You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

are you really associating homosexuals and PEDOPHILES??? :rofl:  wow..

Pedophilia & Ephebophilia in America is a social norm accepted across most of the world tho.

You should be tolerant of your earthly brethren. Bigot
There is no slippery slope argument here. Stop with the "trigger words". I see you all get your ideal from the same source.
I simply wonder like anybody who thinks for themselves. Where did all this sudden support for people who's sexual acts were taboo a decade ago come from.
And whats stopping the next group of people who have a taboo preference from demanding civil rights? Its perfectly normal for a 30 year old to have sex with a 14 year old in a lot of countries they 're people too. I mean since race is now = to what you do in the bedroom.
And Im not comparing homosexuals to pedophiles. "I have gay friends and I despise pedophiles." But wait the same was true about gay people a while ago
Im just not afraid to ask questions

You do know the difference between sex and two consulting adults and sex between a minor and an adult, right?

Cartune coming through with the irrelevant hypotheticals again.
Congratulations to SillyPutty.

He finally came out of the closet!

I support civil rights, but plebians want to focus on this kinda circus hoopla. where is the real action.

Those who wish to protest against CFA should live their lives accordingly.

Same types of people saying they support Gays sit here talking about no romo or no ayo or pause. walk the walk and talk the talk
Pedophilia & Ephebophilia in America is a social norm accepted across most of the world tho.
You should be tolerant of your earthly brethren. Bigot

you dont want answers, you just want to be obnoxious.
ahhh so now we're equating homosexuality with pedophilia and bestiality? remind me how the two are related again?

the arguments of marrying children and inanimate objects are so tired and dry.

futureMD has shut down all the arguments in this thread, i should have just quoted him i guess.
There is no slippery slope argument here. Stop with the "trigger words". I see you all get your ideal from the same source.

I simply wonder like anybody who thinks for themselves. Where did all this sudden support for people who's sexual acts were taboo a decade ago come from.

And whats stopping the next group of people who have a taboo preference from demanding civil rights? Its perfectly normal for a 30 year old to have sex with a 14 year old in a lot of countries they 're people too. I mean since race is now = to what you do in the bedroom.

We as a society decide the age of maturity. So yes, technically, you're right. 

I have no qualms with this argument, since you're attempt at baiting people exposes a flaw in your argument.
And Im not comparing homosexuals to pedophiles. "I have gay friends and I despise pedophiles." But wait the same was true about gay people a while ago
Yes you were.


The same ISNT true anymore because of something called education.

Hell, even the King James that the bible version was named after was a open and flamboyant homosexual. 
Im just not afraid to ask questions
Sure. Im certain thats whats going on here. 
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Congratulations to SillyPutty.
He finally came out of the closet!

I support civil rights, but plebians want to focus on this kinda circus hoopla. where is the real action.
Those who wish to protest against CFA should live their lives accordingly.
Same types of people saying they support Gays sit here talking about no romo or no ayo or pause. walk the walk and talk the talk
because he's trying to make you guys see the error of your bigotry?

50 years ago, if a non-black was fighting hard for civil rights, would you have said "congrats to you! you're a N**** lover!"? (inb4 CJ starts a cry-fest again. You have the right to remain silent, but you probably didnt know that.)
because he's trying to make you guys see the error of your bigotry?

50 years ago, if a non-black was fighting hard for civil rights, would you have said "congrats to you! you're a N**** lover!"? (inb4 CJ starts a cry-fest again. You have the right to remain silent, but you probably didnt know that.)

Relax from the roids chadwick.

this aint the arnold classic. quit flexing enrique
this thread is comedy. we have some dim bulbs on this site.

that pic of all the black people in church with their CFA made me cringe.

"So are we just gonna act like gay people aren't selfish in their pursuit of "equal rights"?" is officially my favorite NTer quote ever.

lol @ Chadwick though.
because he's trying to make you guys see the error of your bigotry?

50 years ago, if a non-black was fighting hard for civil rights, would you have said "congrats to you! you're a N**** lover!"? (inb4 CJ starts a cry-fest again. You have the right to remain silent, but you probably didnt know that.)
dont go there...if cartune cant go there, and bring other things into the argument...then u nd putty should stop..seriously...

you have the right to remain silent club/putty....u kno every time someone states their opinion on the matter their not directing it towards YOU in specific...

if tune cnat go there yall stop going there...

edit* its almost getting offensive how badly yall want this gay struggle to be equal to the civil rights movement...just stop...are  either of u even of you even black men?? 
i really wanna kno, before i take offense to some of ur ridiculous statements...
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The funny thing is many of us probably share the same views of civil rights for all as something that we champion.

Its the personalities attached to the messages that are driving the arguments.
dont go there...if cartune cant go there, and bring other things into the argument...then u nd putty should stop..seriously...

you have the right to remain silent club/putty....u kno every time someone states their opinion on the matter their not directing it towards YOU in specific...

if tune cnat go there yall stop going there...

edit* its almost getting offensive how badly yall want this gay struggle to be equal to the civil rights movement...just stop...are  either of u even of you even black men?? 
i really wanna kno, before i take offense to some of ur ridiculous statements...
Putty is. im not.

i still stand by what i say: your journeys were/are the same.

i say that again because its 100% true: your journeys were/are the same.

so im "going there" and you can take offense all you want. im not really sure to  what. im bringing up hypotheticals, period.

Knight: Answer my question. dont hide behind some facade like "you dont deserve to have your question answered" or something like that.

be a man and answer my question.
for like the millionth cant/wont be the same EVER! no matter how bad yall want it to matter how many pretty colors u put in ur many meme's u will never EVER be close to the same man...

gay people can go eat when/where they german shepherds, no police barricades, no turning the fire hose on people drink in the same water fountains, eat at the same chick fil a's as me nd itll never be the same...


putty, go ask ur grandfather,/great grandfather what it was like being a black man in america in the 40's 50's...then compare it to this...cmon real yall...

only thing similar is its a group of people fighting for rights.very broad, happens everyday....nothing else at all is similar..maybe yall should start comparing it to women getting equal rights in the workplace or sumn..

stop putting black people, and the civil rights movement into this...not right and not necessary.. 
only thing similar is its a group of people fighting for rights.very broad, happens everyday....nothing else at all is similar..maybe yall should start comparing it to women getting equal rights in the workplace or sumn..

there's a lot wrong with this sentence and it seems to contradict the rest of your post. it sounds like the issue isn't that you think that it's unfair to compare different civil rights movements.
i should say: your destinations are the same. not the journey. poor choice of wording.

although ive said it correctly in the other posts ive made in here

so, for the millionth time: your destinations are the exact same. the EXACT same.

im not bringing up specifically WHAT the black community went through to get it, im stating that what they are looking to receive is the same.

for the millionth time.

the millionth
stop comparing it..your not black..never gonna know what its like to be black...probably wouldnt say half the crap youve said in here in real life...

not the same...pick sumn else to compare it to...

so for the millionth time...ur starting to offend some of stop..or we can go run and press report to the mods..u and putty can each create ur 5th alias to post here...stop it man...ur taking it to far..

idc what the context is, what the argument is...i know for a fact u wouldnt say N****A lover in any sentence for any reason around any black person in real life...period...dont do it online...

yall attacking anybody with their own mind in here...same way your not gonna change ur silly stances, were not gonna change our "outdated" ones...move on man...

im honestly starting to think the jokes on us all, and u nd putty are just trolling within trolling right way two straight guys care this much about gay people, all the while offending black people of the past and present...stop it...your not swaying anybody, yall are just saying stupid stuff for effect now...crossing that line champ..

*edit* and if u cant bring up WHAT the black community went thru then stop COMPARING it.....its a part of the struggle holmes...
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stop comparing it..your not black..never gonna know what its like to be black...probably wouldnt say half the crap youve said in here in real life...

not the same...pick sumn else to compare it to...

so for the millionth time...ur starting to offend some of stop..or we can go run and press report to the mods..u and putty can each create ur 5th alias to post here...stop it man...ur taking it to far..

idc what the context is, what the argument is...i know for a fact u wouldnt say N****A lover in any sentence for any reason around any black person in real life...period...dont do it online...

yall attacking anybody with their own mind in here...same way your not gonna change ur silly stances, were not gonna change our "outdated" ones...move on man...

im honestly starting to think the jokes on us all, and u nd putty are just trolling within trolling right way two straight guys care this much about gay people, all the while offending black people of the past and present...stop it...your not swaying anybody, yall are just saying stupid stuff for effect now...crossing that line champ..
"don't compare this civil rights movement to gay rights because it bothers me, but you should compare it with another civil rights movement because that movement doesn't matter to me."

do you see the hypocrisy? it's pretty clear. if you're going to complain about being offended, don't be a hypocrite in the process.
for like the millionth cant/wont be the same EVER! no matter how bad yall want it to matter how many pretty colors u put in ur many meme's u will never EVER be close to the same man...

gay people can go eat when/where they german shepherds, no police barricades, no turning the fire hose on people drink in the same water fountains, eat at the same chick fil a's as me nd itll never be the same...


putty, go ask ur grandfather,/great grandfather what it was like being a black man in america in the 40's 50's...then compare it to this...cmon real yall...

only thing similar is its a group of people fighting for rights.very broad, happens everyday....nothing else at all is similar..maybe yall should start comparing it to women getting equal rights in the workplace or sumn..

stop putting black people, and the civil rights movement into this...not right and not necessary.. 

None of that happened to you either.

And despite how much everybody wants to make it one, it's not a contest of who has (had) it harder.

Black people were discriminated against unjustly and didn't get full rights, gays are discriminated against unjustly and don't have full rights right now, that's all people are comparing. Nobody is saying or caring who had it harder, it is still a ridiculous development that a group that was most recently discriminated against wouldn't be empathetic to a group also experience unjust criticism.
if you're getting offended thats your own problem. get thicker skin.
Black people were discriminated against unjustly and didn't get full rights, gays are discriminated against unjustly and don't have full rights right now, that's all people are comparing. Nobody is saying or caring who had it harder, it is still a ridiculous development that a group that was most recently discriminated against wouldn't be empathetic to a group also experience unjust criticism.
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I will still continue to go to Chick-Fil-A if the issue is about gay marriage. I don't consider the gay marriage issue a civil rights issue. Same fools arguing for gay marriage talk about polygamists(when they are all consenting adults) shouldn't be able to all get married.

I'm for government getting completely out of marriage, just don't consider gay marriage specifically a civil rights issue.

BTW, gay marriage should not be compared to the Black civil rights movement. Maybe you can compare the gay rights movement, but not gay marriage.
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