You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

The phrase "Turnt Up"
Or the same peoples' usage of "though."

That Lebron face mask though
do you like when people use "b"?, b?
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When the cashiers toss my groceries after scanning it. I can't count the number of times I've had to get into it with a cashier because they are throwing my stuff around :lol:

That and people who try to cut the line for the bus make me ******* irate.
Women who "twerk" with no cakes
Professional ball players that stunt on IG(or twitter) with kicks as if they're not SUPPOSE to have that connect :lol: That's like a cop showing off his pistol.
People who put kids on leashes, :stoneface:
The hipster wave that has dudes growing beards like lumberjacks and wearing clothes like the farm help.
Anytime Al Sharpton speaks.
Dudes that say stupid ish like FREE BOOSIE or FREE GUWOP . Dem dudes deserve to be locked the **** up. :lol:
The fact that the JWBR thread was locked
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When the cashiers toss my groceries after scanning it. I can't count the number of times I've had to get into it with a cashier because they are throwing my stuff around :lol:

That and people who try to cut the line for the bus make me ******* irate.

the hell do you shop bro? :lol:
when you go to a bar or restaurant and they don't know how to pour the beer correctly, damn that ish is annoying.

see the flat beer sitting on the table.

wait til they ask you if everything is fine.

say yup.

wait til they start walking away.

call them back "yo, I'm not drinking that"
when you let someone into your lane and they don't give you the courtesy wave. :smh: It's gets me unreasonably angry for some reason.

Tailgaters :stoneface:
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People that hate on any type of music they don't even listen to.


"Im not racists, I just dont like people based on their skin color"

Driving in Houston.

Extreme Homers.(Guy from Milwaukee, "Bucks taking the Chip this year!!!!")

People who say blankety-blank city is the best, but aint never been anywhere.

Toyota Viennas, 2007 - 2012 Toyota Corollas
When your about blaze and you can't find a lighter. That ish grinds my gears!

Bruh, this happened to me yesterday morning right before I listened to Mastermind, I was ready to fight. :smh:

But then I tried one of my old ones and it still worked. :smile:

If all else fails just use the stove to spark it up. :lol:
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When the other side of the traffic light is packed and people STILL choose to go, now theyre blocking the dam intersection,nobody getting through now. 

"Some type of way" Trash saying, trash song.

That kiss as student who constantly tries to start conversation with the prof. Theyre not trying to talk to you b,thats why theyre giving you short responses.

Shut up son, let them start the lecture. 

People who dont say thank you when I open the door for you. These manners b, where'd you get em. 

That student who doesnt shut up, constantly has to say something. Shut up, got dam. 

Girls with no booty, struggle twerking.

Loud, drunk females.

When you order a drink and it's 50% ice.

Riced out 90-99 Civics who take their sweet as time going over bumps. Hurry up, your car aint even nice. Integras too. 

Old people at atms.
Drunk people on public transportation are horrible. Literally these are the main reasons why I hardly go out on NYC and Halloween.
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