Your Next Vacation Destination.....?

For those of you who traveled alone overseas. Did you stay in hotels? Airbnbs? hostels?

I have a wedding in Greece, but also have 2 weeks to spend after. Recently broke up with my girl so the entire itinerary is done. Don't want to just fly to Greece and then come back.

I always stay in hostels.
I get to meet other solo travelers and they always set up activities to meet new people.
Also I always find they have the best prices on City tours
Got bangkok booked for 6-11/6-18. Any recommendations on places to visit or do? Food, hotel/airbnb recommendations?
Roads were herrendous. Deep *** potholes & chunks of road just sitting there deteriorated & neglected. To drive around in Montreal you need a small SUV at least so your *** doesn't go numb from the constant bumps. We were driving my brothers '96 Maxima & it's lowered so that contributed to a bumpy ride but them neglected roads didn't help one bit.

And yup, the city was boring to us. We had some good bagels from St. Viateur & slamming poutine from La Banquise. We went to Old Montreal which was neat with the oldschool architecture. The boardwalk was avg nothing different that I haven't seen in Jersey. The farmers market area was ehh. Hardly anyone speaks English as it's a French dominated city & majority of road signs are in French.

We went to a hookah spot. They use self-light coal on small travel style pipes which was awful. The only good thing in there was the hot promiscuous French woman serving us :lol: . Honestly the most exciting thing in Montreal was that I saw a Dodge Demon. It's a rare spec Challenger & to have seen it driving past me so casually in a foreign city(to me) was pretty dope. I would never bother going back to Montreal. Toronto was amazing as was Victoria BC. Will def try to get to Vancouver in my future travels.

Damn, was just trying to plan a weekend getaway to Montreal :lol:
Damn, was just trying to plan a weekend getaway to Montreal :lol:
Oh na, don't let my lil rant stop you haha. If you've never been there before I'm sure you'll find some interesting things to do & see. If you go I highly recommend you checkout La Banquise for their delicious poutine. Also, if you're into architecture go see Habitat 67. It's a crazy styled building that I didn't know about until I came back or else I would've went to check it out. Enjoy your time if you go. Keep us posted & report back on how bad the roads & potholes still are up there :lol: 👍.
Oh na, don't let my lil rant stop you haha. If you've never been there before I'm sure you'll find some interesting things to do & see. If you go I highly recommend you checkout La Banquise for their delicious poutine. Also, if you're into architecture go see Habitat 67. It's a crazy styled building that I didn't know about until I came back or else I would've went to check it out. Enjoy your time if you go. Keep us posted & report back on how bad the roads & potholes still are up there :lol: 👍.
:lol: nah I still want to go. My boys went there for a bachelor party and said it was lit. But I also do want to go to other parts of Canada as well. Has anyone been to Niagra Falls?
For those of you who traveled alone overseas. Did you stay in hotels? Airbnbs? hostels?

I have a wedding in Greece, but also have 2 weeks to spend after. Recently broke up with my girl so the entire itinerary is done. Don't want to just fly to Greece and then come back.

Exclusively Airbnbs for extended stays, but I always stay in a hotel the first few nights.

Even though I've rarely had issues, I'm not trying to deal with Airbnb checkin on the backend of an international flight and depending on the location, I'm also not trying to risk potentially being exposed out on the street with all my work and professional gear either. I peep scene at the Airbnb, get checked in, and receive keys before I migrate my stuff.

Hostels and remote work simply don't mix for me, but sometimes I still want the social outlet and experience a hostel provides. I'll book a bed in a shared room for the weekend for $10-20 and just not sleep there.
Got bangkok booked for 6-11/6-18. Any recommendations on places to visit or do? Food, hotel/airbnb recommendations?
We did 2 nights @ the mad monkey hostel

Maybe look into hitting Chang Mai or Phuket unless you have your whole trip based in Bangkok

So u gonna say this n not tell us the backstory

Spill the beans bro

US citizens aren’t allowed to travel there for
Tourism yet

No special beans mane
:lol: nah I still want to go. My boys went there for a bachelor party and said it was lit. But I also do want to go to other parts of Canada as well. Has anyone been to Niagra Falls?
I've been to the NY side of the falls & it's hella dirty & crappy compared to the Canadian side :lol: . You been to Toronto? What a fantastic city it is.
Damn, was just trying to plan a weekend getaway to Montreal :lol:

Montreal gotta be one of the most underrated cities in the world for two things:

1) Women
2) Clubs

Relatively cheap, good food, and maybe surprisingly, the single most diverse city I've ever been to.

Overall it's an amazing city imo.
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