Long Island ice tea, is it a males drink?

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by therainycity206

Thanks for the tips

NP, I might have your meaning wrong though. Did you want help on a gentleman's drink from the cocktail sense? Hendrick's martini is gold from that sense along with that gimlet. But a man's drink, that's more in the realm of the liquor+mixers I think. Vodka tonics (brand depending on how broke I am that night) are my thing from that category, and even then, some would say those are girly.
This man knows whats up.

My go-to cocktails are Hendrick's & Tonic and Sailor Jerrys & Coke.

If im doing shots, its Jameson.

I dont really drink vodka anymore, but i prefer Ketel when i do.
Yeah, wasn't a big fan of gin til I had my first Hendrick's gin fizz. Basically made me appreciate all sorts of cocktails after that.Don't know if you're much of a fan of regular light rum, but 10 Cane is too good. But back to the other thing, if any of you dislike gin for whateverreason, Hendrick's will forever change your mind on it.
Originally Posted by Verdykt

My go-to cocktails are Hendrick's & Tonic and Sailor Jerrys & Coke.
All my friend drinks. He buys those Mexican cokes to go with the Sailor Jerrys

Thats exactly what i do. The Mexican coke makes such a difference.

Real cane sugar ftw.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

if u aint drinkin 151 u aint drinkin...
I mean, 151 gives LC that roundhouse kick, but alone? I don't know about all that.

I ain't drank 151 like that since I got me a job.
This whole Mens Drink and Womens drink is BS.....

Dont act like them fruity drinks don't taste good plus get you lifted...

Booze is Booze

Agreed. But at the same time if you a dude and you order a Shirley Temple you might get hit with the
Its definately not a womans drink.............My batchelor party....i had 2 regular glass LIT`s and a 32 OZ LIT.............Yes, i was very sick that night anddidnt even make it to the strip club.
Bottom line is, drink what you like, but...

Appletinis will get you drunk too, that doesnt mean they arent girly.

Im just sayin...
I don't get caught up in all that...if it's a male/female or young/old drink.

If it tastes good and does what it's supposed to do...which is either to get me **%#@! up or maintain my buzz, I could care less.

It could be called Maxi-Pad Martini. I do not care.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Its definately not a womans drink.............My batchelor party....i had 2 regular glass LIT`s and a 32 OZ LIT.............Yes, i was very sick that night and didnt even make it to the strip club.

Dam that was all bad.
Didnt even make it to the best part.
The only time I've been more than a little tipsy was when I had almost a whole LIIT in less than 2 minutes. That coupled along with a drink or two I hadbeforehand did me in. It just tasted like such a weak drink and nobody warned me!
Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by therainycity206

Thanks for the tips

NP, I might have your meaning wrong though. Did you want help on a gentleman's drink from the cocktail sense? Hendrick's martini is gold from that sense along with that gimlet. But a man's drink, that's more in the realm of the liquor+mixers I think. Vodka tonics (brand depending on how broke I am that night) are my thing from that category, and even then, some would say those are girly.
This man knows whats up.

My go-to cocktails are Hendrick's & Tonic and Sailor Jerrys & Coke.

If im doing shots, its Jameson.

I dont really drink vodka anymore, but i prefer Ketel when i do.
Yeah, wasn't a big fan of gin til I had my first Hendrick's gin fizz. Basically made me appreciate all sorts of cocktails after that. Don't know if you're much of a fan of regular light rum, but 10 Cane is too good. But back to the other thing, if any of you dislike gin for whatever reason, Hendrick's will forever change your mind on it.

Ikari, im taking your word for it and if you're wrong im gonna put you on blast

As an alcoholic, I will drink just about anything that has alcohol content in it... except gin. I could never get over that floral/herby aftertaste it leaves. I've only tried Sapphire and Tanqueray (sp?) and both were foul. As an anti-gin person, I will give it one more go with this Hendrick's stuff youtalkin bout. Don't lead me astray.
Hendricks doesnt use Juniper (which is what gives most gin the taste youre not liking).

They infuse it with cucumber.

Very refreshing.
When I used to drink the hard stuff this was a drink I had to start off the night, I don't care what anyone says...

One night I had 5 in a row, done....
I drink whatever the %+*@ I like, Long Islands included.

Y'all are losers if you let stereotypes influence your choices
^ gonna pick up a bottle on the way home from the office tonight. It should go well with watching Machida beat the snot out of Shogun this weekend. Thanks forthe recommendation fellas.
Originally Posted by Pitman13

You wanna get smacked quickly, drink two Long Island's, and you'll be Kanye in "We Were Once a Fairytale"


A while ago I drank two in 15 minutes and completely ruined the whole night out.

My brother was pissed
Drank 4 of these in one night. Wow.

Black Superman is my new go-to. If made correctly, crack in the form of a mixed drink.
I haven't had a Long Island in a couple of years but guys always drank them. Although, college kids pretty much drink anything. I don't really seeanyone drinking them anymore. Guess drinks are more straight-laced as you get older. Although, I don't know how long it'll take for me to get to wherethe old folks are where they just take their @$*+ straight with some ice. Clearly, I ain't THAT grown yet. I need some juice.
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