Your election was rigged . . . . .again

Chem dumps.

Sonic Undulation.

You and this clown should just stop following me around, you two NEVER have anything relevant to say.

You guys probably live together.
Oh really?  You post videos and claim that the president is giving the Hurricane 5 hour energy drink and steering it into the NE United States as part of some plot to win elections or wipe out part of the population and I'm the one that doesn't have anything relevant to say? OK.

And don't claim that you're being followed by anyone when all you do is START THREADS about this stuff. You WANT the attention.  Don't even pretend that you don't.
Oh really?  You post videos and claim that the president is giving the Hurricane 5 hour energy drink and steering it into the NE United States as part of some plot to win elections or wipe out part of the population and I'm the one that doesn't have anything relevant to say? OK. :rofl:

And don't claim that you're being followed by anyone when all you do is START THREADS about this stuff. You WANT the attention.  Don't even pretend that you don't.

If you don't like the thread, why read it?

Believe me, if you started a thread about pink dresses, country music or something else I'm not interested in, then I'm not going to quote you and tell you how dumb you are. My point is, that is all you two EVER do in my threads. I'm not disrespectful like you two cowards.
Oh really?  You post videos and claim that the president is giving the Hurricane 5 hour energy drink and steering it into the NE United States as part of some plot to win elections or wipe out part of the population and I'm the one that doesn't have anything relevant to say? OK.

And don't claim that you're being followed by anyone when all you do is START THREADS about this stuff. You WANT the attention.  Don't even pretend that you don't.

If you don't like the thread, why read it?

Believe me, if you started a thread about pink dresses, country music or something else I'm not interested in, then I'm not going to quote you and tell you how dumb you are. My point is, that is all you two EVER do in my threads. I'm not disrespectful like you two cowards.
Hmmm seems like you do know how ridiculous some of the things you post are.

Posting about pink dresses and country music is a whole lot different than fear mongering like YOU do.  If you make a thread claiming that MY president is purposely steering a storm into NYC that is going to kill people, then that's not something I'm going to ignore.  I'm going to ask you where your PROOF is... But you always seem to dodge that one.
Pig Love - keep doing your thing man

a lot of people seem programmed to dismiss your voice
they disagree but don't even know why

dudes should stop clowning on you just to make themselves feel better or in more control of their lives
Give me a break. I disagree because he doesn't stand by his sources at all. If he's asked for more information of evidence, he claims it's not his job to educate NT and we should stop being so lazy. If asked for explanations of his sources he's GHOST. I've posted my criticisms about this article in a respectful manner that doesn't attack Pig Love and where's my response? It doesn't exist.

Keep doing your thing... spreading fear and weak "evidence" that's constantly being called into question for it's poor accuracy and incredibly heavy basis. Then refusing to further expound upon your claims citing "I don't have time, stop being lazy". It's actually does far more harm than good. If he wanted to spread information or share with NT he should better explain, source, and defend his claims, at least that way it could be a positive discussion of these issues. It's absolutely his responsibility to do so. What happens instead is he copy and pastes something from Infowars or Natural News, doesn't defend it, and whatever he posts gets labeled as crackpot conspiracy, when some of these things are legitimate concerns and discussions that could be beneficial. But any positive is usually lost and he's largely responsible. Defend your sources, explain your views, and provide evidence of your claims. It's absolutely LAUGHABLE that he constantly makes threads but when asked for evidence beyond Alex Jones he tells us to do it ourselves. That's a joke. 

I have a hard time taking things seriously when they make fear mongering comparisons to Saddam. It's bad journalism and an obvious sign that the author is trying to scare the reader. Wouldn't the facts make your point? Why make these sinister comparisons unless there's an obvious bias or underlying intention?

From the same article.
University of Virginia political scientist Dr. Larry Sabato, who has studied voting in African American-dominated precincts, told he had occasionally seen instances where 100 percent of the vote went to the Democratic candidate, citing precincts in Chicago and Atlanta which recorded no votes for the GOP’s candidate, Sen. John McCain, in 2008.
Yes, he adds that it warrants a second look and I'm sure the immediate response would be "WELL THATS JUST PROOF OBAMA CHEATED IN 2008 AS WELL" but it's happened before and it certainly isn't a smoking gun. And I'd love to see articles or complaints from people in these counties that claim they voted for Romney, yet not a single vote was counted. I'm not even being sarcastic, I'd really like to see some first hand complaints of people living in these areas that didn't cast a Romney vote come forward and say they voted for him. That would be a lot more credible. If I'm missing these reports, my mistake.


Even in the first point of the original article, what's that mean exactly? 70,000 people couldn't cast their ballot? 70,000 people complained about long lines? 70,000 people asked for directions to their polling place? Define these problems exactly and I will consider that source.

I click randomly throughout that list at the "sources" and it's sketchy news at best. Heavily democratic or poor areas voted in high numbers for Obama? Shocking. Some are 2nd hand accounts from random people on Twitter? That's unquestionable evidence?

Another link upon further investigation, the one citing 8,000 more people registered to vote in Wood county than the voting age population, well that population would be taken from the 2010 U.S. Census. Which means it's not an accurate reflection of those who were in the voting district a full two years later. It's well within reason at least 8,000 more people were age eligible to vote since the Census. So how does that prove fraud again?

If the article uses "evidence" without carefully considering the facts of the matter, then I struggle to take the article seriously. 
Not even close champ.  You have and will always been seen as puppet to myself and many others on here.  That makes you not only wrong but dead wrong all the time.  FRAUD status to the 10th power.

What a child. What are you ten years old?
You post baseless stories and nothing of substance on here, I and others then call you out on that nonsense and then you cry foul.  You are unable to fully stand by and back up any story that you post.  You have deemed yourself unqualified and unworthy of having any thread making ability.
I'm going to make this statement for you that shouldn't be revolutionary or mind blowing:
The 51 (including D.C... 53 if you count Nebraska and Maine's arrangement for Electoral Votes) different Electoral Vote allotments are decided by, get this "The candidate who gets the most votes" :wow: Mind Blown
It would be political suicide for any one delegate to go against what voters decided in that specific state. It has happened, and that person is normally wiped off the face of politics.
Sooooooooo popular vote does matter... The person who wins the electoral votes for the state, receives the electoral votes.... Something I assume your civics class, had to have taught you.
View the electoral college as 53 separate races.. Person who wins that State by getting the most votes, gets their electoral votes.
:wow: Mind Blowing right?

Man u is a sheep. Bush ain't win the popular vote. It has happened before and it will still happen
I'm going to make this statement for you that shouldn't be revolutionary or mind blowing:
The 51 (including D.C... 53 if you count Nebraska and Maine's arrangement for Electoral Votes) different Electoral Vote allotments are decided by, get this "The candidate who gets the most votes" :wow: Mind Blown
It would be political suicide for any one delegate to go against what voters decided in that specific state. It has happened, and that person is normally wiped off the face of politics.
Sooooooooo popular vote does matter... The person who wins the electoral votes for the state, receives the electoral votes.... Something I assume your civics class, had to have taught you.
View the electoral college as 53 separate races.. Person who wins that State by getting the most votes, gets their electoral votes.
:wow: Mind Blowing right?

Man u is a sheep. Bush ain't win the popular vote. It has happened before and it will still happen

Sheep? Grow up little boy.

You said popular vote doesn't matter...... Each state's electoral votes are determined by popular vote of that state.. Bush won 30, Gore won 20 (+ DC)

Gore deserved the loss. He quit of Florida when recount wasn't even remotely done. He may have actually won Florida.

I want you to sit down and think about why there is an electoral college, and why it is the best system.. If you come back and say it isn't, the only thing it will tell me is that you do not have the mental capacity for critical thinking.
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so anyone who does not think this current system is best is uncapable of critical thinking?


If you think popular vote for a national election is the right choice when we have the electoral college, which is a weighted model of popular votes... Yes you're incapable of critical thinking.

Now if there is an abstract way to run the Presidential Election that actually works, that's critical thinking.

But singular popular vote, is a lack of critical thinking. It means you didn't even think for 2 minutes about the negatives of it.
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I just told you.. Electoral College is better...

First of all.. If a national election with 100,000,000 votes is within 44,000 of each other, hell even 1,000,000. And it is decided by the total popular vote across the country then what will happen? You think they will say Oh OK. Let's just chalk up the L.. NOPE, all 50 states will become contested because every handful of votes counts. It'd take months, maybe even as much as a year to figure out who the winner is. It took a month to contest Florida, and that was only to count some counties, and even then it was ended before it was half way over.

Also people complain about California & New York getting ignored. When an election is about popular votes combined in 50 states, only Texas, NY, CA, PA, FL, IL, MI will see candidates... Half the states will never have power, not only in a presidential election, but in national governing.. NY & CA always have power, regardless of if the election is contested or not in their state.

And voter suppression would surge far beyond what anyone could imagine.. If popular vote is all that matters nationally, you will step it up to discredit and discourage as many voters from the other side as possible. Currently, some states still try with the electoral college, but Imagine how difficult it will be to regulate through the federal government, when election laws are written by the states...

Do states still write election laws, or does national government, or do local governments write the laws under a popular vote?

So again go back to the drawing board... Because you still did not utilize any thought about it. You just spout the same old nonsense as people who don't know any better.
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I just told you.. Electoral College is better...
First of all.. If a national election with 100,000,000 votes is within 44,000 of each other, hell even 1,000,000. And it is decided by the total popular vote across the country then what will happen? You think they will say Oh OK. Let's just chalk up the L.. NOPE, all 50 states will become contested because every handful of votes counts. It'd take months, maybe even as much as a year to figure out who the winner is. It took a month to contest Florida, and that was only to count some counties, and even then it was ended before it was half way over.
Also people complain about California & New York getting ignored. When an election is about popular votes combined in 50 states, only Texas, NY, CA, PA, FL, IL, MI will see candidates... Half the states will never have power, not only in a presidential election, but in national governing.. NY & CA always have power, regardless of if the election is contested or not in their state.
And voter suppression would surge far beyond what anyone could imagine.. If popular vote is all that matters nationally, you will step it up to discredit and discourage as many voters from the other side as possible. Currently, some states still try with the electoral college, but Imagine how difficult it will be to regulate through the federal government, when election laws are written by the states...
Do states still write election laws, or does national government, or do local governments write the laws under a popular vote?
So again go back to the drawing board... Because you still did not utilize any thought about it. You just spout the same old nonsense as people who don't know any better.

what u talking bout son
tbh i didnt even read any of your replys fully
The "normal" people will always be the majority and side with the presented mainstream view, because they're deathly afraid of being shunned by society. Therefore, the idea becomes greatly undermined and eventually gets pushed to the fringes of society.

Now this is more psychologically effective than compared to just plain keeping it a secret. Anyone take crowd psychology in college?

With the inundation of these theories, true or not, the theorist becomes transformed into "the boy who cried wolf," where after a while no one takes him seriously even if he is ultimately right.

When i look at dudes like alex jones, its evident that they aid the people they're purportedly exposing a lot more than the masses they're trying to awake. Regardless if he's a mis-informant, a nut, a visionary, a truther etc., he has become a caricature or more importantly, a symbol, in the eyes of the public and anyone siding with him is just as nuts by association, which is the real goal. Then the major media outlets, which are all owned by no more than 4 transnationals, ride their well-established credibility into the minds of the general public.

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