You know what really grinds my gears...VOL. 1

When you're taking a test in a classroom, and the person next to you is writing loudly or constantly moving.
When a person starts to state a thought, but stops before saying the complete sentence.
When I think my phone is vibrating.... but I check, and it isn't.
When I'm starting to fall asleep, but "trip" in my dream, and wake up.
When I wave hello at someone, and they don't see me.
When people walk slowly in front of me.
When people send me one word text messages.
When I'm zoned out, and someone thinks I'm staring at them.
When I notice patterns on multiple choice tests.
When I comment/like someones status on Facebook, and someone starts a conversation on that status, resulting in 100+ notifications.
slow %%@ drivers

especially when its a two lane road..and im behind two people who are both going about the same speed to where i can't go around and pass
people who say FML just because they got an extra homework assignment or lost their keys

girls who type like this: Kayyyyyyyyyy. Yessssssssssssir.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

^ It's all good. We must inform each other in order to grow.
I like that. Oddly mature for NT haha kinda struck me.

That being said, I have a whole note on FB just for things that grind my gears. The list grows on the daily but I'll just provide NT w a select few.

  • People who walk slow. Holy eff get out of my way. On a related note, couples who walk with their arms around each other. What do you need to be cuddling for right now? You're talking up the whole sidewalk, walking slow as hell, just to cuddle in public. %##% with that garbage.
  • Fat girls who think they're hot. Don't be dressing in spandex like "I love my curves" when you're a fatty. No one wants to see that. I'm all for good body image, but girls need to learn to dress for their figure.
  • Insecure girls. You're not fat/ugly/whatever. And if you are, no one cares. Shut up.
  • People who cheat/lie
  • Girls who can't appreciate the female form. I'm always commenting on pretty girls. If she's hot, she's hot. But every female friend I have sees a pretty girl and just HAS to pick out something that's wrong with her to make themselves feel better.
  • Lately every night about two hours after I get to sleep, I get woken up by BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM and I sit up and eeeeevery pair of sneakers I have have fallen off my shoe racks somehow. It always starts with my stupid IV's, I'm looking at them right now and the left one is slowly creeping off the edge, and then they take down my blazers, and they hit all my other shoes on their way down, and it's like Nike dominoes.
  • When you're working and ask a customer something and they ignore you. Like you're beneath them in some way. Or when I go to take their plate away, or serve them their food and they don't move. Just sit with their hands folded in front of them. Tell me how I'm supposed to put your effing food down with your dumb #%# in the way. And they see you, they just choose not to do anything.
  • Sloppy eaters
  • Losing
  • People who walk around with untied shoelaces. CAN'T YOU SEE HOW DIRTY THEY'RE GETTING?!?!?
  • Ugg boots. Such a travesty. It's the equivalent of cramming your foot down a sheep's throat and then turning the sheep inside out and wearing it around.
  • People who wear jeans to the gym. Or other things that don't make sense to be working out in.
  • Girls who come to the gym in full make-up with their hair done like it's prom, go on the elliptical with no resistance for ten minutes and then do a thousand situps like it's going to make a difference.
People who say "it Is what it is" , "at the end of the day" and "Real Talk"

I want to pour bleach in their eyes every time they say this
my roommate when he eats chips and salsa... he crunches into the first bite all super loud i usually leave the room in disgust
Originally Posted by domc03

my roommate when he eats chips and salsa... he crunches into the first bite all super loud i usually leave the room in disgust

My roommate makes eating pop tarts loud
I have to leave anytime he eats anything because he never closes his mouth. Also the clicking of a mouse computer has driven me border line insane for the last semester. He is clicking that thing for 14 hours a day since he never gets of his computer. I feel like ripping it out and just destroying it.
Random $^% ppl coming to the bank to deposit unnecessary amounts of 1's,5's and 10's .... i hate counting that $%^!!
There's a couple things that bother me, but 1 stands out right now cause it JUST happened:

*My house phone rings*

Me: Hello?

My friend: Yo Velez, you home?

Me: .............. Ummmmm. you just called my house bro, of course I'm home
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Dateable looking girls with ugly boyfriends

Judging other men and being salty about it is ayo.

Just saying. Do you.

Yea that caught me off guard

- People you pull onto the road while oncoming traffic approaches and they make no effort to speed up.
- Girls with stank attitudes.rolling their eyes and sucking their teeth when they see you looking at them..but keep looking back

- Dudes who always want you to smoke them out and never return the favor
when drivers get super tough and start talking %+!@ while driving away.. like if you really feel that way, get out the car and say something, +*#!%.

when someone (usually a cashier or employee) asks me "how are you today?" and i say "good, and you?" and they just ignore and say nothing. why ask in the first place?

when i hold the door for someone and they don't say thank you.. makes me wanna put their head in between the door and the frame and murder them like kill bill.
Cluttered desktops. When I see my friends' desktops hella unorganized, I just wanna organize everything for them

Me: What do you wanna go?
Friend: I don't know, where do you wanna go?
and I always feel obligated to pick somewhere
that's too far

Friend: Let's go out
Me: Okay I'll get ready
Gets ready... hour later
Friend: Heeeyyyyy sorry can't go anymore
Makeup done, hair done, shoes on

My best friend does all of the above.

Ooh and also:
- Girls who don't blend their eyeshadow
- People who constantly look through my phone (I really have nothing to hide in there but wthell)
- I call someone, they don't answer but instead they text me back

- Loud people in class who talk to you while the teacher is talking.
-when u miss someones call and call them back 2secs later and they dont pick up
-bluffin females
-when my ipod or phone gets stuck between the seat in the car
-when i have my phone in my lap and get out the car forgetting my phone is in may lap and it hits the ground
when people sell out or flake
females that play games
people that stay begging for a cigarette but never buy their own
losing a lighter
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