Your favorite beer you drink on the regular?

The few who gets down with Yuengling..
yall alright in my book
I just can not do Guinness at all. Not for me, even tho I like heavier beers.

There is a time and place for the macros (i.e: tryin to get faded vs. tryin to enjoy the fllavors of the beer). Sometimes you not tryin to drop $100 on a 6pack an %*@
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

I just can not do Guinness at all. Not for me, even tho I like heavier beers.

There is a time and place for the macros (i.e: tryin to get faded vs. tryin to enjoy the fllavors of the beer). Sometimes you not tryin to drop $100 on a 6 pack an %*@
I was at the store yesterday and I picked up Flying Dogin heat wheat...craft beer.
Just wanted to try it...I almost had a heart attack when he said $9 and some change for a 6 pk.
Magic Hat Wacko, new summer beer brewed with beet sugars, which gives it its unique color


Magic Hat H.I.P.A.

Magic Hat Odd Notion, changes with the season

Magic Hat #9, my favorite MH brew
It seems this has turned into a plain old "favorite beer" post rather than "favorite beer you drink on the regular." I'm gonna bestraight up. I love Newcastle, Samuel Adams (I've had all Sams including the newest), but I'm in college. I can get a 6 of one of those once in awhile. Usually I'm drinking PBR or if I cant get that its Miller Lite. Say what you want about Pabst, but they didn't get that Blue Ribbon for nothing.Best cheap beer ever. I will add a photo to fit in:

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]They make me feel like i'm on a mexican beach chilling, - S.F.[/color]
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by TBONE95860


of course the resident conservative drinks bud light.
Is it a white man's beer?? I see noone else or hardly anyone else has said Bud Light

I'm not up on all the beer info.... I just drink Bug Light & a Corona every once in a while.... and whatever is in the Keg at football games
There are so many good beers out there it's hard to just choose one.

I'll cosign that Joose call as well. I'll get one of those if I'm getting off work late and trying to play catch up.

Purple Haze is legit too:
I like budweiser (but i get the pint when im at bars) then it's corona, and coors light. but it gets to the point where beer is beer so i'll prettymuch drink anything
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

There are so many good beers out there it's hard to just choose one.

I'll cosign that Joose call as well. I'll get one of those if I'm getting off work late and trying to play catch up.

Purple Haze is legit too:

My boys always clown me whenever I order this if they have it. I personally think it's delicious
I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.

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stay thirsty my friends
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