Search results

  1. drones

    For Sale: DS 2007 Pee Wee Herman Dunk-Hi SBs (Sz. 11, $400 shipped)

    Wattup NT. I've been holding these since they dropped over a decade ago but it's time to let them go. These Pee Wees have never been worn even once and come with their original black and purple Dunk SB box. As you can see the suede is still flawless. These shoes are infamous for the insole...
  2. drones

    Identifying/Selling Antiques?

    So my moms friend has a ton of antiques she wants me to help her sell and she will give me some of the money. Frankly though the stuff is hard for me to identify because its so old and from all over the world. Any advice on how I can ID this stuff and its value? Here's a pic of two items. The...
  3. drones

    Noam Chomsky: Slavery and white fear of revenge ‘deeply rooted in American culture’

    In light of all of the murders/lynchings of black men across the country in the last few months by racist police officers and vigilantes, I thought I'd post some thoughts from the great scholar Noam Chomsky so as to provide some possible explanation for why certain sectors of the dominant...
  4. drones

    Black Neighborhood Unites to Open a Grocery Store in North Carolina
  5. drones

    Post The Worst Rap Video You Can Find

    This should be entertaining.  Can anyone top Mr. Kro?
  6. drones

    Replacing California Driver's License Without An Appointment?

    So I misplaced my drivers license and need a new one, but all of the appointments at the DMV are backed up into September. I know it would involve a ton of waiting, but is it possible to just walk in there and apply for a replacement without an appointment? I really can't wait until September...
  7. drones

    No Black Person Is Ugly - Lil B

    I know there's a thread for him but this is pretty out of the box for Lil B. Pretty dope, positive video. I'm just waiting for a large section of his fans to out their real feelings after this one.
  8. drones

    Selling At Flea Markets?

    Anyone ever done this? Seems like a good way to vend products in person being that online is so crowded of a market.
  9. drones

    Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

    This guy talks like he's an anime character, this is next level simping.  Seven reported dead, more injured.  Shooter thought to be among the dead.
  10. drones

    Posters You Wish Still Posted

    Who do you wish still posted on NT and Why? Mine: Purple Face - This guy was funny in an absurd, bizarre kind of way.  Always brought lols. Younghollywood - I liked his perspective as a made man, always had good advice for dudes who were still trying to come up in the game.  I believe he got...
  11. drones

    Anyone on NT Twitterfamous/Instafamous? Vol. 10k+

    Anyone here with 10k+ followers?  If so, is it for anything specific?  Not looking to come up with this, Just wondering but I've also got a potential business proposal for anyone interested.  Feel free to plug your page so NT can see
  12. drones

    Nellygeddon: Mexican Radio Station in SF Has Been Playing 'Hot in Hurr' For TWENTY HOURS

    Listen for yourself.  The DJ must've had a stroke or something at 3 in the afternoon.
  13. drones

    Flaker Excuses You've Heard?

    What kind of goofy excuses have you heard people tell you for as to why they can't buy your item?  Since I've started selling clothes I've gotten tons of these, and the stuff people make up has no end.  "My wife is sick and I have to take her to the hospital" "I'm on the other side of town"...
  14. drones

    Telling Your Lady She's Gained Weight this doable without it going completely south? Not trying to offend the girl but ever since she stopped playing water polo it's been weed, milkshakes and fast food. And it shows. She's pudgy now and it's a turnoff. Her best friend who's always around is in excellent shape and fly...
  15. drones

    Arizona Thread? Desert NTers, Check In

    I realize this has probably been done before, but we need a new one.  Arizona heads check in, not necessarily from the Valley but anywhere.  Ya'll been to Portillo's in Tempe yet?  Straight fire, lol.
  16. drones

    Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes Tells Sean Hannity 'black Dominicans in New York Abuse Food Stamps As

    I used to like Vice, but always wondered why there weren't any black correspondents or why they always demonized black countries.  Come to find it's because their co-founder is a flaming white supremacist...
  17. drones

    Marketing An Online Clothing Store? (Not A Plug, Seeking Advice)

    I sell vintage sports gear online. After dealing with BS eBay buyer favoritism and their ridiculous 14% cut, I made my own website selling my wares. but in 11 days I've only sold a few items. How can I market this site to get more people to see it? I've started a Facebook page (4 likes, just...
  18. drones

    Moral Dilemma/Friends Stealing From Friends.

    The other night, a female friend (A) told me she was having a party, and one of the things she said was that I could invite whoever I wanted so I brought a friend (T). At some point my friend that I brought found a bag of green and we didnt know whose it was. Used some of it, he kept it, and I...
  19. drones

    Tips On Marketing Your Website and Building Your Brand? Entrepreneurs, Weigh In

    So I've recently decided to try building an online business selling vintage clothes, mostly related to sports. So far I have an eBay site and an Instagram with my wares on it but I'm having trouble actually moving products as quickly as Id want. Anyone who's built a brand before, what are...
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