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  1. kickgameserious

    What is the ugliest Jordan of all time? Post a pic

    I would say it was after 14 when things went down hill wit the exception of the 17s
  2. kickgameserious

    What is the ugliest Jordan of all time? Post a pic

    I would have to disagree with you....the bel air Vs aren't just ugly they are an abomination!!!!! These seriously look like the ppl at nike/jb chose the colors by throwing darts at a board blind folded.....if I was will smith I would feel more disrespected than honored by these
  3. kickgameserious

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    Really excited about this potential release......missed on the pack from a few yrs ago not a big fan of the white infrared happy to be able to just cop the blacks.....
  4. kickgameserious

    Air Jordan 5 2013 "Elephant print" 23rd anniversary

    wasn't a fan of the 3lab5......these are a lil better but I like elephant print as a touch instead of the main concept in my opinion if they where going to draw inspiration from the aj 3 why not 100%? like maybe a black cement 5 or a white cement 5 with the elephant print on the mud guard and...
  5. kickgameserious

    *2013 NFC North Trash Talk Thread™ ® --> Lions Hire Jim Caldwell as Head Coach.

    Looking at the NFC North this year has me very excited to be a lions fan........this division looks as wide open as I can remember wit det at 3-2 bears with the same record and with the packers at 2-2 and the Vikings bringing up the rear at 1-3 all 4 teams have shown some really good and some...
  6. kickgameserious

    [..::Air Jordan Retro X White / Black – Light Steel Grey "Steel" 10/12/2013 - $170::..]

    I really like the X and this is one of the better color ways a must cop in my humble opinion
  7. kickgameserious

    Air Jordan 5 "Oreo"

    cnt make my mind up on these.....50/50 leaning toward pass but I gt a lil while to decide thank god
  8. kickgameserious

    Most Underrated Jordans? (In Your Opinion)

    tablet was messing up but I was talking about this vastly underrated and thank god they were!!!
  9. kickgameserious

    Most Underrated Jordans? (In Your Opinion)

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red34\green34\blue34;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl380\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs32 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }...
  10. kickgameserious

    Official "What's your FAVORITE Jordan of all time?"

    Top 5 5. Fire Red iii 4. Thunder IV 3. Bred IV 2. Black Cement iii 1. Raging Bull/Toro Bravo V
  11. kickgameserious

    Jordan Retro 3 “Powder Blue” - Jan. 18, 2014 (NO BUYING, SELLING, TRADING)

    I got much luv 4 the 3......but this isn't my speed maybe if the powder blue was used more as a ascent instead of the focus
  12. kickgameserious

    *2013 NFC North Trash Talk Thread™ ® --> Lions Hire Jim Caldwell as Head Coach.

    even tho the game is in green bay and the packers have rodgas ima go with det our run game with bush and bell along wit Stafford and cj is gonna be to much 4 the packers suspect d not to mention our font 4 is gonna be all over 12
  13. kickgameserious

    What is the best looking Jordan? Post a picture

    my vote is the raging bull/toro bravo V....also great quality black cement 3 is a close 2nd
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