you know who needs a value menu?...

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

They have value meals. They just arent very much value nor much of a meal.

every time I go to see a movie I either sneak in a combo meal from a fast food joint or a 6 pack of beers

going with females with huge purses ftw
I never get anything at the movies

I would rather just go to 7 Eleven after the movie
its hard to sneak a drink in tho, I'll give them that.

unless we're rollin deep and just gonna thug the line, lol.
That's how they make their profit. $5 for a hot dog, $4 for a small bottle of water, etc.
Im not going there anymore. A damn movie ticket was $10 I remember when it was 6 and change not too long ago.
Now that its been brought up. My friend sneaked in take out box of Terriyaki Chicken from the mall food court to the Theaters (mall with theater in it).
The real reason why prices are so high for snacks at the movie theater is due to system in which movies areacquired and contracted to play at a movie theater from a movie company (i.e.
Lionsgate). These production companies often stipulate an 80% return of all ticket sales from their new movies that plays at the theater within the openingweek or weekend. The amount
usually decreases by 10 each subsequent weekend. However most people see the movie in the first week, so overall profits gained by the theater are relativelylow. Some productions companies will even stipulate 90% return on ticket sales for such large blockbuster movies (i.e. spiderman3), thus reducing the totalnet profit of movie theaters less. In return, to capitalize
on the large turnout on the first weekend of movies that they gain little profit from, they charge ticketholders exorbitant prices on their treats.

Without these high prices on treats theaters are less likely to have adequate funds to maintain staff and facilities.

This is becoming a problem as many people are able to dl a new movie via torrents or buy a bootleg on the street.
Smart folks go to 7-Eleven/CVS and bring in their OWN snacks. If you feel the need to impress/please a female by spending foolish amounts of $ THERE then be myguest.
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