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  1. i am that dude

    Teen Kills Parents, Throws Party.

    Am I wrong though? It is a report, of a topic that was already on the 1st page; a lazy oversight on the part of OP
  2. i am that dude

    Teen Kills Parents, Throws Party.

    Am I wrong though? It is a report, of a topic that was already on the 1st page; a lazy oversight on the part of OP
  3. i am that dude

    Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

    Woopty damn do. Go eat at a family Oriental spot and they got their 10 y/o daughters doing this +%%% My neice is 3 and I can ask her to go get me a Coke and she can tell the difference between it and the other sodas. As far as what drinks go with what dishes, is it some formula that requires...
  4. i am that dude

    Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

    Woopty damn do. Go eat at a family Oriental spot and they got their 10 y/o daughters doing this +%%% My neice is 3 and I can ask her to go get me a Coke and she can tell the difference between it and the other sodas. As far as what drinks go with what dishes, is it some formula that requires...
  5. i am that dude

    Teen Kills Parents, Throws Party.

    dude, it's not even half way down the first page. You didn't look at all.
  6. i am that dude

    Teen Kills Parents, Throws Party.

    dude, it's not even half way down the first page. You didn't look at all.
  7. i am that dude

    NTers 25+: Do you guys still have trouble splitting the bill with your friends?

    It is a job you voluntarily signed up for though. When I left my last job, we had a going away party for me that was probably 30 deep. You would've hated working that. Of course, all you really would have had to do is write down each person's order, bring their food and drink, and even if...
  8. i am that dude

    NTers 25+: Do you guys still have trouble splitting the bill with your friends?

    It is a job you voluntarily signed up for though. When I left my last job, we had a going away party for me that was probably 30 deep. You would've hated working that. Of course, all you really would have had to do is write down each person's order, bring their food and drink, and even if...
  9. i am that dude

    Food Poisoning vol. Diarrhea FTL

    go get some magnesium citrate from the dollar store. It'll have you whistling
  10. i am that dude

    Food Poisoning vol. Diarrhea FTL

    go get some magnesium citrate from the dollar store. It'll have you whistling
  11. i am that dude

    Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

    People who are resistant to the thought process of feeling bullied by society into having to tip huge #s aren't that way because of an inability to afford it though. I just don't think you necessarily deserve or earned 20$+ for bringing me a drink from the fountain twice. And let's not even get...
  12. i am that dude

    Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

    People who are resistant to the thought process of feeling bullied by society into having to tip huge #s aren't that way because of an inability to afford it though. I just don't think you necessarily deserve or earned 20$+ for bringing me a drink from the fountain twice. And let's not even get...
  13. i am that dude

    How come breast aren't blurred out on National Geographic Channel?

    I loved the bootleg Halle Berry looking chic with the medium pizza nips who got a reduction. And Urbenyouth is somewhat right. You can use that loophole to like find boobies on youtube or something or in books in the library when we were in junior high
  14. i am that dude

    Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

    If you tip even when service is lousy, doesn't that then destroy the entire incentive to do exceptional and "earn" a tip, by of course doing what they are already supposed to do? I mean even so called exceptional service is what? You refilled some drinks, bought me a straw, some more plates if...
  15. i am that dude

    Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

    If you tip even when service is lousy, doesn't that then destroy the entire incentive to do exceptional and "earn" a tip, by of course doing what they are already supposed to do? I mean even so called exceptional service is what? You refilled some drinks, bought me a straw, some more plates if...
  16. i am that dude

    NTers 25+: Do you guys still have trouble splitting the bill with your friends?

    Yall have restaurants that actually limit the amount of split checks? What is the point of that? I've never heard of such foolishness. And if it's me and my normal circle, someone will just pick it up or even cover more than their share and it always comes back around either way since we're like...
  17. i am that dude

    NTers 25+: Do you guys still have trouble splitting the bill with your friends?

    Yall have restaurants that actually limit the amount of split checks? What is the point of that? I've never heard of such foolishness. And if it's me and my normal circle, someone will just pick it up or even cover more than their share and it always comes back around either way since we're like...
  18. i am that dude

    NT..Could someone identify the woman with this beautiful posterior?!

    butt really why does any thread about black girls and booty keep getting locked, even if they have been over for umpteen yrs tho?
  19. i am that dude

    NT..Could someone identify the woman with this beautiful posterior?!

    butt really why does any thread about black girls and booty keep getting locked, even if they have been over for umpteen yrs tho?
  20. i am that dude

    Why do women care so much about being pretty?

    He's just a high schooler who is trying to impress his NT brethren of chauvinist, psuedo intellectuals and appear "deep."
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