Young boy wishes to join Girl Scouts

Feb 11, 2009
Bobby Montoya is a 7-year-old boy from Denver. Unlike a lot of young boys, Bobby has no desire to join the Boy Scouts. Instead, he wants to be a Girl Scout.

We first saw Montoya's story over at 9news The NBC affiliate reports that when the boy's mother, Felisha Archuleta, tried to sign her son up for Girl Scouts, a troop leader told her no. 

Archuleta spoke with 9News about the incident. "I said, 'Well, what's the big deal?' She [the troop leader] said, 'It doesn't matter how he looks; he has boy parts, he can't be in Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts don't allow that, [and] I don't want to be in trouble by parents or my supervisor.'"

Reporters with 9News contacted Girl Scouts of Colorado about Montoya's application, which prompted the group to release a statement: "Our requests for support of transgender kids have grown, and Girl Scouts of Colorado is working to best support these children, their families and the volunteers who serve them. In this case, an associate delivering our program was not aware of our approach. She contacted her supervisor, who immediately began working with the family to get the child involved and supported in Girl Scouts. We are accelerating our support systems and training so that we're better able to serve all girls, families and volunteers."

We placed a call to Rachelle Trujillo, vice president of communications at Girl Scouts of Colorado, for further clarification. She replied with this statement: "Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization, and we accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child lives life as a girl and the family brings the child to us to participate in Girl Scouts, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her. Girl Scouts of Colorado respects the privacy of all girls and families we work with. When a family requests membership for their daughter, we do not require proof of gender, we respect the decisions of families."

So it would seem that Bobby will get his wish. Gender-identity issues are becoming more common, especially among young children--which makes it more likely that the policy of the Girl Scouts will face future tests in the months and years ahead.


as a Father of two boys i really wouldnt want my boys to do this. it wouldnt be fair to them or the the girls in the scouts. i see it as the parents fault to treat him like a girl at this age. if these kid decides to dress or act like a girl when he gets at an age where he can make the proper decision then i dont see nothing wrong with it. but at 7 years old that boy needs to be playing sports, video games, hot-wheels not no damn barbie dolls and playing dress-up.
I'm all for letting little homie be a girl but I kinda think his mom needs to tell him to chill on the GS dreams. Put him in 4-H or something unisex cuz at the end of the day he is still not a girl.
...heard this on the radio this morning and i just knew DC was going to make this thread. wrong i was.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I'm all for letting little homie be a girl but I kinda think his mom needs to tell him to chill on the GS dreams. Put him in 4-H or something unisex cuz at the end of the day he is still not a girl.


no you're not.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

I blame the nonexistent father, biological or otherwise, for this nonsense.
Why do you blame the father?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I'm all for letting little homie be a girl but I kinda think his mom needs to tell him to chill on the GS dreams. Put him in 4-H or something unisex cuz at the end of the day he is still not a girl.

i'm pretty sure 4H is christian based, or somewhat faith based...they would not appreciate his kind there
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

No dad present. I think plays a part.

Truth well said...

By the way this can open up a lot of scenarios if they give in. Who is to say that a man feels like a woman one day and is given the right to go into a woman's locker because he feels pretty inside...and vice versa. It just goes to show how slowly we are letting things little by little creep up and allow stuff to happen.
It's sick for the Mother to have to blow this out of proportion. I'm pretty sure there are other feminine boys, like himself in boys scout who need other boys to relate to. "Oh, he has the same interest as me but can still live a boys life, cool!" I'm not against homosexuality but have some sense parent(s) -don't be so quick to throw a label on your kiddos because you don't have time to correct their behavior.
The mother failed all across the board.  I'm almost in favor of having the kid removed from the mother completely.

 It just goes to show how slowly we are letting things little by little creep up and allow stuff to happen.

So true, things are and have gotten way out of control in today's world.
indifferent, but at the same time if theres a precedent for letting girls into the boy scouts, then they need to allow this. double standards
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

I blame the nonexistent father, biological or otherwise, for this nonsense.
Why do you blame the father?

....because people think fathers are some magical entity where presence alone is enough. that somehow placing a male figure in a home solves EVERYTHING.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I'm all for letting little homie be a girl but I kinda think his mom needs to tell him to chill on the GS dreams. Put him in 4-H or something unisex cuz at the end of the day he is still not a girl.

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I'm all for letting little homie be a girl but I kinda think his mom needs to tell him to chill on the GS dreams. Put him in 4-H or something unisex cuz at the end of the day he is still not a girl.

i'm pretty sure 4H is christian based, or somewhat faith based...they would not appreciate his kind there

Boy and Girl Scouts of America are also both christian based.

The Mom is just looking for attention. If she was serious she would have done something more positive like pioneer a troop of "Gay Scouts" or something of that nature.


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