Your thoughts on calling girls beautiful

Originally Posted by Tego Calderon El Abayarde

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by D723

I'm sorry but I just can't believe anyone who says this is a simp move... You don't gotta call every girl you see beautiful but there is no problem in telling a girl you're feeling that she's beautiful if you're being genuine and sincere.

Sidenote:  I feel like NT has been getting too caught up in the whole "Alpha Male" idea and what constitutes simping and what not.  I have NEVER known a dude to keep a girl around solely off treating a girl like dirt 100% of the time..

NT has definitely $!**#+ up my way of thinking when it comes to girls and simping. Its gotten to a point where I dont even want to walk a girl around the corner to the mailbox in fear of feeling like Im being used in some way/shape/form

Anyways, I dont just throw out the word beautiful (Well I do call girls beautiful on Tumblr but that doesnt count cause A) Im never gunna meet them and B) they really are GORGEOUS). But yea, Ive only called 2 girls in my life beautiful. One i was dating and I was feeling her OD. I would call her beautiful everyday. And this one chick I was feeling, I randomly texted her and told her she was beautiful.
Did you ever smash that one?


#@!% her honestly 
Originally Posted by Tego Calderon El Abayarde

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by D723

I'm sorry but I just can't believe anyone who says this is a simp move... You don't gotta call every girl you see beautiful but there is no problem in telling a girl you're feeling that she's beautiful if you're being genuine and sincere.

Sidenote:  I feel like NT has been getting too caught up in the whole "Alpha Male" idea and what constitutes simping and what not.  I have NEVER known a dude to keep a girl around solely off treating a girl like dirt 100% of the time..

NT has definitely $!**#+ up my way of thinking when it comes to girls and simping. Its gotten to a point where I dont even want to walk a girl around the corner to the mailbox in fear of feeling like Im being used in some way/shape/form

Anyways, I dont just throw out the word beautiful (Well I do call girls beautiful on Tumblr but that doesnt count cause A) Im never gunna meet them and B) they really are GORGEOUS). But yea, Ive only called 2 girls in my life beautiful. One i was dating and I was feeling her OD. I would call her beautiful everyday. And this one chick I was feeling, I randomly texted her and told her she was beautiful.
Did you ever smash that one?


#@!% her honestly 
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