You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Had this the other day.
Absolute must every time I'm in San Diego.
Place is always crowded too.
Can't wait til the one opens up in San Jose in August!!!
Ya'll aint got one? We got one in Sac
My parents place is like 5 minutes from one 
^ politics as usual- they'll use whatever they can to try and get elected. Sure, gay people should be able to have any right that any other person has- as far as benefits: pretty much the same too. However, THIS is the least of our concerns! The country is broke as hell and redistributing money from those that have it, when THEY are the ones guilty of the majority of the inequality in the first place. I'm sick of seeing and hearing people live off my tax dollars, and then pawns like you acting like gay marriage and religion are whats important. Do what they tell you bro, you're lost in propaganda. Chick Fil A is a good, successful business, and is entitled to their own opinion. Yet you, and people like you want to emphasize what YOU see is wrong and distract everybody from what REALLY is going on. Your boy Obama uses just as many, if not more funds to campaign and push his own agenda and incentives that benefit him.
Lost in propaganda? I already know "what matters" and Obama isn't "my boy"

This just merely goes to show that there is a clear distinction between those supporting basic things like equal access to the law rather than what you deem more "important"

Your choice of words doesn't separate you from those who try to avoid supporting equal rights for minorities because of "the economy" as if access to those rights is any less valid or deserved.

I'm not a single issue voter nor is this the ONLY important thing that I think that matters. 
 You're a hypocrite, and the exact same thing you're arguing for (acceptance) is exactly what YOUR whole argument is against. Accept this, YOU'RE supporting a thief and a dictator. My health insurance is going up so I can support people that i dont want to support- not everybody is meant to afford health care, and not everybody deserves it- there are too many people as it is, and not enough money and people willing to work and support. I'll support my family and people i care to- otherwise, heres a quarter, call someone who cares. Call me cold, but its the truth- you can CHOOSE to donate and CHOOSE to help, yet now we HAVE TO? Screw that, and screw your whole political campaign in here
Not everyone deserves health care?

Really now?

Is that where is this is going? 

Enjoy paying out of the pocket just for that x-ray. 

Don't worry about anyone else...lets just hope YOUR pockets are deep enough when your mother needs a new hip. I'm sure your pride will be intact when you're sitting on the phone talking to an automated service to renegotiate your debt. 
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@ Silly/MD: how well has centralized healthcare worked for other countries, huh? Really, look into it- I know many that have lived in countries with it, and it FAILS. You;re wrong and misguided on that topic
Government should not be in the business of being "for profit." Government isn't a business.

I don't know how patriotic you may be OR how you feel about maintaining boundaries in a nation etc. 

But the way I see it is this: I'm not religious and I try to avoid being blindly associated to something and I don't think America is the best nation in the world to have ever existed.

I also try not to be overly dogmatic, but until we are seen as members of the world and not just members of nations, you NEED a healthy citizenry. Universal healthcare improves not just the well-being of the country, but it improves the ability to invest in the future for each citizen. 

Yes, really. What i said was in regards to your post, and you know this (more important than the intentions of your post, dont try and make it otherwise). Like it or not, health care is a business too, a well paying business at that. Its not a charity- it can become a charity, and many doctors are there just to help and offer service to those in need. But where do those funds come from? Supplies, transportation, shelter, its just reality. Its a specialized field my man, the incentive to be good at it and accell in medicine goes away without money. Life isn't a fairytale, its not all rainbows and sunshine- and it never will be. In fact, it will only get worse with more people- and you know this too.
Don't get it twisted. Even doctors who hate their jobs still realize what they do matters and wouldn't remove themselves from the ability to carry out their jobs in their maximum capacity when called upon. 

Healthcare is already screwed up, and you're naive for thinking doc's won't get paid. Best believe they're gonna get compensated HANDSOMELY. 

Nothing is changing on that front. Trust me. 

Remember, you need them more than they need you.

That aside, access to healthcare is a hallmark of a progressive and equal society.
 I dont understand what fuels you, because this imaginary, happy and accepting world that you are trying to encourage doesn't exist, and it never will.
Yeah, we might as well just toss our hands up in the air and stop fighting for anything at all.

I bet you don't benefit from any government protected rights or privileges either.

I'm more or less the nihilist here and even I would at least trying to make our time on this miserable rock a little more enjoyable while we're here.
 Yet the topic you choose to emphasize is this? I dont agree with the owner of Chick Fil A, but the fact that you want to spend so much time and effort on this baffles me, my own sister said she wont eat Chick Fil A in protest, and WHY? Because she has gay friends and supports their cause.... I DO TOO,
You support equal rights but you choose to chastise me for pursuing equal rights being protected under the law?


but there are many gay people that love and eat Chick Fil A and will continue to do so because they can recognize that this current issue only paints 1 side of the picture.
The owner AND company at large supports and contributes to entities that ACTIVELY seek to limit the rights of a segment their own consumers.
Chick Fil A is pro-religion, pro-family, closed on Sundays for worhsip- thats what they are, and we have accpepted them for this for years.
Thats not the point. 

The point is that they opened their mouths about it.

If you want to believe in outdated superstition, thats fine. Being ridiculous isn't illegal, just dont hold it against anyone.

HOWEVER, don't then come out and take a stance that proves you're just a bigoted organization.

The bible also supports slavery, but obviously most modern clearly christians use their own morality (not biblical) to make that distinction to not support it.
 Now it changes because of a 1 sided story? They dont donate to a anti-gay rights/marriage organization, they donate to a pro-family organization that reflects their religous beliefs.

You keep saying this and its NOT true.

Their "pro-family" organization is ANTI-GAY RIGHTS AND CAMPAIGNS TO LIMIT THE RIGHTS OF GAY AND LESBIAN AMERICANS. They also donate to OTHER organizations like Million Moms and Camp Winshape that encourage members to combat gay rights equality movements. 

How the hell does that even make sense to you? 

Its like you saying: "They're not anti-black, they're just pro-white!" 

 I know you dont like religion, and you think its a joke, i dont agree with their beliefs either- but i made my stance clear on that topic, because it has its place- much like you or I
Religion deserves a place in the footnote of history. Otherwise, I get to add my chapter on Pokemon.
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Thats not the point. 

The point is that they opened their mouths about it.

If you want to believe in outdated superstition, thats fine. Being ridiculous isn't illegal, just dont hold it against anyone.

HOWEVER, don't then come out and take a stance that proves you're just a bigoted organization.

Their only fault is that they came out (no pun)? So you want to discourage transparency? You think everyone should be like Nike or Apple or DeBeers or Shell or any other of the great fortune 500 companies that wont disclose info about their exploitation of slave labor so people can just keep consuming their products without having second thoughts about where those companies really stand. Yo i bet you there are so many company CEO's out there who got their own bigoted ideologies but since they got a great PR dept. and we don't hear about it, its all good. Out of sight and out of mind. Its actually refreshing to know where a company really stands. And by being candid, it gives people a chance to make their own decision on whether to eat there or not, although i bet a lot of gay dudes might get cognitive dissonance word to that CFA in the village.
Thats not the point. 

The point is that they opened their mouths about it.

If you want to believe in outdated superstition, thats fine. Being ridiculous isn't illegal, just dont hold it against anyone.

HOWEVER, don't then come out and take a stance that proves you're just a bigoted organization.
Their only fault is that they came out (no pun)? So you want to discourage transparency? You think everyone should be like Nike or Apple or DeBeers or Shell or any other of the great fortune 500 companies that wont disclose info about their exploitation of slave labor so people can just keep consuming their products without having second thoughts about where those companies really stand. Yo i bet you there are so many company CEO's out there who got their own bigoted ideologies but since they got a great PR dept. and we don't hear about it, its all good. Out of sight and out of mind. Its actually refreshing to know where a company really stands. And by being candid, it gives people a chance to make their own decision on whether to eat there or not, although i bet a lot of gay dudes might get cognitive dissonance word to that CFA in the village.
Hey, you have the right to say what you want, but we also have a right to stop messing with you too.

You are also only focusing on the CEO, not just the company's actions itself which are FAR more important in this whole thing than anything else. I don't even care about Cathy because i've known that family was a bunch of fundies, I just thought they kept it business as usual when it came to their company. 
They would have to personally fire bomb my parent's house while they were sleeping and kill everyone inside.
Then I might stop going.

I don't even think I'd stop going because of that.

People gotta die eventually.
Its not THAT you're doing it, its HOW you're doing it though. I really said all i wanted to, and then some, haha. But lets not get this twisted about public healthcare, doctors would NOT make much more than teachers, and incentives would go out the window- just ask people from countries with centralized healthcare. You can see it with public vs. private education- and it would be no different. Healthcare didnt exist for anybody years ago, only because of innovation and hard work did it come about- and it was because the wealthiest would and could pay for it- because its a specialized field. Now its everybodys' right? Sure, its they're RIGHT- but its not guaranteed and it shouldn't be a given. if you cant pay for your services, then you dont deserve it- that goes for anything. These programs that benefit my family members, benefit them because THEY have paid in taxes and GIVEN the government money to invest with and make themselves rich- so HELL YES- that is THEIR social security benefits, and their retirement money. It was theirs in the first place

Too many quotes though, I can agree to disagree with you though- Can you do the same? Or will you give me 10 more quotes and try to tear my opinion apart
Through what mental leap are you taking to assert that only people who can afford healthcare, deserve it when in fact, NO ONE pays unsubsidized healthcare costs, even privately?

There are Aurora shooting victims with 2 million dollar bills right now that without insurance or forgiveness programs that would NEVER be paid.

Are you aware that you just said you paid taxes so you deserve healthcare, but then that no one else does? 

I guess since you didnt build those roads, then you don't deserve to drive on them either. 

Go read everything this guy ( and this guy ( wrote before you think you understand the plight of society and our innate dependence upon one another.

Then again, since you're on a conservative island, I hope you have your own fire department. 

Don't get me wrong...fiscal conservatism has its moments (when slowing the encroachment of government), but you cant make arguments that poor people should just be subject to dying because they can't afford even BASIC healthcare. 
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Through what mental leap are you taking to assert that only people who can afford healthcare, deserve it when in fact, NO ONE pays unsubsidized healthcare costs, even privately?

There are Aurora shooting victims with 2 million dollar bills right now that without insurance or forgiveness programs that would NEVER be paid.

Are you aware that you just said you paid taxes so you deserve healthcare, but then that no one else does? 

I guess since you didnt build those roads, then you don't deserve to drive on them either. 
Thats not at all what i said- i brought that up because you said this :
I bet you don't benefit from any government protected rights or privileges either.
It boils down to this: if you dont put in and contribute, then you shouldnt get anything out. Dont bring Aurora into this to make me look like the bad guy and cushion your argument, Mr Politician. There you go again inserting words into peoples' statements and opinions to detract and flip them to make your argument look better
You know poor people pay sales tax, right?

You're being ridiculous. You admit to supporting your family to use social security because they "paid into it" but then you don't want to pay for other people's healthcare in a universal health care system...that everyone pays into.

Even poor people get benefits.

You might as well get rid of social security then.

Again, government is NOT a business and should not be profit seeking. 
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Hold on lemme get this straight if you cant afford to pay a doctor you deserve to die? you dudes will say anything
Hold on lemme get this straight if you cant afford to pay a doctor you deserve to die? you dudes will say anything

thats not what i said, but not the SAME healthcare- there are volunteer doctors and people that will help- but the same doctors i see and pay for, should not be available to everybody. If everybody is entitled to the same thing- you LOSE ALL INCENTIVES and everything falls apart. Why work if people that sit home and mooch off the government will get all the same benefits and oppurtunities you get, without working for them. Then everybody will want to sit home and do the same, and government will have too much say and control in everybodys' lives because the people would be too reliant on them for everything
So what does that mean? Instead of band-aids they get napkins and tape? 

No X-rays for you Mr. Jenkins, we'll just stare at you until we can kinda guess whats going on in there.

Heart stress test? Nah, we'll just see your score on this game of angry birds. 
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Again, government is NOT a business and should not be profit seeking.

I own a practice and we don't take insurance, strictly cash based practice. We do not accept Medicare or Medicaid. We treat patients pro bono if it is indicated. We do surgeries on people who need it and get paid for it, we put people on a plan that enables them not having to pay the inflated costs of other physicians.

You say you are a "future MD", but you have no clue how economics and health care work. Because we do not go through third party payers, we have a more autonomous relationships with our patients and the community, we have better outcomes, and we offer very affordable rates of service, and our quality of care is second to none. I'm actually in the process of gathering statistics, and developing methods to use in a study with a few other clinicians on quality of care of patients who pay out of pocket versus through third party payers.
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