Your Thoughts On Will.I.Am?

I swear there was once a time when he and the Black Eyed Peas were actually cool.

What happened?
He looks like K-Os

As for artist and producer like his group I don't think much of it. They make catchy pop music now and he rarely strays from that.
i think when he raps hes tries to sound like k-os, when he sings stevie wonder, his beats futuristic Michael jackson. he would be better if he stopped trying to impress ppl and just made the music he liked, but then he'd be ryan leslie status
Originally Posted by mFury

I swear there was once a time when he and the Black Eyed Peas were actually cool.

What happened?

yeah I agree....Will.I.Am and the BEP could use a hit or two to bump up their popularity.

Dude makes hits....whether or not he's your cup of tea is irrelevant.  People like his music, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. 
Talented but eccentric.

But he'll be in the music biz for a long time because he has crossover appeal. White folk love him.

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