You know what really grinds my gears...VOL. 1

People who try to sell you things in the mall/street/work. "nah, I dont want no gold jewelry fam!!"
People who say "Texas" instead of "texts". Also "sims card" instead of "sim card"
Girls who had the potential to be bad but just fell apart somewhere "really ma, Phat Farm shoes?"
People in the computer lab who type really loud/aggressively
Commercials..all of them. I have to mute the tv every break they bother me so much.
People who dont know their social graces/ have no home training. "Are you charging your cell phone and making toast
without asking me first?"
When the other side uses the word "ghetto".
Women who act bougie while wearing $7 dress from Forever 21 and $12 Traffic shoes
When girls order a ton of food and dont eat half of it! Who told you order all that?
People who type on their calculators hella hard...especially when its hella quiet.
It's so annoying.
When people ask for a phone number...dial the numbers in your ear to hang up and push re-dial instead of writing the damn number down.

When i ask someone for their zip code and they give me their area code, and when i say, no, your ZIP code, they say their area code AGAIN with a freggin attitude.
when i'm coming up on a red light, and it seems like pedestrians cross EXACTLY the same time the light turns green...and walk xtra slow

when i'm in my city and people decide to cross the street when CLEARLY i have a green light and the right-away. the crosswalk is there for a reason people.

i'm gonna end up hittin someone one these days....purposely.
People who smoke while walkin down the street
People who cut in front of u just to drive slow
People who drive slow the whole time til the light turns yellow, then gasses through and leaves u stuck

Dudes that act like females. If u don't *@*# w/ me then don't *@*# w/ me all the time not just sometimes chump
People with Boost or Nextel "Please wait..."
People who take ur washer after they clearly see ur stuff in front of it
Funky %+% ppl in public
People who don't use their turn signals
Dudes in class talkin like they have a higher level of knowledge and take 5mins to explain at the end of class only to get shot down.
WinMo for havin a crappy Marketplace

I'm done for now
people who ask me what the newest jordans at work.

them: "what are the newest jordans?"
me: "these, these and these." (thinking: "why don't you just get what you like instead of what everyone likes you self conscience piece of #%*%.")

people who call themselves fresh or pretty.

them: "i'm 18 and the freshest +#%#! here"
me: "no. you just have new clothes and shoes, an empty bank account, no car and nothing better to be spending your time and money on."

Not being able to find a job
Stealing my care packages on MW2
Emptying a clip on a dude, only to have him go into last stand and kill me with a single bullet
Team killing
My car

Oh yeah, not being able to find a job
why the #%$! doesn't it just put the 3 instead of those periods???? i can't be only person that has noticed this.
main one is people nicknaming me without permission and saying my name wrong.
People that play with my money. <---Nothing even compares to how that grinds my gears when it comes to you paying me on time OR you doing a service that warrants me paying you and you try and not to do a good job.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

People that play with my money. <---Nothing even compares to how that grinds my gears when it comes to you paying me on time OR you doing a service that warrants me paying you and you try and not to do a good job.

Play with your money?
- Fat girls in tights. just..why?
- People who go to the club to fight & not dance.  So you dropped $10 to wreck the same +!#%+ you coulda caught outside

- Black females who overuse the N-word. especially when it towards me. If i called you a *B* every 5 secs you wouldn't like that either.
- Females trying to be Nicki Minaj
- People who ask obvious %#+ questions in class
- People who take forever to tell a story like I have all day to listen to them.
- Jumpoffs not admitting to be jumpoffs yet erybody knows their business. 

thats it for now
J23S wrote:
When people take out gum they've been chewing, stick it on the side of their plate/cup when they eat and when they finish eating put the gum back in their mouth

I'm actually guilty of doing this!

But it would have to be plastic looking weave
 I feel like females have forgotten the sole purpose for weave!
Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

J23S wrote:
When people take out gum they've been chewing, stick it on the side of their plate/cup when they eat and when they finish eating put the gum back in their mouth

I'm actually guilty of doing this!

But it would have to be plastic looking weave
 I feel like females have forgotten the sole purpose for weave!
duuude, excuse my ignorance but what is the purpose of one??
mrgrapes85 wrote:
SaywhatYawant wrote:
J23S wrote:
When people take out gum they've been chewing, stick it on the side of their plate/cup when they eat and when they finish eating put the gum back in their mouth

I'm actually guilty of doing this!

But it would have to be plastic looking weave
 I feel like females have forgotten the sole purpose for weave!
duuude, excuse my ignorance but what is the purpose of one??

When I get a weave/sewn's to enhance my look...or if I want a different look. Its suppose to look like your own head...not like your walking around with a permanent wig on!
Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

mrgrapes85 wrote:
SaywhatYawant wrote:
J23S wrote:
When people take out gum they've been chewing, stick it on the side of their plate/cup when they eat and when they finish eating put the gum back in their mouth

I'm actually guilty of doing this!

But it would have to be plastic looking weave
 I feel like females have forgotten the sole purpose for weave!
duuude, excuse my ignorance but what is the purpose of one??

When I get a weave/sewn's to enhance my look...or if I want a different look. Its suppose to look like your own head...not like your walking around with a permanent wig on!
haha wow.
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