Your thoughts on calling girls beautiful

Originally Posted by D723

I'm sorry but I just can't believe anyone who says this is a simp move... You don't gotta call every girl you see beautiful but there is no problem in telling a girl you're feeling that she's beautiful if you're being genuine and sincere.

Sidenote:  I feel like NT has been getting too caught up in the whole "Alpha Male" idea and what constitutes simping and what not.  I have NEVER known a dude to keep a girl around solely off treating a girl like dirt 100% of the time..


most, if not the majority of these self proclaimed alpha males on NT are straight up weaklings.
these kids simply dont know how idiotic it is to constantly reiterate how "manly" they are over an online forum. 

cum at me bros. 
Originally Posted by D723

I'm sorry but I just can't believe anyone who says this is a simp move... You don't gotta call every girl you see beautiful but there is no problem in telling a girl you're feeling that she's beautiful if you're being genuine and sincere.

Sidenote:  I feel like NT has been getting too caught up in the whole "Alpha Male" idea and what constitutes simping and what not.  I have NEVER known a dude to keep a girl around solely off treating a girl like dirt 100% of the time..


most, if not the majority of these self proclaimed alpha males on NT are straight up weaklings.
these kids simply dont know how idiotic it is to constantly reiterate how "manly" they are over an online forum. 

cum at me bros. 
If she's your wifey or wifey material, I have no problem with calling the girl beautiful. However just a chick your talking to or a random girl in a club, nah.
If she's your wifey or wifey material, I have no problem with calling the girl beautiful. However just a chick your talking to or a random girl in a club, nah.
I don't call beautiful girls beautiful or anything of that nature unless I'm dating them and even then I'm careful not to gas them. However, girls who are in the mediocre to cute range might get a "wsup sexy/beautiful" from me because a little gas opens them right up lol
I don't call beautiful girls beautiful or anything of that nature unless I'm dating them and even then I'm careful not to gas them. However, girls who are in the mediocre to cute range might get a "wsup sexy/beautiful" from me because a little gas opens them right up lol
it's not a word i would through around. i'd think it in my head but wouldn't say it out loud
it's not a word i would through around. i'd think it in my head but wouldn't say it out loud
it's kind of a double edged sword. chances are every single guy tells them that. i kind of think of this theory, you have to tell them something they don't know. so by saying 'you are beautiful' you are stating something they already know
it's kind of a double edged sword. chances are every single guy tells them that. i kind of think of this theory, you have to tell them something they don't know. so by saying 'you are beautiful' you are stating something they already know
only if a chick really catches my i and is really beautiful, then i will call her beautiful
only if a chick really catches my i and is really beautiful, then i will call her beautiful
Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a good look. Nothing wrong telling your girl that you think she is beautiful though. Not a random broad though.

Word, at least gas with a purpose. Unless you are in a situation when you HAVE to be nice lmao
Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a good look. Nothing wrong telling your girl that you think she is beautiful though. Not a random broad though.

Word, at least gas with a purpose. Unless you are in a situation when you HAVE to be nice lmao
Funny thing is these women couldn't give a damn about what you say to them. It's like someone telling 7 footer he is tall, you are just another dude saying what she has heard since 5 from everyone. Chaps these young women only want "M.E.A.T." Money, Experiences and time, a.k.a. literal meat Steaks, leather Coats and Penis.
Funny thing is these women couldn't give a damn about what you say to them. It's like someone telling 7 footer he is tall, you are just another dude saying what she has heard since 5 from everyone. Chaps these young women only want "M.E.A.T." Money, Experiences and time, a.k.a. literal meat Steaks, leather Coats and Penis.
If she's already on your nuts and is legitametly beautiful inside and out, then I see no problem with it.

But some random chick in the club, nah I just compliment their clothing or something.
If she's already on your nuts and is legitametly beautiful inside and out, then I see no problem with it.

But some random chick in the club, nah I just compliment their clothing or something.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a good look. Nothing wrong telling your girl that you think she is beautiful though. Not a random broad though.

haha at the gym if i hold a door for one of the older ladies that are good looking ill say your welcome beautiful.
old ladies love when young guys do that, they eat this %$!@ up

then i ask em if they wanna come to my hotel...

then i tell her ill leave her my room key and that im feelin the way shes carrying herself

(now shes getting wet)

then i tell her i wanna get with her cause shes a cutie and if she wants to come to my hotel all she gotta do is holler at me.

let her know im having an after party and we checking out at 6 in the morning. i often repeat 6 in the morning a couple times cause they fail to hear me the first time.

simple as.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a good look. Nothing wrong telling your girl that you think she is beautiful though. Not a random broad though.

haha at the gym if i hold a door for one of the older ladies that are good looking ill say your welcome beautiful.
old ladies love when young guys do that, they eat this %$!@ up

then i ask em if they wanna come to my hotel...

then i tell her ill leave her my room key and that im feelin the way shes carrying herself

(now shes getting wet)

then i tell her i wanna get with her cause shes a cutie and if she wants to come to my hotel all she gotta do is holler at me.

let her know im having an after party and we checking out at 6 in the morning. i often repeat 6 in the morning a couple times cause they fail to hear me the first time.

simple as.
Originally Posted by JKomorowski09

Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a good look. Nothing wrong telling your girl that you think she is beautiful though. Not a random broad though.

haha at the gym if i hold a door for one of the older ladies that are good looking ill say your welcome beautiful.
old ladies love when young guys do that, they eat this %$!@ up

then i ask em if they wanna come to my hotel...

then i tell her ill leave her my room key and that im feelin the way shes carrying herself

(now shes getting wet)

then i tell her i wanna get with her cause shes a cutie and if she wants to come to my hotel all she gotta do is holler at me.

let her know im having an after party and we checking out at 6 in the morning. i often repeat 6 in the morning a couple times cause they fail to hear me the first time.

simple as.

Originally Posted by JKomorowski09

Originally Posted by cguy610

Not a good look. Nothing wrong telling your girl that you think she is beautiful though. Not a random broad though.

haha at the gym if i hold a door for one of the older ladies that are good looking ill say your welcome beautiful.
old ladies love when young guys do that, they eat this %$!@ up

then i ask em if they wanna come to my hotel...

then i tell her ill leave her my room key and that im feelin the way shes carrying herself

(now shes getting wet)

then i tell her i wanna get with her cause shes a cutie and if she wants to come to my hotel all she gotta do is holler at me.

let her know im having an after party and we checking out at 6 in the morning. i often repeat 6 in the morning a couple times cause they fail to hear me the first time.

simple as.

Originally Posted by s dubl

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

 if a chick is beautiful then shes beautiful and whats so wrong about me acknowledging it?

not a damb thang.


at the same time might get some P out of it

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