What's the point in selling 38k though? To make more money for Lyor and his people? Cuz that's the only thing it does. It's not helping his buzz. He's a trap artist. He ain't bout to sell 80k first week, then go gold.
He shoulda just stuck to the formula. Drop a tape every few months with 10-16 songs, keep feeding your fans, keep building. The way I'm Up and SS3 came out was a dumb strategy. He had a build up for SS3 then change it to I'm Up it didn't live up to the hype then months later SS3 drops and it's fire but it's too late. He had the formula with SS1 and 2 being full projects then it was a switch up. Future got to that level by sticking to what works then he dropped DS2. It was a build up then he delivered with a full album that lived up to the hype.
And again you don't no Lyor Cohen in 2016. This ain't 98.