umbrella when you choose to ignore it in the face of the law in every other context.
You're flipping their donations to fit you're anti-rligous beliefs Mr Politician Putty. I'm not religous at all, but I've seen it turn lives around and do a lot of good for many. Its not for me, but its also not for me to tell people what they should do becuase I'm only 1 person. You're just like the current president, his way or the highway- if you dont follow his suit, you will be fined, and he will redistribute the money that YOU worked for as he sees fit. Thats not what this country is about. No religion says anything about what you said, youre just using it to your own benefit and to cloud the topic at hand. Their religion says nothing about hurting *****exuals, but IN THEIR RELIGION (which you DONT have to be a part of) its not accepted. Thats fine, dont be a part of it, i'm not- because i dont agree. But why do you think you are the ultimate power and that what you say should be the law and universally accepted. Are you your own religion? The religion of Mr Putty where what you say goes- thats not what we want, just what you want. You want a dictatorship, but thats not a safe thing to have- because one person cant handle that power
Accountability is key here. No one made them adopt that stance or even align themselves with christianity. THEY did. If they don't like the association, thats THEIR problem. 

On top of that, your OWN links show that they were donations to the FRC and other organizations that actively campaign AGAINST gay rights. 

If we're going to validate the bible as a reason why its OK for chikfila to have this stance, they're going to have to address this inconsistency first:

So lets get this straight...they want to validate discriminating against *****exuals in their corporate donations, but they don't have to be internally consistent in their proclaimation in a religion they adhere to?

Yeah, I'm not buying it.

You don't get to pick and choose what you want to follow and validate parts of a book that you don't even take seriously.

If we're going to start "respecting" the bible as a valid source of information they're going to have to change their MENU first... 
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btw I cosign with Silly Putty, all religious folks should be dead.
Serious question here.  Why are people protesting CFA?  
Because they want to?

Me personally? Because you can say "its a private person's opinion" and it that would be the case if that was ALL that happened.

But its not.

The company activately donates to entities whose sole purpose is to disenfranchise gays and lesbians.

That bothers me.
I fully understand wanting equal rights and I also fully agree with that.  But when did we start worrying about what the owner of a PRIVATE business thinks or believes?  What good is it doing for the equal rights cause to stand outside CFA restaurants dressed in cow and chicken suits?  Is that supposed to make the owner double back on his stance?  And if so, isn't that kind of doing the same thing that religious people are so often accused of--forcing their belief system/opinions on others?  What happened to freedom of thought?  Remember, his stance is idiotic, but it isn't illegal.      
Corporations are people, remember? So yeah, I think its ok to judge a company based on its financial associations to organizations and THOSE organization's stances.

Don't front like companies don't go through extensive research to align themselves with stories and frameworks that won't harm them down the road.

Theres a reason why "corporate partnerships" come to an end. 

That stuff matters. 

Everyone saying "well i'm not gay so I don't care" just forgets that there ARE people out there who feel personally attacked by this so until you put yourself in their shoes then how can you really be taken seriously.
Again, I'm for the cause of equal rights for the lesbian/gay community.  But I just think maybe the focus of this CFA incident is greatly misplaced.  Shouldn't we really be focused on the government--you know, the people that can help create change via laws?  The last time I checked, this CFA guy is legally entitled to his opinion and is also legally allowed to donate to whatever organization he pleases, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT WE AGREE WITH IT.  For example, I don't agree with his stance.  But I respect his right to have his opinion, no matter how misguided I feel it is.  Why would I waste my time protesting HIS OPINION? What good is that REALLY doing for the cause?
And we have the right to challenge his opinion. 

See how that works?

Plus, the government (should) reflect the will of the people. If not enough people are supporting gay rights, then it won't change from a legal stand-point.
If this was government related, meaning that a government official came out and had the same stance as the CFA guy (which many have!), I could see protesting in the streets.  But it isn't--this is a private citizen voicing his opinion on an issue.  Where are the protests of our local, state and federal government officials that refuse to acknowledge the rights of gays and lesbians?    
Its NOT just a private citizen and you keep forgetting that. Its the actions of the company at large and its open and vagrant support of anti-gay organizations.
And to all the people up in arms about the CFA guy, here's my question to you:  what are YOU doing to further the cause?  Are you just complaining on the internet or in the CFA drive thru, or are you using your local resources to actually do something about it?  Are you going to chastise owners of private businesses for having an opinion, or are you going to lobby your public leaders to make something happen?  Are you going to focus on those organizations that exist to keep the status quo, or are you going to get behind those organizations that exist to even the playing field by donating your time AND money?  
A great non-solution here.

Challenge the people who are upset by saying they don't do enough, to get them to quiet down.

Me personally? I share my opinion on the topics and donate my time and money to educational campaigns and resources to increase awareness of not only gay rights but other social injustices that I think need to be addressed. 
I guess my main point is that I think folks are barking up the wrong tree with this specific incident.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how outdated and ridiculous it is.  You don't have to like it, but then again, they don't have to like yours, either.  That's America and that's the freedom that everyone talks about all the time.  If you want true change, rally behind those who are in positions to affect that change.  Chastising those who think differently than you is a waste of energy, IMO.  "Oh look....he's donated millions to oppress gays!"  And guess what?  He'll probably continue to do the same!  So now it comes back to what YOU are going to do to offset that.  Standing outside a restaurant in a cow suit ain't gettin' it done, folks.  That's just a reaction to something you don't agree with--being proactive is the only way to get **** done.      
I love when people pull this argument out.

Essentially, you're too poor to really make a difference anyways, you might as well give up!

Thanks for reminding people how little their opinions matter and they should just tolerate bigotry and religious hypocrisy.
And let's be honest--you're probably not changing the opinion of old, rich, white dudes.  So move on from focusing on them and use that time/energy to actually do something effective.  Just my 2 cents.  
Just because you've only thought to donate your time to discussing the matter online doesn't mean that it describes everyone else's participation in the matter. 
Meh.  I have no desire to go back and forth with you.  If what you took away from what I wrote is mainly me trying to quiet the voice of those who want equal rights (which includes me), you're severely misguided.  Which actually makes sense, given your bloodlust for debate that tends to cloud your reading comprehension.  All I was saying is aim higher b/c the CFA guy isn't backing down from his beliefs for dudes in cow suits.  

And yes, we know all too well that you share your opinion on the topic.  Didn't need that clarification.  Carry on.   
Silly Putty is by far the worst poster in the history of NT. I seriously hope meth and co come through and ban you just because. 

Worst thing is that dudes are still falling for his rants, Y'all just feeding dude. There's no point of going back and forth. :lol: :smh:

It was only a matter of time before this thread turned into a Christian hate thread with Putty in here. :lol:
I love Chic-Fil-A! Its ******g delicious!
On the real, doe, I could care less about their view on gay marrage and whatnot. If one knew anything about chic-fil-a, this wouldn't be a shock at all(they're not open on Sundays). And lets be real, most of the figure heads shunning Chic-fil-a are only doing it because its the PC thing to do. I salute Chic-fil-a for keeping it 100.

lol observe and report gif needed
I have a problem with them or those who support them always comparing it to something they did not endure. I have heard them compare their struggle to blacks and native americans. I have even heard the holocaust brought up. it just annoys me when they are compared to groups that have suffered so much more. And no, being denied marriage is not the same as being denied service in a restaurant or sitting at the back of the bus.
I mean, I'm not trying to be a Silly Saver right now, but gays were very involved in the 60's Civil Rights Movement. They were right there getting the same treatment with the black folk and everyone else. Thing is, they didn't get their rights when the Civil Rights Act was passed.
we got silly putty bashing religion and coach hubie bashing nike again. lol one of the few things about the new niketalk i can live without :lol:
We would have gotten past this if conservatives had listened to Barry Goldwaters concerns over the radical fundamentalist christians in the late 70s. 

Actually, the origination of marriage licenses had nothing to do with religion...
Why dudes feed into Silly Putty's egomaniacal religion bashing is beyond me dude lives for this ****

On a sidenote this block button has gotten soo much burn since the switch to the new NT it's crazy
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