You learn a lot at the barbershop...

Jan 30, 2007
Stop through the shop on my lunch break to get my waves and lineup right. While getting my cut there was this dude, speaking on everything up under the sun. I wasn't paying much attention to dude but than when he started talking about religion, I started to get nosey. Son was all over the place with his theories and thoughts. Idk even were to begin so Ill just bullet the thing he said, than tell me what you think.

  • We are slaves to our body, our body tells us to eat, clothe ourselves, brush our teeth. Our body controls us, not the mind.
  • Religion is a joke, it's man made and pushed. Being spiritual is real.
  • We're only using 10% of our brain, so how can we make nano technology but yet we cant take apart and put together a car engine.
  • Heaven? Don't get me started on that. Streets of gold, women, and wine? I can take yall to Heaven, it's called Beverly Hills. 
  • Bible is fake, it's hearsay. God didn't write it. It's been pass down for years. King James version?
  • This life, our life, is not real. We are living a dream, what we do in our day is something we are dreaming.
  • It's not just Afghanistan, Taliban aren't the only terrorist, we are the biggest terrorist in the world. The man. 
  • Why can we spend 160billion a week to fight someone else war but can only donate pennies to cancer research?
  • There is a cure for Cancer, AIDS etc. Government is not releasing it because of the mass hysteria it would cause.   
  • You need to excise your mind, do you know your religion? Who told you, parents? Church? Who told them? The truth is lost in translation.
  • Religion is hearsay. If I tell you something, and you tell someone else, and they tell someone by the time it reaches the 10th person its skewed.
  • The government wants to control us, that cant control 6 billion people but they control 500 million.
  • Our technology is not from us, it's a different life form, foreign like. 
  • Christianity, Islam, Catholics? Deprived from men and skewed. In Islam women are not even recognized. They are slaves to there men.
  • Jews, Judism and Hebrews are of the earth, the foundation of all this.
  • This is 2010 and we still drive cars? We can make technology to answer phones or drive cars with our eyes but vehicles still have wheels?
Son was also taking about Masons? Idk, was very weird, something about shaking somebody hands and knowing they are not real, or the way the thumb points when you embrace someones hand means your not of this world?! Help me out NT
. Son was diff on something, but there was a lot more, I just cant remember everything. He said he wrote a book and said he dropped it off the next time he comes though. All I know is before I left my barber called him a "cornball $#* *%@#% we and to stop letting these I only graduated middleschool +++*$* in the shop"
. It wad def weird, to finish, my boy was there getting a cut too and on the topic of prophets my dude was like "yeah, I believe you, Pac was a profit, son was talking about the illuminated" and some dude said "I thought it was Nas?"
# Why can we spend 160billion a week to fight someone else war but can only donate pennies to cancer research?
# There is a cure for Cancer, AIDS etc. Government is not releasing it because of the mass hysteria it would cause.

Well, that worked itself out.
that junk about us only using 10% of our brains is a myth and has been disproven several times over
There's a reason why these dudes are cutting hair and not teaching in a classroom.

all his theories are opinionated.

He can believe what he wants but it's not convincing me one bit.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

There's a reason why these dudes are cutting hair and not teaching in a classroom.


If the pics tell us anything, it's that YOUR barber should at least find a new profession. I don't know about teaching, but...
lol, last time i was in the barbershop i had a dude claiming that he can smell a st(d) off a girl from like 5 feet away. lol and dude was deadass about it.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

There's a reason why these dudes are cutting hair and not teaching in a classroom.


If the pics tell us anything, it's that YOUR barber should at least find a new profession. I don't know about teaching, but...
Clearly everybody in these barbershops are completely ignorant to the religion of Islam... the only one true religion of God & the only religion guaranteed to have never been changed by man
Originally Posted by Nash

that junk about us only using 10% of our brains is a myth and has been disproven several times over

Yeah... it started off in a magazine add... I hate it when people bring that crap up... like when people get strokes you dont hear "ohh!! good thing it happened in the 90 percent percent they didnt use!"
Originally Posted by dreClark

Barbershops talk is some of the best convo's I've ever had

Always something new. Real talk, some lil kid came in with his moms talkin the word of god, praising the lord, 2 weeks later that same kid came in slangin Toshiba Laptops, iPODs and dime bags
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