Recent content by spacerace

  1. spacerace

    *UPDATE 6/27/15*.......Legend of Korra OFFICIAL THREAD..........MIGHT BE GETTING A NEW AIRBENDER SER

    this season is wayy better than the previous. the writers not being so reliant on the "avatar state" really helped.
  2. spacerace

    Mark Cuban destroys Skip Bayless and sorta Stephen A Smith

    Stephen A knew damn well to keep his mouth shut 
  3. spacerace

    Mortal Kombat 9

    I do, however, rarely online. pretty heavy on the offline scene here in the DMV. been to a few tournaments, placed 7th at Civil War.
  4. spacerace

    Official Nike Air Yeezy 2 thread vol. 2 - 6/9/12 Global Release Date: NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

    because nike will be tweeting the Y2 link to the flash version, not sure i see the purpose of the non flash site. 
  5. spacerace

    Post your EDC (everyday carry).

  6. spacerace

    Post your EDC (everyday carry).

  7. spacerace

    This Dude Is About To Go Night Night

    ummmm pics of your cousin. you know, so we can look out for her...
  8. spacerace

    Post your EDC (everyday carry).

    six year old pacsun wallet carmex 5 gum iphone  industrial carabiner with keys
  9. spacerace

    NT alphas, do "bad" chicks know how to smash?

    from my experience, performance is usually tied to class standing.
  10. spacerace

    Official Parks and Recreation Season 4 Thread vol. Vote Knope in 2012

    i love Big J for blessing us with great gifs
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