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  1. dylishis

    Sopooooooooooooo drunkkkk

    Wish I was drunk. This is the lamest Saturday night. Been %+%+##' around on NT and twitter since like... 6. I had no kind of plans this evening. smh
  2. dylishis

    why are you fat?

    CasperJr, how do you carry it? At 6'3" that might not look that bad. Although, I'm bad at man weight. I don't know how you guys aredistributed. I always thought men were heavier than women off GP. I don't know. Doesn't SOUND bad though. Guys say how much they weigh sometimesand it's like...
  3. dylishis

    why are you fat?

    It sounds cliche, but when folks say that you can't "diet" but you have to make a lifestyle change...that's real talk. But once you do it,it's always with you. Just gotta stay on it.
  4. dylishis

    ...should I laugh?

    Laugh if you think it's funny. Twisted thing to do though. If that was a stray, it's even more twisted. It trusted that guy enough to approach him and then gets kicked into a wall.That's disgusting.
  5. dylishis

    why are you fat?

    Seems that way but it's kinda like asking an addict what's hard about staying sober though. For someone that might have been fat theirwhole lives or might suffer from depression or some sort of overeating disorder, staying in shape and eating healthy can take a seriously concentrated effort.It...
  6. dylishis

    Yo.... remember that "leave brittany alone!" dude?

    Overcompensation isn't going to 'un-gay' this thread. You guys are hilarious.
  7. dylishis

    The official "I loathe Kelis' because she is a money hungry wench" thread. vol. Damn I feel for Nas

    The @%** is Nas even WORTH? Anyone know? Clearly, she's asking for Elvis money. What the hell?
  8. dylishis

    Yo.... remember that "leave brittany alone!" dude?

    Chris Crocker is pretty though! I thought he just dressed feminine. Is he transgendered?
  9. dylishis

    Interrupted in mid stroke

  10. dylishis

    Interrupted in mid stroke

    You're welcome. Just peachy.
  11. dylishis

    Interrupted in mid stroke

    Wow... I think I love you, Meagaveli.
  12. dylishis

    No Entourage on Sunday Night UNAPPRECIATION! Vol. I need my fix of Sloan

    I know. Long time until June/July...whenever it comes back. I only really watch TV shows that are OnDemand so I guess this leaves time for something else to get into. Bored to Death is pretty good. They %+#%!#* took'Hung' off the OnD menu before I got to finish.
  13. dylishis

    How to tell if the sales clerk,etc. is feeling you?

    Yeah, in this case she may have just been doing her job.
  14. dylishis

    Drug Dealers vs. Drug Addicts Vol. Who's Worse?

    I don't judge addicts one way or another. I don't think that's something that people should judge unless they've been there and know whatit's like. Drug dealers, however? I have no respect for them. It's dangerous and reckless. I don't care what you're selling. If you're walking down thestreet...
  15. dylishis

    Woman stomping and Kicking Baby....SMDH

    Wow. That's not even my kid and I'd choke the life out of that !%#!+. What the hell?
  16. dylishis

    Long Island ice tea, is it a males drink?

    I haven't had a Long Island in a couple of years but guys always drank them. Although, college kids pretty much drink anything. I don't really seeanyone drinking them anymore. Guess drinks are more straight-laced as you get older. Although, I don't know how long it'll take for me to get to...
  17. dylishis

    Dear NT, What do you want for Christmas?

    Nothing I can think of really. Although, I wouldn't mind if Santa replaced my !%*+%% cell phone.
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