You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Again, government is NOT a business and should not be profit seeking.

I own a practice and we don't take insurance, strictly cash based practice. We do not accept Medicare or Medicaid. We treat patients pro bono if it is indicated. We do surgeries on people who need it and get paid for it, we put people on a plan that enables them to pay the inflated costs of other physicians.

You say you are a "future MD", but you have no clue how economics and health care work. Because we do not go through third party payers, we have a more autonomous relationships with our patients and the community, we have better outcomes, and we offer very affordable rates of service, and our quality of care is second to none. I'm actually in the process of gathering statistics, and developing methods to use in a study with a few other clinicians on quality of care of patients who pay out of pocket versus through third party payers.
This isn't about bedside manner, its about access to healthcare. Nothing you're saying even addresses this.

I can list my qualifications too. I'm listed on studies regarding EMR/EHR adoption rates and things like early-adoption pay-outs.

You're still proving my point though. Medicare/aid wasn't set out with the goal of trying to be run like a consulting firm. Its to aid the public. If you want to make money, go ahead and do so...I have my own perspective on the matter entirely, but the goal of the government isn't to be run like Kaiser Permanente. 

In fact, the very notion that you prefer not to deal with patients who accept medicare/aid doesn't change the fact that the government provides those services for those that DO need them.

I have no problem with doc's making money. I have a problem with forgetting those who have NOTHING. 
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This isn't about bedside manner, its about access to healthcare. Nothing you're saying even addresses this.

Actually, it does. There isn't a problem with the access of care, my practice proves that. People come in and they get treated regardless of their ability to pay. Having access and paying for a service is two entirely different things.

In fact, the very notion that you prefer not to deal with patients who accept medicare/aid doesn't change the fact that the government provides those services for those that DO need them.

My practice is in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 70% of the demographic of my patients are on fixed income they either have solely Medicare, Medicare and Supplemental, or Medicare Advantage and they pay out of pocket. Health care is expensive because of third party payers. It is just like every other industry. If you subsidize something, it gets more expensive. The more you increase demand (patients) in an industry that already has a shortage in supply (providers) prices go up. Also the monopolization of the school accreditation by the AMA artificially keeps the supply low of physicians.

Also, I don't know a doctor, PA, dentist, physical therapist, or occupational therapist that has ever turned away a patient due to their inability to pay. Clinicians like myself in private practice have too much to lose to do something like that.
This isn't about bedside manner, its about access to healthcare. Nothing you're saying even addresses this.

Actually, it does. There isn't a problem with the access of care, my practice proves that. People come in and they get treated regardless of their ability to pay. Having access and paying for a service is two entirely different things.
Correction: You're right. Access is different from paying for healthcare but my point still stands.

Anyone can go to the ER (thats part of the problem...
) and wait to be see for any little thing. Thats access.

However government programs exist to help people pay for these things. They're not perfect but we can't have a citizenry composed of a lower class survive without them.

Even without 3rd party healthcare, you're still facing VERY expensive procedures done by very talented people who are prescribing expensive drugs.

The whole system is to blame. Its not just doctors faults. Its insurance and its big pharma...but that still doesn't change the extent to how expensive these things are regardless.
Government assistance makes it possible for the poor to afford these services. 

Can you honestly say that you would be willing to accept cash payments or adjust your prices without government subsidizes being used by people who have no other option?

Would you turn them away, no, of course not. But would going to your practice be more expensive in many cases (not all)? Absolutely. 

I've heard of practices doing what you do that are very successful at it...but it doesn't address the needs of the poorest members of society on a basic level. It works for you, but for them, its still a massive hurdle.
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thats not what i said, but not the SAME healthcare- there are volunteer doctors and people that will help- but the same doctors i see and pay for, should not be available to everybody. If everybody is entitled to the same thing- you LOSE ALL INCENTIVES and everything falls apart. Why work if people that sit home and mooch off the government will get all the same benefits and oppurtunities you get, without working for them. Then everybody will want to sit home and do the same, and government will have too much say and control in everybodys' lives because the people would be too reliant on them for everything

That sounds almost as bad as Ron Paul saying sick people should just go visit a church and let the churches somehow take care of them.
Joanne Pedersen and Ann Meitzen

BREAKING: Judge Rules DOMA Unconstitutional in Pedersen Case

By Julie Bolcer

Originally published on July 31 2012 2:03 PM ET

A federal judge in Connecticut has ruled against the Defense of Marriage Act in a challenge brought by married same-sex couples.

Judge Vanessa Bryant ruled in the case, Pedersen v. Office of Personnel Management,  that the 1996 law that prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages violates the Equal Protection Clause found in the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The plaintiffs are being represented by Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, while the House Republican-controlled Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) has intervened to defend DOMA.

In the ruling that ran more than 100 pages, Judge Bryant, a George W. Bush appointee, concluded that, “having considered the purported rational bases proffered by both BLAG and Congress and concluded that such objectives bear no rational relationship to Section 3 of DOMA as a legislative scheme, the Court finds that no conceivable rational basis exists for the provision.  The provision therefore violates the equal protection principles incorporated in the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

Story developing. Check back for updates.

Source URL:
That sounds almost as bad as Ron Paul saying sick people should just go visit a church and let the churches somehow take care of them.
Yeah, it does sound bad- but how far do you wanna take it? Should we take care of everybody just because its the right thing to do? No, we cant- there arent enough volunteers and our doctors wont just do things for free, unless the government pays them to do so with our backing. We cant send them to South America or Africa and say "go help all these people because its the right thing to do". The world is money driven, and by no means are we in a perfect world where we can leave are doors unlocked at night, or go sing Kumbaya as a community. Most doctors enjoy helping people, but many also are in the field because it pays so well- and why does it pay well? Because it a specialized field that takes years to learn. There are just facts of life, and the fact is- we cant afford to help everybody. Some aren't able to, and some cases are unfortunate, and luckily there are good people out there to donate, or family and friends to help. But by and large, we cant save the world, people die everyday and most of us just ignore it and turn our head- but when its in our own backyard, then it really matters? Lets not be hypocrites about it, if your all for humanity, then it shouldnt matter if its just humans in your own country. Only so much can be done, but by no means am I for one entity telling everybody how their money will be spent and ruling over our own personal decisions. If you want to foot the bill for them, then you can do so- it should be your own choice- I would for my family and friends, thats it. When will it stop, if you keep giving, they will keep taking- I dont wanna give the government free reign to do as they want. They've already proven to be wasteful and irresponsible with money and decisions, and now they just keep wanting more of it and more control. Businesses are more accountable than government, because you dont have to support or contribute anything to businesses

^ good for Connecticut
1. Why do you fight to preserve for the rights you enjoy?

2. Why do you decide to help support family and friends and no one else?

See, even you acknowledge the benefits of supporting a society at large, but you're unwilling to do that for strangers. 
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My co-worker(who is gay) this morning came in and said "I just had the most tasty non-*****exual chicken biscuit from chick-fil-a". *DEAD*

loll :rofl: good for your co-worked man. some people are just too narrow minded to let people be and do what makes them happy. I couldn't care less of a person's sexual preference, but judging someone based on sexual preference is enough for me to know that person isn't worth talkin to.
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^ because I have witnessed, and come to believe that for every 1 person that really does need help, and deserves that help- there are 10 more savages there to try and take advantage of it. People cant be trusted, unfortunately- I've seen it with Katrina, and in so many other aspects. I'm not being a pessimist, just being a realist (for the reality i have lived). The negatives outweigh the benefits to me. Its not about politics, whats right and wrong, or what i would ideally like to see- it just doesn't work and therefore I will not support it. I'm sure you'd like to go back and forth all day, but I know most people dont want that, and I really dont either- words wont change my feelings on this topic, I've seen and witnessed too much for words and propaganda to sway me
Just stop paying taxes and fall of the grid fam. 

I'm not saying the world is rosy, either, but jeez...and I'm the one with the Nietzsche avatar. 
That sounds almost as bad as Ron Paul saying sick people should just go visit a church and let the churches somehow take care of them.

Yeah, it does sound bad- but how far do you wanna take it? Should we take care of everybody just because its the right thing to do? No, we cant- there arent enough volunteers and our doctors wont just do things for free, unless the government pays them to do so with our backing. We cant send them to South America or Africa and say "go help all these people because its the right thing to do". The world is money driven, and by no means are we in a perfect world where we can leave are doors unlocked at night, or go sing Kumbaya as a community. Most doctors enjoy helping people, but many also are in the field because it pays so well- and why does it pay well? Because it a specialized field that takes years to learn. There are just facts of life, and the fact is- we cant afford to help everybody. Some aren't able to, and some cases are unfortunate, and luckily there are good people out there to donate, or family and friends to help. But by and large, we cant save the world, people die everyday and most of us just ignore it and turn our head- but when its in our own backyard, then it really matters? Lets not be hypocrites about it, if your all for humanity, then it shouldnt matter if its just humans in your own country. Only so much can be done, but by no means am I for one entity telling everybody how their money will be spent and ruling over our own personal decisions. If you want to foot the bill for them, then you can do so- it should be your own choice- I would for my family and friends, thats it. When will it stop, if you keep giving, they will keep taking- I dont wanna give the government free reign to do as they want. They've already proven to be wasteful and irresponsible with money and decisions, and now they just keep wanting more of it and more control. Businesses are more accountable than government, because you dont have to support or contribute anything to businesses

^ good for Connecticut

Damn son. I'm ready to commit that after reading your take on the world.
A lot of you guys are some real haters.

If you are pro gay rights, it makes 100% sense not to support Chick-Fil-A. If it doesn't make money, then it cannot spend money spreading anti-gay propaganda, donating to anti-gay PACs, etc.

I have not and will never eat at this place. If the CEO of GM wanted to reinstate slavery, would you buy a Chevy?
A lot of you guys are some real haters.
If you are pro gay rights, it makes 100% sense not to support Chick-Fil-A. If it doesn't make money, then it cannot spend money spreading anti-gay propaganda, donating to anti-gay PACs, etc.
I have not and will never eat at this place. If the CEO of GM wanted to reinstate slavery, would you buy a Chevy?

This is not a fair comparison whatsoever. No one here is being discriminated against. The CEO stated his personal opinion on what he believes marriage should be. Chick Fil A definitely hires and serves people regardless of their sexual preference. Which brings up another point. Preference. Since you mentioned slavery Im assuming you are making a comment relating to African American civil rights. You cannot choose to be African American it isn't a preference. That said some ppl say they are "born gay" irregardless... the fact that some CHOOSE makes it a completely different subject matter. If Chick Fil A was refusing to serve people due to there preference I would understand the outrage...but getting mad at the CEO's personal opinion is ridiculous. Im sure he is personally against fornication, and he is also CLEARLY against working on Sunday. But if you choose to fornicate...or to work on Sundays Chick Fil A will still happily serve you "with pleasure" this issue has been tremendously blown out of proportion by people with varying agendas on both sides.
A lot of you guys are some real haters.
If you are pro gay rights, it makes 100% sense not to support Chick-Fil-A. If it doesn't make money, then it cannot spend money spreading anti-gay propaganda, donating to anti-gay PACs, etc.
I have not and will never eat at this place. If the CEO of GM wanted to reinstate slavery, would you buy a Chevy?

Did you really just compare reinstating slavery to not supporting gay marriage? :lol:

Y'all a bunch of drama queens..
Sometimes bad publicity is better than no publicity....I bet there sales were better this appreciation day than they were last year.
A lot of you guys are some real haters.
If you are pro gay rights, it makes 100% sense not to support Chick-Fil-A. If it doesn't make money, then it cannot spend money spreading anti-gay propaganda, donating to anti-gay PACs, etc.
I have not and will never eat at this place. If the CEO of GM wanted to reinstate slavery, would you buy a Chevy?
This is not a fair comparison whatsoever. No one here is being discriminated against. The CEO stated his personal opinion on what he believes marriage should be. Chick Fil A definitely hires and serves people regardless of their sexual preference. Which brings up another point. Preference. Since you mentioned slavery Im assuming you are making a comment relating to African American civil rights. You cannot choose to be African American it isn't a preference. That said some ppl say they are "born gay" irregardless... the fact that some CHOOSE makes it a completely different subject matter. If Chick Fil A was refusing to serve people due to there preference I would understand the outrage...but getting mad at the CEO's personal opinion is ridiculous. Im sure he is personally against fornication, and he is also CLEARLY against working on Sunday. But if you choose to fornicate...or to work on Sundays Chick Fil A will still happily serve you "with pleasure" this issue has been tremendously blown out of proportion by people with varying agendas on both sides.
SecretzOfWar's comparison was dead on.

I don't remember the CIVIL rights movement being the BLACK rights movement on top of that. Ya'll must have forgot what the law is, or have never read it in the first place.  

I don't care if you CHOSE to be into fat women, or if you CHOOSE to kiss men, the fact is that some people are BORN this way and there is the evidence to proven it. 

There isn't an agenda here. Its calling out bigots at their game.

If you want to believe in the teachings of a 2000 year old jewish zombie who also issued other edicts like not eating pork (which CFA gladly serves) then you don't get to ignore that just so you can keep throwing money at causes that prevent gays from getting rights. 
SecretzOfWar's comparison was dead on.

I don't remember the CIVIL rights movement being the BLACK rights movement on top of that. Ya'll must have forgot what the law is, or have never read it in the first place.  

I don't care if you CHOSE to be into fat women, or if you CHOOSE to kiss men, the fact is that some people are BORN this way and there is the evidence to proven it. 

There isn't an agenda here. Its calling out bigots at their game.

If you want to believe in the teachings of a 2000 year old jewish zombie who also issued other edicts like not eating pork (which CFA gladly serves) then you don't get to ignore that just so you can keep throwing money at causes that prevent gays from getting rights. 

So when a baby is born... you can tell its sexual orientation? There is empirical evidence? or just reports from people stating "From as long as I can remember...." etc. I doubt it... But anywho that is beyond the point. The CEO had an opinion. Much like the multiple ones you are stating here...he isn't refusing service to them. Is your issue that you don't agree with his opinion on what he believes marriage should be? Since your opinion and his doesn't correspond he's a bigot? Doesn't he have the "right" to his opinion since you are so adamantly defending rights...
Came into this thread wondering why it had gained 20 more pages.

Now I see its the same old same old.  Gay people are currently in a state of bondage
Would you rather they be in that state just so you could recognize their right to the same privileges you enjoy?

Just trivializing it doesn't reduce the legitimacy of the argument.

Blacks have(Had) it bad. We've known that. Are you just going to hold others rights hostage too? 
All chick fil a's in my city were PACKED OUT today.

chick-fil-a's all over the country today


Customers wait in a line outside of the Chick-fil-la location on Loop 281 and Fourth Street Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012, in Longview, Texas.


Chick-fil-A customers flood the location at Oakwood Mall Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012, in Enid, Okla


Customers wait in a line outside to order at the Chick-fil-la location on Loop 281 and Gilmer Road Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012, in Longview, Texas.


Line at the Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday, Aug. 1. 2012 in Shelby, N.C.


A crowd of people wait for food at a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. Wednesday August 1, 2012



Customers stand on a lone line for Chick-fil-A in the Cleveland County Mall on Wednesday, Aug. 1. 2012 in Shelby, N.C.


Customers stand in a long line at the Chick-fil-A in Columbus, GA. , Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012.


Line for Chick-Fil-A mobile unit near Metro Center.


Line of cars outside Chick-fil-a on Easton Road in Warrington.


SecretzOfWar's comparison was dead on.

I don't remember the CIVIL rights movement being the BLACK rights movement on top of that. Ya'll must have forgot what the law is, or have never read it in the first place.  

I don't care if you CHOSE to be into fat women, or if you CHOOSE to kiss men, the fact is that some people are BORN this way and there is the evidence to proven it. 

There isn't an agenda here. Its calling out bigots at their game.

If you want to believe in the teachings of a 2000 year old jewish zombie who also issued other edicts like not eating pork (which CFA gladly serves) then you don't get to ignore that just so you can keep throwing money at causes that prevent gays from getting rights. 
So when a baby is born... you can tell its sexual orientation? There is empirical evidence? or just reports from people stating "From as long as I can remember...." etc. I doubt it... But anywho that is beyond the point. The CEO had an opinion. Much like the multiple ones you are stating here...he isn't refusing service to them. Is your issue that you don't agree with his opinion on what he believes marriage should be? Since your opinion and his doesn't correspond he's a bigot? Doesn't he have the "right" to his opinion since you are so adamantly defending rights...
1. I don't care about the CEO. He's free to pray to the sun or talk out of the side of his neck. He's not the first loon to ever run a company. 

2. The company is what I care about. Since corporations are seen as people in the eyes of the law, then corporate donations and the decisions companies make, matters. Big time. CFA donates to groups that ACTIVELY seek to limit gay rights and in many cases repeal the rights they do have entirely. 

3. You can be born gay. You can't look at a baby, and tell me its straight can you? Thats why your question doesn't make any sense. 

Long story short, in as much as we know you can be born "gay."

Sexuality is VERY complex and there are studies on the matter. If you want more info or legitimate sources, ask me.
This is not a fair comparison whatsoever. No one here is being discriminated against. The CEO stated his personal opinion on what he believes marriage should be. Chick Fil A definitely hires and serves people regardless of their sexual preference. Which brings up another point. Preference. Since you mentioned slavery Im assuming you are making a comment relating to African American civil rights. You cannot choose to be African American it isn't a preference. That said some ppl say they are "born gay" irregardless... the fact that some CHOOSE makes it a completely different subject matter. If Chick Fil A was refusing to serve people due to there preference I would understand the outrage...but getting mad at the CEO's personal opinion is ridiculous. Im sure he is personally against fornication, and he is also CLEARLY against working on Sunday. But if you choose to fornicate...or to work on Sundays Chick Fil A will still happily serve you "with pleasure" this issue has been tremendously blown out of proportion by people with varying agendas on both sides.

That's a totally fair comparison. A man and his PRIVATELY HELD company tend to lobby the government in order to limit civil rights in the United States. It's totally and completely wrong. Thus, I choose not to support them.

I think you have the right to go and give money to these fools, but I won't. And I do hope the company suffers, though it has plenty of customers in extremely conservative areas who'd much rather not give gays ANY rights (or any group for that matter).

Also, if you think being gay is a "choice" ... please get outta here. My brother is gay and struggles with it every day of his life. He wanted NOTHING more than to just be straight and "normal," but he just isn't. Ask enough gay people and I highly doubt you find many that woke up one day and decided to be gay. :smh:
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